28 RH2D hist1({10, 0., 1.}, {{0., 1., 2., 3., 10.}});
31 hist1.
Fill({0.01, 1.02});
33 RH2D hist2({{{10, 0., 1.}, {{0., 1., 2., 3., 10.}}}});
35 hist2.
Fill({0.02, 1.03});
39 int binidx = hist1.GetImpl()->GetBinIndex({0.01, 1.02});
40 std::cout << hist1.GetImpl()->GetBinContent(binidx) << std::endl;
Histogram class for histograms with DIMENSIONS dimensions, where each bin count is stored by a value ...
void Fill(const CoordArray_t &x, Weight_t weight=(Weight_t) 1) noexcept
Add weight to the bin containing coordinate x.
void Add(RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT_TO... > &to, const RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT_FROM... > &from)
Add two histograms.