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rf206_treevistools.C File Reference

Detailed Description

View in nbviewer Open in SWAN 'ADDITION AND CONVOLUTION' RooFit tutorial macro #206

Tools for visualization of RooAbsArg expression trees

Processing /mnt/build/workspace/root-makedoc-v614/rootspi/rdoc/src/v6-14-00-patches/tutorials/roofit/rf206_treevistools.C...
RooFit v3.60 -- Developed by Wouter Verkerke and David Kirkby
Copyright (C) 2000-2013 NIKHEF, University of California & Stanford University
All rights reserved, please read http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt
0x7ffc0410d410 RooAddPdf::model = 0.582695 [Auto,Dirty]
0x7ffc0410e138/V- RooAddPdf::bkg = 0.16539 [Auto,Dirty]
0x7ffc0410f790/V- RooChebychev::bkg1 = 0.8 [Auto,Dirty]
0x7ffc041129d0/V- RooRealVar::x = 5
0x7ffc04110128/V- RooRealVar::a0 = 0.5
0x7ffc0410fd08/V- RooRealVar::a1 = 0.2
0x7ffc0410e8f0/V- RooRealVar::bkg1frac = 0.2
0x7ffc0410ed10/V- RooExponential::bkg2 = 0.00673795 [Auto,Dirty]
0x7ffc041129d0/V- RooRealVar::x = 5
0x7ffc0410f220/V- RooRealVar::alpha = -1
0x7ffc0410dbc8/V- RooRealVar::bkgfrac = 0.5
0x7ffc04110698/V- RooAddPdf::sig = 1 [Auto,Dirty]
0x7ffc041117e8/V- RooGaussian::sig1 = 1 [Auto,Dirty]
0x7ffc041129d0/V- RooRealVar::x = 5
0x7ffc041125b0/V- RooRealVar::mean = 5
0x7ffc04112180/V- RooRealVar::sigma1 = 0.5
0x7ffc04110e50/V- RooRealVar::sig1frac = 0.8
0x7ffc04111270/V- RooGaussian::sig2 = 1 [Auto,Dirty]
0x7ffc041129d0/V- RooRealVar::x = 5
0x7ffc041125b0/V- RooRealVar::mean = 5
0x7ffc04111d60/V- RooRealVar::sigma2 = 1
#include "RooRealVar.h"
#include "RooDataSet.h"
#include "RooGaussian.h"
#include "RooChebychev.h"
#include "RooAddPdf.h"
#include "RooExponential.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TAxis.h"
#include "RooPlot.h"
using namespace RooFit ;
void rf206_treevistools()
// S e t u p c o m p o s i t e p d f
// --------------------------------------
// Declare observable x
RooRealVar x("x","x",0,10) ;
// Create two Gaussian PDFs g1(x,mean1,sigma) anf g2(x,mean2,sigma) and their parameters
RooRealVar mean("mean","mean of gaussians",5) ;
RooRealVar sigma1("sigma1","width of gaussians",0.5) ;
RooRealVar sigma2("sigma2","width of gaussians",1) ;
RooGaussian sig1("sig1","Signal component 1",x,mean,sigma1) ;
RooGaussian sig2("sig2","Signal component 2",x,mean,sigma2) ;
// Sum the signal components into a composite signal p.d.f.
RooRealVar sig1frac("sig1frac","fraction of component 1 in signal",0.8,0.,1.) ;
RooAddPdf sig("sig","Signal",RooArgList(sig1,sig2),sig1frac) ;
// Build Chebychev polynomial p.d.f.
RooRealVar a0("a0","a0",0.5,0.,1.) ;
RooRealVar a1("a1","a1",0.2,0.,1.) ;
RooChebychev bkg1("bkg1","Background 1",x,RooArgSet(a0,a1)) ;
// Build expontential pdf
RooRealVar alpha("alpha","alpha",-1) ;
RooExponential bkg2("bkg2","Background 2",x,alpha) ;
// Sum the background components into a composite background p.d.f.
RooRealVar bkg1frac("bkg1frac","fraction of component 1 in background",0.2,0.,1.) ;
RooAddPdf bkg("bkg","Signal",RooArgList(bkg1,bkg2),bkg1frac) ;
// Sum the composite signal and background
RooRealVar bkgfrac("bkgfrac","fraction of background",0.5,0.,1.) ;
RooAddPdf model("model","g1+g2+a",RooArgList(bkg,sig),bkgfrac) ;
// P r i n t c o m p o s i t e t r e e i n A S C I I
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Print tree to stdout
model.Print("t") ;
// Print tree to file
model.printCompactTree("","rf206_asciitree.txt") ;
// D r a w c o m p o s i t e t r e e g r a p h i c a l l y
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Print GraphViz DOT file with representation of tree
model.graphVizTree("rf206_model.dot") ;
// Make graphic output file with one of the GraphViz tools
// (freely available from www.graphviz.org)
// 'Top-to-bottom graph'
// unix> dot -Tgif -o rf207_model_dot.gif rf207_model.dot
// 'Spring-model graph'
// unix> fdp -Tgif -o rf207_model_fdp.gif rf207_model.dot
07/2008 - Wouter Verkerke

Definition in file rf206_treevistools.C.