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1 /// \file
2 /// \ingroup tutorial_eve
3 /// Html table and event summary for alice_esd.C
4 ///
5 /// \macro_code
6 ///
7 /// \author Bertrand Bellenot
9 class HtmlObjTable : public TObject
10 {
11 public: // make them public for shorter code
13  TString fName;
14  Int_t fNValues; // number of values
15  Int_t fNFields; // number of fields
16  TArrayF *fValues;
17  TString *fLabels;
18  Bool_t fExpand;
20  TString fHtml; // HTML output code
22  void Build();
23  void BuildTitle();
24  void BuildLabels();
25  void BuildTable();
27 public:
28  HtmlObjTable(const char *name, Int_t nfields, Int_t nvals, Bool_t exp=kTRUE);
29  virtual ~HtmlObjTable();
31  void SetLabel(Int_t col, const char *label) { fLabels[col] = label; }
32  void SetValue(Int_t col, Int_t row, Float_t val) { fValues[col].SetAt(val, row); }
33  TString Html() const { return fHtml; }
35  ClassDef(HtmlObjTable, 0);
36 };
38 //==============================================================================
40 class HtmlSummary
41 {
42 public: // make them public for shorter code
43  Int_t fNTables;
44  TOrdCollection *fObjTables; // ->array of object tables
45  TString fHtml; // output HTML string
46  TString fTitle; // page title
47  TString fHeader; // HTML header
48  TString fFooter; // HTML footer
50  void MakeHeader();
51  void MakeFooter();
53 public:
54  HtmlSummary(const char *title);
55  virtual ~HtmlSummary();
57  HtmlObjTable *AddTable(const char *name, Int_t nfields, Int_t nvals,
58  Bool_t exp=kTRUE, Option_t *opt="");
59  HtmlObjTable *GetTable(Int_t at) const { return (HtmlObjTable *)fObjTables->At(at); }
60  void Build();
61  void Clear(Option_t *option="");
62  void Reset(Option_t *option="");
63  TString Html() const { return fHtml; }
65  ClassDef(HtmlSummary, 0);
66 };
68 //==============================================================================
70 HtmlSummary *fgHtmlSummary = 0;
71 TGHtml *fgHtml = 0;
73 //==============================================================================
75 //______________________________________________________________________________
76 HtmlObjTable::HtmlObjTable(const char *name, Int_t nfields, Int_t nvals, Bool_t exp) :
77  fName(name), fNValues(nvals), fNFields(nfields), fExpand(exp)
78 {
79  // Constructor.
81  fValues = new TArrayF[fNFields];
82  for (int i=0;i<fNFields;i++)
83  fValues[i].Set(nvals);
84  fLabels = new TString[fNFields];
85 }
87 //______________________________________________________________________________
88 HtmlObjTable::~HtmlObjTable()
89 {
90  // Destructor.
92  delete [] fValues;
93  delete [] fLabels;
94 }
96 //______________________________________________________________________________
97 void HtmlObjTable::Build()
98 {
99  // Build HTML code.
101  fHtml = "<table width=100% border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 bgcolor=f0f0f0> ",
103  BuildTitle();
104  if (fExpand && (fNFields > 0) && (fNValues > 0)) {
105  BuildLabels();
106  BuildTable();
107  }
109  fHtml += "</table>";
110 }
112 //______________________________________________________________________________
113 void HtmlObjTable::BuildTitle()
114 {
115  // Build table title.
117  fHtml += "<tr><td colspan=";
118  fHtml += Form("%d>", fNFields+1);
119  fHtml += "<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0 bgcolor=6e6ea0>";
120  fHtml += "<tr><td align=left>";
121  fHtml += "<font face=Verdana size=3 color=ffffff><b><i>";
122  fHtml += fName;
123  fHtml += "</i></b></font></td>";
124  fHtml += "<td>";
125  fHtml += "<td align=right> ";
126  fHtml += "<font face=Verdana size=3 color=ffffff><b><i>";
127  fHtml += Form("Size = %d", fNValues);
128  fHtml += "</i></b></font></td></tr>";
129  fHtml += "</table>";
130  fHtml += "</td></tr>";
131 }
133 //______________________________________________________________________________
134 void HtmlObjTable::BuildLabels()
135 {
136  // Build table labels.
138  Int_t i;
139  fHtml += "<tr bgcolor=c0c0ff>";
140  fHtml += "<th> </th>"; // for the check boxes
141  for (i=0;i<fNFields;i++) {
142  fHtml += "<th> ";
143  fHtml += fLabels[i];
144  fHtml += " </th>"; // for the check boxes
145  }
146  fHtml += "</tr>";
147 }
149 //______________________________________________________________________________
150 void HtmlObjTable::BuildTable()
151 {
152  // Build part of table with values.
154  for (int i = 0; i < fNValues; i++) {
155  if (i%2)
156  fHtml += "<tr bgcolor=e0e0ff>";
157  else
158  fHtml += "<tr bgcolor=ffffff>";
160  TString name = fName;
161  name.ReplaceAll(" ", "_");
162  // checkboxes
163  fHtml += "<td bgcolor=d0d0ff align=\"center\">";
164  fHtml += "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"";
165  fHtml += name;
166  fHtml += Form("[%d]\">",i);
167  fHtml += "</td>";
169  for (int j = 0; j < fNFields; j++) {
170  fHtml += "<td width=";
171  fHtml += Form("%d%%", 100/fNFields);
172  fHtml += " align=\"center\"";
173  fHtml += ">";
174  fHtml += Form("%1.4f", fValues[j][i]);
175  fHtml += "</td>";
176  }
177  fHtml += "</tr> ";
178  }
179 }
181 //______________________________________________________________________________
182 HtmlSummary::HtmlSummary(const char *title) : fNTables(0), fTitle(title)
183 {
184  // Constructor.
186  fObjTables = new TOrdCollection();
187 }
189 //______________________________________________________________________________
190 HtmlSummary::~HtmlSummary()
191 {
192  // Destructor.
194  Reset();
195 }
197 //______________________________________________________________________________
198 HtmlObjTable *HtmlSummary::AddTable(const char *name, Int_t nfields, Int_t nvals,
199  Bool_t exp, Option_t *option)
200 {
201  // Add a new table in our list of tables.
203  TString opt = option;
204  opt.ToLower();
205  HtmlObjTable *table = new HtmlObjTable(name, nfields, nvals, exp);
206  fNTables++;
207  if (opt.Contains("first"))
208  fObjTables->AddFirst(table);
209  else
210  fObjTables->Add(table);
211  return table;
212 }
214 //______________________________________________________________________________
215 void HtmlSummary::Clear(Option_t *option)
216 {
217  // Clear the table list.
219  if (option && option[0] == 'D')
220  fObjTables->Delete(option);
221  else
222  fObjTables->Clear(option);
223  fNTables = 0;
224 }
226 //______________________________________________________________________________
228 {
229  // Reset (delete) the table list;
231  delete fObjTables; fObjTables = 0;
232  fNTables = 0;
233 }
235 //______________________________________________________________________________
236 void HtmlSummary::Build()
237 {
238  // Build the summary.
240  MakeHeader();
241  for (int i=0;i<fNTables;i++) {
242  GetTable(i)->Build();
243  fHtml += GetTable(i)->Html();
244  }
245  MakeFooter();
246 }
248 //______________________________________________________________________________
249 void HtmlSummary::MakeHeader()
250 {
251  // Make HTML header.
253  fHeader = "<html><head><title>";
254  fHeader += fTitle;
255  fHeader += "</title></head><body>";
256  fHeader += "<center><h2><font color=#2222ee><i>";
257  fHeader += fTitle;
258  fHeader += "</i></font></h2></center>";
259  fHtml = fHeader;
260 }
262 //______________________________________________________________________________
263 void HtmlSummary::MakeFooter()
264 {
265  // Make HTML footer.
267  fFooter = "<br><p><br><center><strong><font size=2 color=#2222ee>";
268  fFooter += "Example of using Html widget to display tabular data";
269  fFooter += "<br>";
270  fFooter += "(c) 2007-2010 Bertrand Bellenot";
271  fFooter += "</font></strong></center></body></html>";
272  fHtml += fFooter;
273 }
275 //==============================================================================
277 //______________________________________________________________________________
278 void update_html_summary()
279 {
280  // Update summary of current event.
284  Int_t k;
285  TEveElement *el;
286  HtmlObjTable *table;
287  TEveEventManager *mgr = gEve ? gEve->GetCurrentEvent() : 0;
288  if (mgr) {
289  fgHtmlSummary->Clear("D");
290  for (i=mgr->BeginChildren(); i!=mgr->EndChildren(); ++i) {
291  el = ((TEveElement*)(*i));
292  if (el->IsA() == TEvePointSet::Class()) {
293  TEvePointSet *ps = (TEvePointSet *)el;
294  TString ename = ps->GetElementName();
295  TString etitle = ps->GetElementTitle();
296  if (ename.First('\'') != kNPOS)
297  ename.Remove(ename.First('\''));
298  etitle.Remove(0, 2);
299  Int_t nel = atoi(etitle.Data());
300  table = fgHtmlSummary->AddTable(ename, 0, nel);
301  }
302  else if (el->IsA() == TEveTrackList::Class()) {
303  TEveTrackList *tracks = (TEveTrackList *)el;
304  TString ename = tracks->GetElementName();
305  if (ename.First('\'') != kNPOS)
306  ename.Remove(ename.First('\''));
307  table = fgHtmlSummary->AddTable(ename.Data(), 5,
308  tracks->NumChildren(), kTRUE, "first");
309  table->SetLabel(0, "Momentum");
310  table->SetLabel(1, "P_t");
311  table->SetLabel(2, "Phi");
312  table->SetLabel(3, "Theta");
313  table->SetLabel(4, "Eta");
314  k=0;
315  for (j=tracks->BeginChildren(); j!=tracks->EndChildren(); ++j) {
316  Float_t p = ((TEveTrack*)(*j))->GetMomentum().Mag();
317  table->SetValue(0, k, p);
318  Float_t pt = ((TEveTrack*)(*j))->GetMomentum().Perp();
319  table->SetValue(1, k, pt);
320  Float_t phi = ((TEveTrack*)(*j))->GetMomentum().Phi();
321  table->SetValue(2, k, phi);
322  Float_t theta = ((TEveTrack*)(*j))->GetMomentum().Theta();
323  table->SetValue(3, k, theta);
324  Float_t eta = ((TEveTrack*)(*j))->GetMomentum().Eta();
325  table->SetValue(4, k, eta);
326  ++k;
327  }
328  }
329  }
330  fgHtmlSummary->Build();
331  fgHtml->Clear();
332  fgHtml->ParseText((char*)fgHtmlSummary->Html().Data());
333  fgHtml->Layout();
334  }
335 }
virtual const char * GetElementName() const
Virtual function for retrieving name of the element.
Definition: TEveElement.h:481
virtual void Add(TObject *obj)
List_i EndChildren()
Definition: TEveElement.h:165
Base class for event management and navigation.
void Delete(Option_t *option="")
Remove all objects from the collection AND delete all heap based objects.
virtual void Layout()
layout view
Definition: TGView.cxx:345
float Float_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:53
const char Option_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:62
TString & ReplaceAll(const TString &s1, const TString &s2)
Definition: TString.h:635
virtual void Clear(Option_t *="")
Erase all HTML from this widget and clear the screen.
Definition: TGHtml.cxx:296
List_t::iterator List_i
Definition: TEveElement.h:70
Basic string class.
Definition: TString.h:137
Array of floats (32 bits per element).
Definition: TArrayF.h:29
void ToLower()
Change string to lower-case.
Definition: TString.cxx:1089
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
virtual const char * GetElementName() const
Virtual function for retrieving name of the element.
Definition: TEvePointSet.h:66
const char * Class
Definition: TXMLSetup.cxx:64
Definition: TGHtml.h:876
#define ClassDef(name, id)
Definition: Rtypes.h:254
A list of tracks supporting change of common attributes and selection based on track parameters...
Definition: TEveTrack.h:137
Ssiz_t First(char c) const
Find first occurrence of a character c.
Definition: TString.cxx:467
TPaveText * pt
R__EXTERN TEveManager * gEve
Definition: TEveManager.h:243
int ParseText(char *text, const char *index=0)
Appends (or insert at the specified position) the given HTML text to the end of any HTML text that ma...
Definition: TGHtml.cxx:311
char * Form(const char *fmt,...)
TEvePointSet is a render-element holding a collection of 3D points with optional per-point TRef and a...
Definition: TEvePointSet.h:31
void AddFirst(TObject *obj)
Insert object at beginning of collection.
void Reset(Detail::TBranchProxy *x)
Visual representation of a track.
Definition: TEveTrack.h:32
virtual const char * GetElementTitle() const
Virtual function for retrieving title of the render-element.
Definition: TEvePointSet.h:67
TString & Remove(Ssiz_t pos)
Definition: TString.h:616
Int_t NumChildren() const
Definition: TEveElement.h:168
Bool_t Contains(const char *pat, ECaseCompare cmp=kExact) const
Definition: TString.h:567
void SetAt(Double_t v, Int_t i)
Definition: TArrayF.h:53
Mother of all ROOT objects.
Definition: TObject.h:37
const Ssiz_t kNPOS
Definition: Rtypes.h:115
TEveEventManager * GetCurrentEvent() const
Definition: TEveManager.h:149
void Clear(Option_t *option="")
Remove all objects from the collection.
List_i BeginChildren()
Definition: TEveElement.h:164
double exp(double)
const Bool_t kTRUE
Definition: Rtypes.h:91
Ordered collection.
TObject * At(Int_t idx) const
Returns the object at position idx. Returns 0 if idx is out of range.
Base class for TEveUtil visualization elements, providing hierarchy management, rendering control and...
Definition: TEveElement.h:33
char name[80]
Definition: TGX11.cxx:109
const char * Data() const
Definition: TString.h:349