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Reference Guide
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1/// \file
2/// \ingroup tutorial_eve
3/// Demonstrates usage of EVE window-manager.
5/// \image html eve_window_manager.png
6/// \macro_code
8/// \author Matevz Tadel
10#include "TEveWindow.h"
11#include "TEveViewer.h"
12#include "TEveManager.h"
13#include "TEveBrowser.h"
14#include "TEveGedEditor.h"
15#include "TGLEmbeddedViewer.h"
16#include "TCanvas.h"
17#include "TGTab.h"
19void PackTest();
20void DetailTest();
21void TabsTest();
23void window_manager()
27 TEveUtil::Macro("pointset.C");
29 PackTest();
30 DetailTest();
31 TabsTest();
34 gDebug = 1;
37void PackTest()
39 TEveWindowSlot *slot = 0;
40 TEveWindowFrame *frame = 0;
41 TEveViewer *v = 0;
44 TEveWindowPack* pack1 = slot->MakePack();
45 pack1->SetShowTitleBar(kFALSE);
46 pack1->SetHorizontal();
48 // Embedded viewer.
49 slot = pack1->NewSlot();
50 v = new TEveViewer("BarViewer");
51 v->SpawnGLEmbeddedViewer(gEve->GetEditor());
52 slot->ReplaceWindow(v);
53 v->SetElementName("Bar Embedded Viewer");
56 v->AddScene(gEve->GetEventScene());
58 slot = pack1->NewSlot();
59 TEveWindowPack* pack2 = slot->MakePack();
60 pack2->SetShowTitleBar(kFALSE);
62 slot = pack2->NewSlot();
63 slot->StartEmbedding();
64 TCanvas* can = new TCanvas("Root Canvas");
65 can->ToggleEditor();
66 slot->StopEmbedding();
68 // SA viewer.
69 slot = pack2->NewSlot();
70 v = new TEveViewer("FooViewer");
71 v->SpawnGLViewer(gEve->GetEditor());
72 slot->ReplaceWindow(v);
74 v->AddScene(gEve->GetEventScene());
78void DetailTest()
80 TEveWindowFrame *frame = 0;
82 TEveWindowSlot* slot =
84 TEveWindowPack* pack1 = slot->MakePack();
85 pack1->SetShowTitleBar(kFALSE);
86 pack1->SetElementName("Detail");
87 pack1->SetHorizontal();
89 // left slot
90 slot = pack1->NewSlot();
91 frame = slot->MakeFrame();
92 frame->SetElementName("Latex Frame");
93 frame->SetShowTitleBar(kFALSE);
98 {
99 TGVerticalFrame* guiFrame = new TGVerticalFrame(hf);
100 hf->AddFrame(guiFrame, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX));
101 guiFrame->SetCleanup(kDeepCleanup);
103 guiFrame->AddFrame(new TGLabel(guiFrame, "Press Button:"),
104 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 2, 2, 0, 0));
105 TGTextButton *b = new TGTextButton(guiFrame, "TestButton");
106 guiFrame->AddFrame(b, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX));
108 new TRootEmbeddedCanvas("Embeddedcanvas", hf, 220);
110 double fontsize = 0.07;
111 double x = 0.02;
112 double y = 1 -1*fontsize;
113 TLatex* latex = new TLatex(x, y, "Legend:");
114 latex->SetTextSize(fontsize);
115 latex->Draw();
116 y -= 2*fontsize;
117 // legend
118 latex->DrawLatex(x, y, "greek letter #Delta#eta_{out}");
119 y -= fontsize;
120 latex->DrawLatex(x, y, "#color[5]{+} marker");
121 y -= fontsize;
122 latex->DrawLatex(x, y, "#color[5]{+} marker");
123 y -= fontsize;
124 latex->DrawLatex(x, y, "#color[4]{+} marker");
125 y -= fontsize;
126 latex->DrawLatex(x, y, "#color[5]{#bullet} marker");
127 y -= fontsize;
128 latex->DrawLatex(x, y, "#color[4]{#bullet} marker some text");
129 y -= fontsize;
130 latex->DrawLatex(x, y, "#color[2]{#Box} square");
131 y -= fontsize;
132 latex->DrawLatex(x, y, "#color[5]{#Box} color");
133 }
135 cf->MapSubwindows();
136 cf->Layout();
137 cf->MapWindow();
139 // viewer slot
140 TEveWindowSlot* slot2 = pack1->NewSlotWithWeight(3);
141 TEveViewer* viewer = new TEveViewer("DetailView", "DetailView");
142 TGLEmbeddedViewer* embeddedViewer = viewer->SpawnGLEmbeddedViewer();
143 slot2->ReplaceWindow(viewer);
144 gEve->GetViewers()->AddElement(viewer);
145 viewer->AddScene(gEve->GetEventScene());
148void TabsTest()
150 TRandom r(0);
151 TEveWindowSlot *slot = 0;
152 TEveWindowFrame *frame = 0;
153 TEveViewer *v = 0;
156 TEveWindowTab* tab1 = slot->MakeTab();
157 tab1->SetElementName("Tabs");
158 tab1->SetShowTitleBar(kFALSE);
160 // horizontal text views
161 slot = tab1->NewSlot();
162 TEveWindowPack* pack1 = slot->MakePack();
163 for(int i = 0; i<4;++i)
164 {
165 Int_t weight = r.Uniform(3, 7);
166 slot = pack1->NewSlotWithWeight(weight);
167 frame = slot->MakeFrame();
168 frame->SetElementName(Form("FrameInPack %d", i));
170 TGTextView* text_view = new TGTextView(cf, 200, 400);
171 cf->AddFrame(text_view, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft |
175 for(Int_t l =0; l<weight; l++)
176 {
177 text_view->AddLine(Form("slot[%d] add line %d here ", i, l));
178 }
179 text_view->Update();
180 text_view->SetWidth(text_view->ReturnLongestLineWidth()+20);
181 text_view->Layout();
183 cf->MapSubwindows();
184 cf->Layout();
185 cf->MapWindow();
186 }
188 // canvas tab
189 slot = tab1->NewSlot();
190 frame = slot->MakeFrame(new TRootEmbeddedCanvas());
191 frame->SetElementName("Embedded Canvas");
193 // neseted 2nd leveltabs
194 slot = tab1->NewSlot();
195 slot->SetShowTitleBar(kFALSE);
196 TEveWindowTab* tab2 = slot->MakeTab();
197 tab2->SetElementName("Nested");
198 tab2->SetShowTitleBar(kFALSE);
199 slot = tab2->NewSlot();
200 slot->SetShowTitleBar(kFALSE);
201 slot = tab2->NewSlot();
202 slot->SetShowTitleBar(kFALSE);
#define b(i)
Definition RSha256.hxx:100
int Int_t
Definition RtypesCore.h:45
constexpr Bool_t kFALSE
Definition RtypesCore.h:94
R__EXTERN TEveManager * gEve
@ kLocalCleanup
Definition TGFrame.h:41
@ kDeepCleanup
Definition TGFrame.h:42
@ kLHintsExpandY
Definition TGLayout.h:31
@ kLHintsLeft
Definition TGLayout.h:24
@ kLHintsExpandX
Definition TGLayout.h:30
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t r
Int_t gDebug
Definition TROOT.cxx:597
char * Form(const char *fmt,...)
Formats a string in a circular formatting buffer.
Definition TString.cxx:2489
const char * tab1
const char * tab2
virtual void SetTextSize(Float_t tsize=1)
Set the text size.
Definition TAttText.h:47
The Canvas class.
Definition TCanvas.h:23
virtual void ToggleEditor()
Toggle editor.
Definition TCanvas.cxx:2453
void SetElementName(const char *name) override
Virtual function for setting of name of an element.
TEveViewerList * GetViewers() const
TEveBrowser * GetBrowser() const
TEveGedEditor * GetEditor() const
Returns main object editor.
static TEveManager * Create(Bool_t map_window=kTRUE, Option_t *opt="FIV")
If global TEveManager* gEve is not set initialize it.
TEveScene * GetEventScene() const
static void Macro(const char *mac)
Execute macro 'mac'. Do not reload the macro.
Definition TEveUtil.cxx:164
void AddElement(TEveElement *el) override
Call base-class implementation.
Eve representation of TGLViewer.
Definition TEveViewer.h:31
TGLEmbeddedViewer * SpawnGLEmbeddedViewer(TGedEditor *ged=nullptr, Int_t border=0)
Spawn new GLViewer and adopt it.
virtual void AddScene(TEveScene *scene)
Add 'scene' to the list of scenes.
Encapsulates TGFrame into an eve-window.
Definition TEveWindow.h:336
TGCompositeFrame * GetGUICompositeFrame()
Returns the registered top-frame of this eve-window dynamic-casted to composite-frame.
Encapsulates TGPack into an eve-window.
Definition TEveWindow.h:361
void SetHorizontal()
Definition TEveWindow.h:381
virtual TEveWindowSlot * NewSlotWithWeight(Float_t w)
Create a new weighted frame-slot at the last position of the pack.
TEveWindowSlot * NewSlot() override
Create a new frame-slot at the last position of the pack.
Description of TEveWindowSlot.
Definition TEveWindow.h:302
TEveWindowFrame * MakeFrame(TGFrame *frame=nullptr)
An eve-window-frame is created and frame is passed into it.
TEveWindowFrame * StopEmbedding(const char *name=nullptr)
An embedded window is created in place of this window-slot.
TGCompositeFrame * StartEmbedding()
Start embedding a window that will replace the current slot.
TEveWindowTab * MakeTab()
A tab is created in place of this window-slot.
TEveWindowPack * MakePack()
A pack is created in place of this window-slot.
Encapsulates TGTab into an eve-window.
Definition TEveWindow.h:396
void ReplaceWindow(TEveWindow *w)
Replace this window with the passed one.
virtual TEveWindowSlot * NewSlot()
Definition TEveWindow.h:242
static TEveWindowSlot * CreateWindowInTab(TGTab *tab, TEveWindow *eve_parent=nullptr)
Create a new tab in a given tab-widget and populate it with a default window-slot.
void SetShowTitleBar(Bool_t x)
Set display state of the title-bar.
The base class for composite widgets (menu bars, list boxes, etc.).
Definition TGFrame.h:287
virtual void AddFrame(TGFrame *f, TGLayoutHints *l=nullptr)
Add frame to the composite frame using the specified layout hints.
Definition TGFrame.cxx:1117
void MapSubwindows() override
Map all sub windows that are part of the composite frame.
Definition TGFrame.cxx:1164
void Layout() override
Layout the elements of the composite frame.
Definition TGFrame.cxx:1257
void SetCleanup(Int_t mode=kLocalCleanup) override
Turn on automatic cleanup of child frames in dtor.
Definition TGFrame.cxx:1072
void MapWindow() override
map window
Definition TGFrame.h:204
virtual void SetWidth(UInt_t w)
Definition TGFrame.h:246
Minimal GL-viewer that can be embedded in a standard ROOT frames.
This class handles GUI labels.
Definition TGLabel.h:24
This class describes layout hints used by the layout classes.
Definition TGLayout.h:50
virtual Bool_t SetTab(Int_t tabIndex, Bool_t emit=kTRUE)
Brings the composite frame with the index tabIndex to the front and generate the following event if t...
Definition TGTab.cxx:558
Yield an action as soon as it is clicked.
Definition TGButton.h:142
A TGTextView is a text viewer widget.
Definition TGTextView.h:22
virtual void Update()
update the whole window of text view
virtual Long_t ReturnLongestLineWidth()
Return width of longest line.
void Layout() override
Layout the components of view.
virtual void AddLine(const char *string)
Add a line of text to the view widget.
A composite frame that layout their children in vertical way.
Definition TGFrame.h:374
To draw Mathematical Formula.
Definition TLatex.h:18
TLatex * DrawLatex(Double_t x, Double_t y, const char *text)
Make a copy of this object with the new parameters And copy object attributes.
Definition TLatex.cxx:1943
virtual void Draw(Option_t *option="")
Default Draw method for all objects.
Definition TObject.cxx:274
This is the base class for the ROOT Random number generators.
Definition TRandom.h:27
TGTab * GetTabRight() const
This class creates a TGCanvas in which a TCanvas is created.
Double_t y[n]
Definition legend1.C:17
Double_t x[n]
Definition legend1.C:17
TLine l
Definition textangle.C:4