struct Hoption_t Hoption_t
Histograms' drawing options structure.
int Curve
"C" A smooth Curve is drawn.
int Proj
"AITOFF", "MERCATOR", "SINUSOIDAL" and "PARABOLIC" projections for 2d plots.
int Axis
"A" Axis are not drawn around the graph.
int Box
"BOX" Draw 2D plot with proportional Boxes.
int Scat
"SCAT" Draw 2D plot a Scatter plot.
int Text
"TEXT" Draw 2D plot with the content of each cell.
int Color
"COL" Draw 2D plot with Colored boxes.
int AxisPos
"X+" and "Y+" Axis position
int List
"LIST" Generate the TObjArray "contours". To be used with option "CONT"
int Logx
log scale in X. Also set by histogram option
int Zscale
"Z" Display the color palette.
int MinimumZero
"MIN0" or gStyle->GetHistMinimumZero()
int Contour
"CONTn" Draw 2D plot as a Contour plot (0 <= n <= 5).
int Off
"][" The first and last vertical lines are not drawn.
int Func
"FUNC" Draw only the function (for example in case of fit).
long Candle
"CANDLE" and "VIOLIN" Draw a 2D histogram as candle/box plot or violin plot.
int Spec
"SPEC" TSpectrum graphics
int FrontBox
"FB" Suppress the front box for the 3D plots.
int Pie
"PIE" Draw 1D plot as a pie chart.
int Char
"CHAR" Draw 2D plot with a character set.
int Star
"*" With option "P", a * is plotted at each point.
int Zero
"0" if selected with any LEGO option the empty bins are not drawn.
int Logz
log scale in Z. Also set by histogram option
int Tri
"TRI" Draw TGraph2D with Delaunay triangles.
int BackBox
"BB" Suppress the back box for the 3D plots.
int Mark
"P" The current Marker is drawn at each point.
int Arrow
"ARR" Draw 2D plot with Arrows.
int Line
"L" A simple polyline through every point is drawn.
int Same
"SAME" Histogram is plotted in the current pad.
int Lego
"LEGO" and "LEGOn" Draw as a Lego plot(1 <= n <= 4).
int Bar
"B", "BAR" and "HBAR" A Bar chart is drawn at each point.
int Fill
"F" A fill area is drawn ("CF" draw a smooth fill area).
int Hist
"HIST" Draw only the histogram.
int Surf
"SURF" and "SURFn" Draw as a Surface ((1 <= n <= 4).
int Logy
log scale in Y. Also set by histogram option
int System
"POL", "CYL", "SPH" and "PSR" Type of coordinate system for 3D plots.
int Error
"En" Draw Errors with current marker type and size (0 <= n <=6).