To run the snippets, use either the SnippetBrowser or RunSnippet utilities. RunSnippet can be invoked like this:
TSharedColorStyle, defined in SharedColorStyle.h and SharedColorStyle.C, is an example custom style using TSharedStyle. However, styles created in this way cannot be displayed by the standard line layout objects. Therefore they are useful only for carrying data, not for display, unless you do significant additional work to support them. TSharedColorStyle is used in the UseSharedStyles snippet of TStyleSnippets.
TTextIterationSnippets, defined in TextIterationSnippets.h and TextIterationSnippets.C, defines snippets that illustrate how to iterate through character and style information. It uses classes such as TCharacterIterator, TTextIterator, TStyleRunIterator, TSingleTypeStyleFilter, TNotStyleFilter, TExactTextPatternIterator, TSpanTextPatternIterator, and TStandardTextPatternIterator, to iterate through characters, styles, and do language-sensitive iteration.
TTranscodingSnippets, defined in TranscodingSnippets.h and TranscodingSnippets.C, defines snippets that illustrate how to transcode text information between Unicode and other character sets such as ASCII. It uses the TASCIITranscoder class, and utility classes such as TGeneralPunctuation and TASCII, to convert ASCII text to Unicode and back.