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Math tutorials

Examples showing the Math classes.


file  Bessel.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Show the different kinds of Bessel functions available in ROOT To execute the macro type in:
file  Bessel.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Show the different kinds of Bessel functions available in ROOT To execute the macro type in:
file  binomial.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN tutorial illustrating the use of TMath::Binomial can be run with:
file  ChebyshevPol.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example of Chebyshev polynomials using new TFormula pre-defined definitions of chebyshev polynomials
file  chi2test.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example to use chi2 test for comparing two histograms One unweighted histogram is compared with a weighted histogram.
file  CrystalBall.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example of CrystalBall Function and its distribution (pdf and cdf)
file  exampleFunction.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example of using Python functions and input to numerical algorithm using the ROOT Functor class
file  exampleFunctor.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Tutorial illustrating how creating a TF1 class using functor or class member functions
file  exampleMultiRoot.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example of using multiroot finder based on GSL algorithm.
file  exampleTKDE.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example of using the TKDE class (kernel density estimator)
file  FeldmanCousins.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example macro of using the TFeldmanCousins class in root.
file  GammaFun.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example showing the usage of the major special math functions (gamma, beta, erf) in ROOT To execute the macro type in:
file  goftest.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN GoFTest tutorial macro
file  hlquantiles.C
 Demo for quantiles (with highlight mode)
file  kdTreeBinning.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN kdTreeBinning tutorial: bin the data in cells of equal content using a kd-tree
file  Legendre.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example of first few Legendre Polynomials
file  Legendre.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example of first few Legendre Polynomials.
file  LegendreAssoc.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example describing the usage of different kinds of Associate Legendre Polynomials To execute the macro type in:
file  limit.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN This program demonstrates the computation of 95 % C.L.
file  mathBeta.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Test the TMath::BetaDist and TMath::BetaDistI functions
file  mathcoreCDF.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example describing how to use the different cumulative distribution functions in ROOT.
file  mathcoreGenVector.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example macro testing available methods and operation of the GenVector classes.
file  mathcoreSpecFunc.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example macro describing how to use the special mathematical functions taking full advantage of the precision and speed of the C99 compliant environments.
file  mathcoreStatFunc.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example macro showing some major probability density functions in ROOT.
file  mathcoreStatFunc.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example macro showing some major probability density functions in ROOT.
file  mathcoreVectorCollection.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example showing how to write and read a std vector of ROOT::Math LorentzVector in a ROOT tree.
file  mathcoreVectorFloatIO.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Macro illustrating I/O with Lorentz Vectors of floats The dictionary for LorentzVector of float is not in the libMathCore, therefore is generated when parsed the file with CINT.
file  mathcoreVectorIO.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example of I/O of a mathcore Lorentz Vectors in a Tree and comparison with a TLorentzVector.
file  mathGammaNormal.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Tutorial illustrating the use of TMath::GammaDist and TMath::LogNormal
file  mathLaplace.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Test the TMath::LaplaceDist and TMath::LaplaceDistI functions
file  mathmoreIntegration.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example on the usage of the adaptive 1D integration algorithm of MathMore it calculates the numerically cumulative integral of a distribution (like in this case the BreitWigner) to execute the macro type it (you need to compile with AClic)
file  mathStudent.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Tutorial illustrating the use of the Student and F distributions
file  multidimSampling.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example of sampling a multi-dim distribution using the DistSampler class NOTE: This tutorial must be run with ACLIC
file  multivarGaus.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Tutorial illustrating the multivariate gaussian random number generation
file  normalDist.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Tutorial illustrating the new statistical distributions functions (pdf, cdf and quantile)
file  normalDist.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Tutorial illustrating the new statistical distributions functions (pdf, cdf and quantile)
file  permute.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Tutorial illustrating the use of TMath::Permute can be run with:
file  principal.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Principal Components Analysis (PCA) example
file  principal.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Principal Components Analysis (PCA) example
file  quantiles.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Demo for quantiles
file  quasirandom.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example of generating quasi-random numbers
file  Rolke.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example of the usage of the TRolke class The TRolke class computes the profile likelihood confidence limits for 7 different model assumptions on systematic/statistical uncertainties
file  testrandom.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Performance test of all the ROOT random generator (TRandom, TRandom1, TRandom2 and TRandom3) Tests the generator TRandom3 against some ref values and creates a timing table against TRandom, TRandom1 and TRandom2.
file  tStudent.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example macro describing the student t distribution
file  tStudent.py
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example macro describing the student t distribution
file  TSVDUnfoldExample.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Data unfolding using Singular Value Decomposition
file  vavilov.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Test of the TMath::Vavilov distribution