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Event Display

The Event Display classes.

Eve is a ROOT module based on experiment-independent part of the ALICE event display developed in cooperation between ALICE offline project and ROOT during the last two years. It has been used in ALICE for more than a year to perform high-level event visualization, debugging of simulation and reconstruction code as well as for raw-data visualization.

Papers describing Eve (older ones still using the old name - Reve):

Eve is built on top of ROOT's GUI, GL and GED infrastructure and delivers the following main features:

CMS geometry
A simulated ALICE pp@14TeV event in 3D
Hexagonal and rectangular digits
A r-phi projection with fish-eye transformation of a simulated ALICE pp@14TeV event
3DS shuttle object


class  TEveCaloData::CellData_t
 Cell data inner structure. More...
class  TEveCaloData::CellGeom_t
 Cell geometry inner structure. More...
class  TEve3DProjection
 3D scaling projection. More...
class  TEveArrow
 Class used for display of a thick arrow. More...
class  TEveArrowEditor
 GUI editor for TEveArrow. More...
class  TEveArrowGL
 OpenGL renderer class for TEveArrow. More...
class  TEveBox
 3D box with arbitrary vertices (cuboid). More...
class  TEveBoxGL
 OpenGL renderer class for TEveBox. More...
class  TEveBoxProjected
 Projection of TEveBox. More...
class  TEveBoxProjectedGL
 OpenGL renderer class for TEveBoxProjected. More...
class  TEveBoxSet
 Collection of 3D primitives (fixed-size boxes, boxes of different sizes, or arbitrary sexto-epipeds, cones). More...
class  TEveBoxSetGL
 A GL rendering class for TEveBoxSet. More...
class  TEveBrowser
 Specialization of TRootBrowser for Eve. More...
class  TEveCalo2D
 Visualization of a calorimeter event data in 2D. More...
class  TEveCalo2DGL
 OpenGL renderer class for TEveCalo2D. More...
class  TEveCalo3D
 Visualization of a calorimeter event data in 3D. More...
class  TEveCalo3DEditor
 GUI editor for TEveCalo3D. More...
class  TEveCalo3DGL
 OpenGL renderer class for TEveCalo3D. More...
class  TEveCaloData
 A central manager for calorimeter event data. More...
class  TEveCaloDataHist
 A central manager for calorimeter data of an event written in TH2F. More...
class  TEveCaloDataVec
 Calo data for universal cell geometry. More...
class  TEveCaloLego
 Visualization of calorimeter data as eta/phi histogram. More...
class  TEveCaloLegoEditor
 GUI editor for TEveCaloLego. More...
class  TEveCaloLegoGL
 OpenGL renderer class for TEveCaloLego. More...
class  TEveCaloLegoOverlay
 GL-overlay control GUI for TEveCaloLego. More...
class  TEveCaloViz
 Base class for calorimeter data visualization. More...
class  TEveCaloVizEditor
 GUI editor for TEveCaloEditor. More...
class  TEveChunkManager
 Vector-like container with chunked memory allocation. More...
class  TEveCompositeFrame
 Abstract base-class for frame-slots that encompass EVE-windows (sub-classes of TEveWindow). More...
class  TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame
 An EVE window-slot contained within a TGMainFrame. More...
class  TEveCompositeFrameInPack
 An EVE window-slot contained within one frame of a TGPack. More...
class  TEveCompositeFrameInTab
 An EVE window-slot contained within one tab of a TGTab. More...
class  TEveCompound
 Description of TEveCompound. More...
class  TEveCompoundProjected
 Description of TEveCompoundProjected. More...
class  TEveContextMenu
 Specialization of TContext menu. More...
class  TEveDigitSet
 Base-class for storage of digit collections; provides transformation matrix (TEveTrans), signal to color mapping (TEveRGBAPalette) and visual grouping (TEveFrameBox). More...
class  TEveDigitSetEditor
 Editor for TEveDigitSet class. More...
class  TEveDigitSetGL
 OpenGL renderer class for TEveDigitSet. More...
class  TEveElement
 Base class for TEveUtil visualization elements, providing hierarchy management, rendering control and list-tree item management. More...
class  TEveElementEditor
 Editor for TEveElement class. More...
class  TEveElementList
 A list of TEveElements. More...
class  TEveElementListProjected
 A projected element list – required for proper propagation of render state to projected views. More...
class  TEveElementObjectPtr
 TEveElement with external TObject as a holder of visualization data. More...
class  TEveEventManager
 Base class for event management and navigation. More...
class  TEveException
 Exception class thrown by TEve classes and macros. More...
class  TEveFrameBox
 Description of a 2D or 3D frame that can be used to visually group a set of objects. More...
class  TEveFrameBoxGL
 A class encapsulating GL rendering of TEveFrameBox via a static member function. More...
class  TEveGDoubleValuator
 Composite GUI element for selection of range (label, two number-entries and double-slider). More...
class  TEveGedEditor
 Specialization of TGedEditor for proper update propagation to TEveManager. More...
class  TEveGedNameFrame
 Specialization of TGedNameFrame used in EVE. More...
class  TEveGedNameTextButton
 Specialization of TGTextButton for EVE name frame. More...
class  TEveGeoManagerHolder
 Exception safe wrapper for setting gGeoManager. More...
class  TEveGeoNode
 Wrapper for TGeoNode that allows it to be shown in GUI and controlled as a TEveElement. More...
class  TEveGeoNodeEditor
 Editor for TEveGeoNode class. More...
class  TEveGeoPolyShape
 Description of TEveGeoPolyShape. More...
class  TEveGeoShape
 Wrapper for TGeoShape with absolute positioning and color attributes allowing display of extracted TGeoShape's (without an active TGeoManager) and simplified geometries (needed for non-linear projections). More...
class  TEveGeoShapeExtract
 Globally positioned TGeoShape with rendering attributes and an optional list of daughter shape-extracts. More...
class  TEveGeoShapeProjected
 A 3D projected TEveGeoShape. More...
class  TEveGeoTopNode
 A wrapper over a TGeoNode, possibly displaced with a global trasformation stored in TEveElement. More...
class  TEveGeoTopNodeEditor
 Editor for TEveGeoTopNode class. More...
class  TEveGListTreeEditorFrame
 Composite GUI frame for parallel display of a TGListTree and TEveGedEditor. More...
class  TEveGridStepper
 Provide discrete position coordinates for placement of objects on regular grids. More...
class  TEveGridStepperEditor
 Editor for TEveGridStepper class. More...
class  TEveGridStepperSubEditor
 Sub-editor for TEveGridStepper class. More...
class  TEveGTriVecValuator
 Composite GUI element for setting three numerical values (label, three number-entries). More...
class  TEveGValuator
 Composite GUI element for single value selection (supports label, number-entry and slider). More...
class  TEveGValuatorBase
 Base class for composite GUI elements for setting of numeric values. More...
class  TEveJetCone
 Draws a jet cone with leading particle is specified in (eta,phi) and cone radius is given. More...
class  TEveJetConeEditor
 GUI editor for TEveJetCone. More...
class  TEveJetConeGL
 OpenGL renderer class for TEveJetCone. More...
class  TEveJetConeProjected
 Projection of TEveJetCone. More...
class  TEveJetConeProjectedGL
 OpenGL renderer class for TEveJetConeProjected. More...
class  TEveLegoEventHandler
 A base class of TGLEventHandler. More...
class  TEveLine
 An arbitrary polyline with fixed line and marker attributes. More...
class  TEveLineEditor
 Editor for TEveLine class. More...
class  TEveLineGL
 GL-renderer for TEveLine class. More...
class  TEveLineProjected
 Projected copy of a TEveLine. More...
class  TEveElement::TEveListTreeInfo
 Structure holding information about TGListTree and TGListTreeItem that represents given TEveElement. More...
class  TEveListTreeItem
 Special list-tree-item for Eve. More...
class  TEveMacro
 Sub-class of TMacro, overriding Exec to unload the previous version and cleanup after the execution. More...
class  TEveMagField
 Abstract base-class for interfacing to magnetic field needed by the TEveTrackPropagator. More...
class  TEveMagFieldConst
 Implements constant magnetic field, given by a vector fB. More...
class  TEveMagFieldDuo
 Implements constant magnetic filed that switches on given axial radius fR2 from vector fBIn to fBOut. More...
class  TEveManager
 Central application manager for Eve. More...
class  TEvePad
 This was intended as a TPad wrapper to allow smart updates of groups of pads. More...
class  TEvePadHolder
 Exception safe wrapper for setting gPad. More...
class  TEveParamList
 Collection of named parameters. More...
class  TEveParamListEditor
 GUI editor for TEveParamList. More...
class  TEvePathMarkT< TT >
 Special-point on track: More...
class  TEvePlot3D
 Description of TEvePlot3D. More...
class  TEvePlot3DGL
 OpenGL renderer class for TEvePlot3D. More...
class  TEvePointSelector
 TEvePointSelector is a sub-class of TSelectorDraw for direct extraction of point-like data from a Tree. More...
class  TEvePointSelectorConsumer
 TEvePointSelectorConsumer is a virtual base for classes that can be filled from TTree data via the TEvePointSelector class. More...
class  TEvePointSet
 TEvePointSet is a render-element holding a collection of 3D points with optional per-point TRef and an arbitrary number of integer ids (to be used for signal, volume-id, track-id, etc). More...
class  TEvePointSetArray
 An array of point-sets with each point-set playing a role of a bin in a histogram. More...
class  TEvePointSetArrayEditor
 Editor for TEvePointSetArray class. More...
class  TEvePointSetProjected
 Projected copy of a TEvePointSet. More...
class  TEvePolygonSetProjected
 A set of projected polygons. More...
class  TEvePolygonSetProjectedGL
 GL-renderer for TEvePolygonSetProjected class. More...
class  TEveProjectable
 Abstract base-class for non-linear projectable objects. More...
class  TEveProjected
 Abstract base class for classes that hold results of a non-linear projection transformation. More...
class  TEveProjection
 Base-class for non-linear projections. More...
class  TEveProjectionAxes
 Axes for non-linear projections. More...
class  TEveProjectionAxesEditor
 GUI editor for TEveProjectionAxes. More...
class  TEveProjectionAxesGL
 OpenGL renderer class for TEveProjectionAxes. More...
class  TEveProjectionManager
 Manager class for steering of projections and managing projected objects. More...
class  TEveProjectionManagerEditor
 GUI editor for TEveProjectionManager class. More...
class  TEveQuadSet
 Supports various internal formats that result in rendering of a set of planar (lines, rectangles, hexagons with shared normal) objects. More...
class  TEveQuadSetGL
 GL-renderer for TEveQuadSet class. More...
class  TEveRefBackPtr
 Base-class for reference-counted objects with reverse references to TEveElement objects. More...
class  TEveRefCnt
 Base-class for reference-counted objects. More...
class  TEveRGBAPalette
 A generic, speed-optimised mapping from value to RGBA color supporting different wrapping and range truncation modes. More...
class  TEveRGBAPaletteEditor
 Editor for TEveRGBAPalette class. More...
class  TEveRGBAPaletteOverlay
 Description of TEveRGBAPaletteOverlay. More...
class  TEveRGBAPaletteSubEditor
 Sub-editor for TEveRGBAPalette class. More...
class  TEveRhoZProjection
 Transformation from 3D to 2D. More...
class  TEveRPhiProjection
 XY projection with distortion around given center. More...
class  TEveScalableStraightLineSet
 Straight-line-set with extra scaling, useful for projectables that need to be scaled in accordance with an external object. More...
class  TEveScene
 Eve representation of TGLScene. More...
class  TEveSceneInfo
 TEveUtil representation of TGLSceneInfo. More...
class  TEveSceneList
 List of Scenes providing common operations on TEveScene collections. More...
class  TEveSecondarySelectable
 Semi-abstract interface for classes supporting secondary-selection. More...
class  TEveSelection
 Make sure there is a SINGLE running TEveSelection for each selection type (select/highlight). More...
class  TEveSelectorToEventList
 TSelector that stores entry numbers of matching TTree entries into an event-list. More...
class  TEveShape
 Abstract base-class for 2D/3D shapes. More...
class  TEveShapeEditor
 GUI editor for TEveShape. More...
class  TEveStraightLineSet
 Set of straight lines with optional markers along the lines. More...
class  TEveStraightLineSetEditor
 Editor for TEveStraightLineSet class. More...
class  TEveStraightLineSetGL
 GL-renderer for TEveStraightLineSet class. More...
class  TEveStraightLineSetProjected
 Projected replica of a TEveStraightLineSet. More...
class  TEveText
 TEveElement class used for displaying FreeType GL fonts. More...
class  TEveTextEditor
 GUI editor for TEveText. More...
class  TEveTextGL
 OpenGL renderer class for TEveText. More...
class  TEveTrack
 Visual representation of a track. More...
class  TEveTrackEditor
 Editor for TEveTrack class. More...
class  TEveTrackGL
 GL-renderer for TEveTrack class. More...
class  TEveTrackList
 A list of tracks supporting change of common attributes and selection based on track parameters. More...
class  TEveTrackListEditor
 Editor for TEveTrackList class. More...
class  TEveTrackListProjected
 Specialization of TEveTrackList for holding TEveTrackProjected objects. More...
class  TEveTrackProjected
 Projected copy of a TEveTrack. More...
class  TEveTrackProjectedGL
 GL-renderer for TEveTrackProjected class. More...
class  TEveTrackPropagator
 Holding structure for a number of track rendering parameters. More...
class  TEveTrackPropagatorEditor
 GUI editor for TEveTrackPropagator. More...
class  TEveTrackPropagatorSubEditor
 Sub-editor for TEveTrackPropagator class. More...
class  TEveTrans
 TEveTrans is a 4x4 transformation matrix for homogeneous coordinates stored internally in a column-major order to allow direct usage by GL. More...
class  TEveTransEditor
 Editor for TEveTrans class. More...
class  TEveTransSubEditor
 Sub-editor for TEveTrans class. More...
class  TEveTriangleSet
 Made from a list of vertices and a list of triangles (triplets of vertex indices). More...
class  TEveTriangleSetEditor
 Editor for TEveTriangleSet class. More...
class  TEveTriangleSetGL
 GL-renderer for TEveTriangleSet class. More...
class  TEveUtil
 Standard utility functions for Eve. More...
class  TEveVector2T< TT >
 Minimal, templated two-vector. More...
class  TEveVector4T< TT >
 Minimal, templated four-vector. More...
class  TEveVectorT< TT >
 Minimal, templated three-vector. More...
class  TEveViewer
 Eve representation of TGLViewer. More...
class  TEveViewerList
 List of Viewers providing common operations on TEveViewer collections. More...
class  TEveViewerListEditor
 GUI editor for TEveViewerList. More...
class  TEveVSD
 Visualization Summary Data - a collection of trees holding standard event data in experiment independent format. More...
class  TEveWindow
 Abstract base-class for representing eve-windows. More...
class  TEveWindowEditor
 GUI editor for TEveWindow. More...
class  TEveWindowFrame
 Encapsulates TGFrame into an eve-window. More...
class  TEveWindowManager
 Manager for EVE windows. More...
class  TEveWindowPack
 Encapsulates TGPack into an eve-window. More...
class  TEveWindowSlot
 Description of TEveWindowSlot. More...
class  TEveWindowTab
 Encapsulates TGTab into an eve-window. More...
class  TEveManager::TExceptionHandler
 Exception handler for Eve exceptions. More...