Logo ROOT   6.08/07
Reference Guide
Graphics tutorials

Various examples showing the basic ROOT graphics.


file  analyze.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN This macro produces the flowchart of TFormula::Analyze.
file  anim.C
 Macro illustrating how to animate a picture using a Timer.
file  archi.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN This macro displays the ROOT architecture.
file  arrow.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Draw arrows.
file  basic3d.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Show 3-D polylines and markers.
file  canvas.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example of primitives in a canvas.
file  canvas2.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example of canvas partitioning.
file  compile.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN This macro produces the flowchart of TFormula::Compile
file  crown.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Draw crowns.
file  diamond.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Draw a diamond.
file  earth.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN This tutorial illustrates the special contour options.
file  ellipse.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Draw ellipses.
file  eval.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN This macro produces the flowchart of TFormula::Eval.
file  event.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Illustrate some basic primitives.
file  feynman.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Draw Feynman diagrams.
file  first.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Show some basic primitives.
file  formula1.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Display interpreted functions.
file  framework.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN An example with basic graphics illustrating the Object Oriented User Interface of ROOT.
file  gaxis.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Simple example illustrating how to draw TGaxis objects in various formats.
file  gaxis2.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example illustrating how to draw TGaxis with labels defined by a function.
file  gaxis3.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example illustrating how to modify individual labels of a TGaxis.
file  graph_edit_playback.C
 This macro plays a recorded ROOT session showing how to perform various interactive graphical editing operations.
file  gtime.C
 Example of a graph of data moving in time.
file  latex.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN This macro draws 5 Latex-style formula in a canvas and prints the canvas as a Postscript file.
file  latex2.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN This macro draws 4 Latex-style formula in a canvas and prints the canvas as a Postscript file.
file  latex3.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example illustrating a TPaveText with Latex inside.
file  latex4.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Draw the Greek letters as a table and save the result as GIF, PS, PDF and SVG files.
file  latex5.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN This draws the Mathematical Symbols letters as a table and save the result as GIF, PS, PDF and SVG files.
file  mandelbrot.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Using TExec to handle keyboard events and TComplex to draw the Mandelbrot set.
file  manyaxis.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Show several TGaxis formats.
file  markerwarning.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN This script illustrates the danger of using asymmetric symbols.
file  mass_spectrum.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN This macro makes use of some basic graphics primitives such as line, arrow and text.
file  palettes.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN This macro draws all the high definition palettes available in ROOT.
file  pavetext.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Draw a pave text.
file  piechart.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Pie chart example.
file  polytest1.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN This macro is testing the "compacting" algorithm in TPadPainter.
file  polytest2.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN This macro is testing the "compacting" algorithm in TPadPainter.
file  pstable.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Display all possible types of ROOT/Postscript characters.
file  psview.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN An example how to display PS, EPS, PDF files in canvas.
file  quarks.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example illustrating divided pads and Latex.
file  tmathtext.C
 This macro draws various formula in a canvas.
file  tmathtext2.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN This macro draw all possible symbols provided by TMathtext.
file  tornado.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Show 3-d polymarker.
file  transparency.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN This macro demonstrates the use of color transparency.
file  triangles.C
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Generate small triangles randomly in the canvas.