12#ifndef ROOT_TAttFillEditor
13#define ROOT_TAttFillEditor
ULong_t Pixel_t
Pixel value.
#define ClassDefOverride(name, id)
winID h TVirtualViewer3D TVirtualGLPainter p
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t height
Implements GUI for editing fill attributes.
virtual void ConnectSignals2Slots()
Connect signals to slots.
virtual void GetCurAlpha()
Slot to update alpha value on click on Slider.
TGNumberEntryField * fAlphaField
virtual void DoFillColor(Pixel_t color)
Slot connected to the fill area color.
TAttFillEditor(const TGWindow *p=nullptr, Int_t width=140, Int_t height=30, UInt_t options=kChildFrame, Pixel_t back=GetDefaultFrameBackground())
Constructor of fill attributes GUI.
void SetModel(TObject *obj) override
Pick up the used fill attributes.
virtual void DoFillPattern(Style_t color)
Slot connected to the fill area pattern.
TGColorSelect * fColorSelect
fill color widget
virtual void DoLiveAlpha(Int_t a)
Slot to set alpha value online.
virtual void DoAlphaField()
Slot to set the alpha value from the entry field.
~TAttFillEditor() override
Destructor of fill editor.
TAttFill * fAttFill
fill attribute object
TGHSlider * fAlpha
fill opacity
virtual void DoAlpha()
Slot to set the alpha value.
TGedPatternSelect * fPatternSelect
fill pattern widget
virtual void DoFillAlphaColor(ULongptr_t p)
Slot connected to the fill area color with alpha.
Fill Area Attributes class.
Like a checkbutton but instead of the check mark there is color area with a little down arrow.
static Pixel_t GetDefaultFrameBackground()
Get default frame background.
Concrete class for horizontal slider.
ROOT GUI Window base class.
Base frame for implementing GUI - a service class.
is a button with pattern area with a little down arrow.
Mother of all ROOT objects.