class | TBrowserPlugin |
| Helper class used to manage plugins (command or macro to be executed). More...
class | TCursorSwitcher |
| Helper class used to change the cursor in a method and restore the original one when going out of the method scope. More...
class | TDNDData |
| Drag and drop data container. More...
class | TG16ColorSelector |
| A composite frame with 16 TGColorFrames. More...
class | TGApplication |
| This class initialize the ROOT GUI toolkit. More...
class | TGButton |
| A button abstract base class. More...
class | TGButtonGroup |
| Organizes TGButton widgets in a group. More...
class | TGCanvas |
| A frame containing two scrollbars (a horizontal and a vertical) and a viewport. More...
class | TGCheckButton |
| Selects different options. More...
class | TGClient |
| Window client. More...
class | TGColorDialog |
| A full featured color selection dialog. More...
class | TGColorFrame |
| A small frame with border showing a specific color. More...
class | TGColorPalette |
| A widget showing an matrix of color cells. More...
class | TGColorPick |
| A widget which allows a color to be picked from HLS color space. More...
class | TGColorPopup |
| A popup containing a TG16ColorSelector and a "More..." button which popups up a TGColorDialog allowing custom color selection. More...
class | TGColorSelect |
| Like a checkbutton but instead of the check mark there is color area with a little down arrow. More...
class | TGColumnLayout |
| The following layout manager do not make use of TGLayoutHints. More...
class | TGComboBox |
| A combobox (also known as a drop down listbox) allows the selection of one item out of a list of items. More...
class | TGComboBoxPopup |
| A service class of the combobox. More...
class | TGCommandPlugin |
| Class used to redirect the command line input/output. More...
class | TGCompositeFrame |
| The base class for composite widgets (menu bars, list boxes, etc.). More...
class | TGContainer |
| Manages a content area. More...
class | TGDockableFrame |
| A frame with handles that allow it to be undocked (i.e. More...
class | TGDoubleHSlider |
| Dragging the slider will generate the event: More...
class | TGDoubleSlider |
| DoubleSlider widgets allow easy selection of a min and a max value out of a range. More...
class | TGDoubleVSlider |
| Dragging the slider will generate the event: More...
class | TGDragWindow |
| Window used as drag icon during drag and drop operations. More...
class | TGEventHandler |
class | TGFileBrowser |
| System file browser, used as TRootBrowser plug-in. More...
class | TGFileDialog |
| This class creates a file selection dialog. More...
class | TGFileEntry |
| Utility class used by the file selection dialog (TGFSDialog). More...
class | TGFileIcon |
| Utility class used by the file selection dialog (TGFSDialog). More...
class | TGFont |
| Encapsulate fonts used in the GUI system. More...
class | TGFontDialog |
| Font selection dialog, allowing to select one in the list of available fonts in the system. More...
class | TGFontPool |
| Provides a pool of fonts. More...
class | TGFrame |
| A subclasses of TGWindow, and is used as base class for some simple widgets (buttons, labels, etc.). More...
class | TGFSComboBox |
| This is a combo box that is used in the File Selection dialog box. More...
class | TGFSContainer |
| Utility class used by the file selection dialog (TGFSDialog). More...
class | TGGC |
| Encapsulate a graphics context used in the low level graphics. More...
class | TGGroupFrame |
| A composite frame with a border and a title. More...
class | TGHButtonGroup |
| Organizes TGButton widgets in a group with one horizontal row. More...
class | TGHeaderFrame |
| Horizontal Frame used to contain header buttons and splitters in a list view. More...
class | TGHorizontal3DLine |
| A horizontal 3D line is a line that typically separates a toolbar from the menubar. More...
class | TGHorizontalFrame |
| A composite frame that layout their children in horizontal way. More...
class | TGHorizontalLayout |
class | TGHotString |
| TGHotString is a string with a "hot" character underlined. More...
class | TGHScrollBar |
| The TGHScrollBar will generate the following event messages: kC_HSCROLL, kSB_SLIDERPOS, position, 0 kC_HSCROLL, kSB_SLIDERTRACK, position, 0. More...
class | TGHSlider |
| Concrete class for horizontal slider. More...
class | TGIcon |
| This class handles GUI icons. More...
class | TGIconLBEntry |
| Icon + text listbox entry. More...
class | TGIdleHandler |
| Handle idle events, i.e. More...
class | TGImageMap |
| (with TGRegion and TGRegionWithId help classes) More...
class | TGInputDialog |
| Input Dialog Widget. More...
class | TGLabel |
| This class handles GUI labels. More...
class | TGLayoutHints |
| This class describes layout hints used by the layout classes. More...
class | TGLayoutManager |
| Frame layout manager. More...
class | TGLBContainer |
| A Composite frame that contains a list of TGLBEnties. More...
class | TGLBEntry |
| Basic listbox entries. More...
class | TGLineLBEntry |
| Line style and width listbox entries. More...
class | TGListBox |
| A listbox is a box, possibly with scrollbar, containing entries. More...
class | TGListDetailsLayout |
| This is a layout manager for the TGListView widget. More...
class | TGListLayout |
| This is a layout manager for the TGListView widget. More...
class | TGListTree |
| A list tree is a widget that can contain a number of items arranged in a tree structure. More...
class | TGListView |
| A list view is a widget that can contain a number of items arranged in a grid or list. More...
class | TGMainFrame |
| Defines top level windows that interact with the system Window Manager. More...
class | TGMatrixLayout |
| This layout managers does not make use of TGLayoutHints. More...
class | TGMdiDecorFrame |
| This file contains all different MDI frame decoration classes. More...
class | TGMdiFrame |
| This file contains the TGMdiFrame class. More...
class | TGMdiMainFrame |
| This file contains the TGMdiMainFrame class. More...
class | TGMdiMenu |
| This file contains the TGMdiMenuBar class. More...
class | TGMenuBar |
| The TGMenu.h header contains all different menu classes. More...
class | TGMime |
| TGMime is internally used by TGMimeTypes. More...
class | TGMimeTypes |
| This class handles mime types, used by browsers to map file types to applications and icons. More...
class | TGNumberEntry |
| TGNumberEntry is a number entry input widget with up/down buttons. More...
class | TGObject |
| This class is the baseclass for all ROOT GUI widgets. More...
class | TGPack |
| Stack of frames in horizontal (default) or vertical stack. More...
class | TGPasswdDialog |
| Graphic dialog to enter passwords. More...
class | TGPicture |
| The TGPicture class implements pictures and icons used in the different GUI elements and widgets. More...
class | TGPictureButton |
| Yield an action as soon as it is clicked. More...
class | TGProgressBar |
| The classes in this file implement progress bars. More...
class | TGRadioButton |
| Selects different options. More...
class | TGRedirectOutputGuard |
| This class provides output redirection to a TGTextView in guaranteed exception safe way. More...
class | TGResourcePool |
| This class implements a pool for the default GUI resource set, like GC's, colors, fonts, etc. More...
class | TGRowLayout |
| The following two layout managers do not make use of TGLayoutHints. More...
class | TGScrollBar |
| The classes in this file implement scrollbars. More...
class | TGScrollBarElements |
| The "head", "tail" and "slider". More...
class | TGShapedFrame |
| A Shaped window. More...
class | TGShutter |
| A shutter widget contains a set of shutter items that can be open and closed like a shutter. More...
class | TGSimpleTable |
| To provide a simple class to visualize an array of doubles, the class TGSimpleTable is provided. More...
class | TGSimpleTableInterface |
| TGSimpleTableInterface is a very simple implementation of a TVirtualTableInterface. More...
class | TGSlider |
| Slider widgets allow easy selection of a range. More...
class | TGSpeedo |
| TGSpeedo is a widget looking like a speedometer, with a needle, a counter and a small odometer window. More...
class | TGSplitButton |
| Implements a button with added menu functionality. More...
class | TGSplitFrame |
| A split frame. More...
class | TGSplitter |
| A splitter allows the frames left and right or above and below of it to be resized. More...
class | TGSplitTool |
| A split frame tool tip. More...
class | TGStatusBar |
| Provides a StatusBar widget. More...
class | TGString |
| TGString wraps a TString and adds some graphics routines like drawing, size of string on screen depending on font, etc. More...
class | TGTab |
| A tab widget contains a set of composite frames each with a little tab with a name (like a set of folders with tabs). More...
class | TGTabElement |
| Service classes of the tab widget. More...
class | TGTabLayout |
| Service classes of the tab widget. More...
class | TGTable |
| Create an array to hold a bunch of numbers. More...
class | TGTableCell |
| TGTableCell is the class that represents a single cell in a TGTable. More...
class | TGTableFrame |
| TGTableFrame contains a composite frame that uses a TGMatrixLayout to Layout the frames it contains. More...
class | TGTableHeader |
| TGTableHeader is the class that implements a header for a row or column. More...
class | TGTableHeaderFrame |
| TGTableHeaderFrame implements a frame used to display TGTableHeaders in a TGTable. More...
class | TGTableLayout |
| A layout manager, which places child frames in a table arranged in rows and columns, making it easy to align many widgets next each to other horizontally and vertically. More...
class | TGTableLayoutHints |
| This class describes layout hints used by the TGTableLayout class. More...
class | TGText |
| A TGText is a multi line text buffer. More...
class | TGTextBuffer |
| A text buffer is used in several widgets, like TGTextEntry, TGFileDialog, etc. More...
class | TGTextButton |
| Yield an action as soon as it is clicked. More...
class | TGTextEdit |
| A TGTextEdit is a specialization of TGTextView. More...
class | TGTextEditDialogs |
| This file defines several dialogs that are used by the TGTextEdit widget via its associated context popup menu. More...
class | TGTextEditor |
| A simple text editor that uses the TGTextEdit widget. More...
class | TGTextEntry |
| A TGTextEntry is a one line text input widget. More...
class | TGTextLayout |
| Is used to keep track of string measurement information when using the text layout facilities. More...
class | TGTextLBEntry |
| Text string listbox entries. More...
class | TGTextView |
| A TGTextView is a text viewer widget. More...
class | TGTextViewStream |
| A TGTextViewStream is a text viewer widget. More...
class | TGTileLayout |
| This is a layout manager for the TGListView widget. More...
class | TGToolBar |
| A toolbar is a composite frame that contains TGPictureButtons. More...
class | TGToolTip |
| A tooltip can be a one or multiple lines help text that is displayed in a window when the mouse cursor overs a widget, without clicking it. More...
class | TGTransientFrame |
| Defines transient windows that typically are used for dialogs windows. More...
class | TGTripleHSlider |
| TripleSlider inherit from DoubleSlider widgets and allow easy selection of a min, max and pointer value out of a range. More...
class | TGTripleVSlider |
| TripleSlider inherit from DoubleSlider widgets and allow easy selection of a min, max and pointer value out of a range. More...
class | TGUnknownWindowHandler |
| Handle events for windows that are not part of the native ROOT GUI. More...
class | TGVButtonGroup |
| Organizes TGButton widgets in a group with one vertical column. More...
class | TGVertical3DLine |
| A vertical 3D line is a line that can be used to separate groups of widgets. More...
class | TGVerticalFrame |
| A composite frame that layout their children in vertical way. More...
class | TGVerticalLayout |
class | TGView |
| A TGView provides the infrastructure for text viewer and editor widgets. More...
class | TGVScrollBar |
| The TGVScrollBar will generate the following event messages: kC_VSCROLL, kSB_SLIDERPOS, position, 0 kC_VSCROLL, kSB_SLIDERTRACK, position, 0. More...
class | TGVSlider |
| Concrete class for vertical slider. More...
class | TGWidget |
| The widget base class. More...
class | TGWindow |
| ROOT GUI Window base class. More...
class | TGXYLayout |
| Is a layout manager where the position and the size of each widget in the frame are defined by X / Y - coordinates. More...
class | TGXYLayoutHints |
| This layout hint must be used for the TGXYLayout manager! More...
class | TMsgBox |
| A message dialog box. More...
class | TRootApplication |
| This class create the ROOT native GUI version of the ROOT application environment. More...
class | TRootBrowser |
| This class creates a ROOT object browser, constituted by three main tabs. More...
class | TRootBrowserLite |
| This class creates a ROOT object browser (looking like Windows Explorer). More...
class | TRootCanvas |
| This class creates a main window with menubar, scrollbars and a drawing area. More...
class | TRootContextMenu |
| This class provides an interface to context sensitive popup menus. More...
class | TRootControlBar |
| This class provides an interface to the GUI dependent functions of the TControlBar class. More...
class | TRootDialog |
| A TRootDialog is used to prompt for the arguments of an object's member function. More...
class | TRootEmbeddedCanvas |
| This class creates a TGCanvas in which a TCanvas is created. More...
class | TRootEmbeddedContainer |
| Utility class used by TRootEmbeddedCanvas. More...
class | TRootGuiFactory |
| This class is a factory for ROOT GUI components. More...
class | TRootHelpDialog |
| A TRootHelpDialog is used to display help text (or any text in a dialog window). More...
class | TVirtualDragManager |