Logo ROOT   6.12/07
Reference Guide
Examples with External Packages

Connection to Linear Algebra classes

It is possible to use the Vector and Rotation classes together with the Linear Algebra classes. It is possible to set and get the contents of any 3D or 4D Vector from a Linear Agebra Vector class which implements an iterator or something which behaves like an iterator. For example a pointer to a C array (double *) behaves like an iterator. It is then assumed that the coordinates, like (x,y,z) will be stored contiguosly.

TVectorD       r2(N)                        // ROOT Linear Algebra Vector containing many vectors
XYZVector      v2;
v2.SetCoordinates(&r2[INDEX],&r2[index]+3); // construct vector from x=r[INDEX], y=r[INDEX+1], z=r[INDEX+2]

To fill a Linear Algebra Vector from a 3D or 4D Vector, with GetCoordinates() one can get the internal coordinate data.

HepVector      c(3);                        // CLHEP Linear algebra vector
v2.GetCoordinates(&c[0],&c[index]+3 )       // fill HepVector c with c[0] = x, c[1] = y , c[2] = z

Or using TVectorD

double * data[3];
TVectorD       r1(3,data);                  // create a new Linear Algebra vector copying the data

In the case of transformations, constructor and method to set/get components exist with Linear Algebra matrices. The requisite is that the matrix data are stored, for example in the cse of a LorentzRotation, from (0,0) thru (3,3)

TMatrixD(4,4) m;
LorentzRotation r(m)                        // create LorentzRotation from matrix m
r.GetComponents(m)                          // fill matrix m with LorentzRotation components

Connection to Other Vector classes

The 3D and 4D vectors of the GenVector package can be constructed and assigned from any Vector, which satisfies the following requisites:

CLHEP::Hep3Vector hv;
XYZVector  v1(hv);                          //  create  3D Vector from  CLHEP 3D Vector
HepGeom::Point3D <double>hp;
XYZPoint p1(hp);                            // create a 3D Point from CLHEP geom Point
CLHEP::HepLorentzVector  hq;
XYZTVector    q(hq);                        // create a LorentzVector  from CLHEP L.V.</double> 
