29 cout <<
"For " << Nobserved <<
" data observed with and estimated background"<<endl;
30 cout <<
"of " << Nbackground <<
" candidates, the Feldman-Cousins method of "<<endl;
31 cout <<
"calculating confidence limits gives:"<<endl;
32 cout <<
"\tUpper Limit = " << ul << endl;
33 cout <<
"\tLower Limit = " << ll << endl;
34 cout <<
"at the 90% CL"<< endl;
<div class="legacybox"><h2>Legacy Code</h2> TFeldmanCousins is a legacy interface: there will be no b...
Double_t CalculateUpperLimit(Double_t Nobserved, Double_t Nbackground)
given Nobserved and Nbackground, try different values of mu that give upper limits that are consisten...