Template RPC is an alternate way of approaching RPC, using
templates. It is a small layer above RPC, to be used as-is, that
allows you to do networking without having to write caller and
dispatcher classes. This functionality is achieved by using a template
caller, a template dispatcher, and by writing functors that act on the
remote data.
Files and classes
TemplateDispatcherMain.C is linked into a library because it's not
safe to have code that uses template classes that have not been
defined in a library. It is best to assume that template classes
should never be used in a binary. TemplateDispatcherApp.C which is
linked into a binary, calls DispatcherMain() from
TemplateDispatcherMain.C to avoid the problem.
TemplateCallerMain.C is linked into a library because it's not safe
to have code that uses template classes that have not been defined in
a library. It is best to assume that template classes should never be
used in a binary. TemplateRPCApp.C which is linked into a binary,
calls CallerMain() from TemplateCallerMain.C to avoid the problem.
The TQualityOfService object that is passed into the constructor
of the TStandardServiceDefinition object determines whether the
service is accessible to programs on remote machines or not.
This example only allows for local access, not remote.
Users of TServiceDefinition must take care to properly increment
the reference count after creating it. TServiceDefinition will delete
itself when the reference count goes to zero, so you do not delete
TServiceDefinition yourself.
TDispatcherThread::Dispatch() is a static member function that
uses this thread to do the dispatching.
The call caller.ExitDispatcher() tells the dispatcher to shut down.
This file contains versions of the MRemoteCaller macros that can
handle having template classes passed into them. There are different
macros for each permutation of having template or non-template callers,
and template or non-template dispatchers.
TStandardFunctorOn is an abstract class that defines protocol for
interacting with the object that's in a TDispatcherOn object. Derived
classes have to override the function-call operator. The function-call
operator will be handed an object of the type specified by the
template parameter.
Defines two derived classes of TStandardFunctorOn. Both of these
derived classes act on TRPNCalc objects.
Both classes override the function call operator and manipulate
the TRPNCalc object that is handed to them. They both hold a result
so that when they are streamed back to the caller (from the
dispatcher) the caller can get the result.
Defines an extremely simple RPN calculator. It only handles
setting registers and getting values from the registers.
Implements an x register and a y register.
Defines an abstract class that defines a protocol for accepting
TStandardFunctorOn objects. Derived classes can decide what to do
with the functor. TCallerOn sends the functor off to a dispatcher
that uses the functor on its internal state. TImplementationOn takes
the functor and directly applies it to its internal state.
A concrete derived class of MProtocolOn. It overrides
MProtocolOn::Do() to take the functor that is passed-in as a parameter
and applies it directly to its internal state object.
Defines a template dispatcher class. It takes care of receiving
functors from TCallerOn objects and giving them to its internal
implementation object. After its internal implementation object has
used the functor, the TDispatcherOn object sends the functor back to
the TCallerOn object.
A concrete derived class of MProtocolOn. It overrides
MProtocolOn::Do() to take the functor that is passed-in as a parameter
and sends it to a TDispatcherOn object. After the TDispatcherOn
object has applied the functor to its internal state, it sends back
the functor in case the functor is holding any information regarding
its dealings with the state in the server.
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