Abstract base class for MC event generator implementations like RooAcceptReject and RooFoam.
RooArgSet _catVars
Set of discrete observabeles.
RooArgSet _realVars
Set of real valued observabeles.
std::unique_ptr< RooAbsArg > _funcValStore
RRV storing function value in context.
virtual std::string const & generatorName() const =0
Return unique name of generator implementation.
const RooAbsReal * _funcMaxVal
Container for maximum function value.
RooArgSet _cloneSet
Set owning clone of input function.
virtual double getFuncMax()
virtual bool canSampleCategories() const
RooAbsReal * _funcClone
Pointer to top level node of cloned function.
void setVerbose(bool verbose=true)
bool _verbose
Verbose flag.
virtual ~RooAbsNumGenerator()
virtual bool canSampleConditional() const
RooRealVar * _funcValPtr
RRV storing function value in output dataset.
void attachParameters(const RooArgSet &vars)
Reattach original parameters to function clone.
std::unique_ptr< RooDataSet > _cache
Dataset holding generared values of observables.
virtual RooAbsNumGenerator * clone(const RooAbsReal &, const RooArgSet &genVars, const RooArgSet &condVars, const RooNumGenConfig &config, bool verbose=false, const RooAbsReal *maxFuncVal=nullptr) const =0
virtual const RooArgSet * generateEvent(UInt_t remaining, double &resampleRatio)=0
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