PresFrmwkText illustrates how to use TTextModel and
TTextPresenterState with the Compound Document and Presentation
frameworks to provide more features than are available with simple
text. It subclasses TDocumentComponentStationery to provide a
stationery class that uses TTextModel and a custom subclass of
TTextPresenterState. A script that invokes RunDocument is provided as
You might want to review the Compound Document and Presentation
frameworks documentaiton, and information on RunDocument, in order to
better understand this sample.
Running the sample
Execute PresFrmwkTextSApp. A window and menu appears.
The text area within the window is different from the default in
the SimpleTextAndMenus sample. Note also that there are the standard
Presentation framework menus that support multiple undo and redo
editing operations.
Files and classes
TSampleTextPresenter, in SampleTextPresentation.h and
SampleTextPresentation.C, derives from TTextPresenter and overrides
HandleCreateContentClippingView to return NIL. This way, when the
window is resized, it resizes the text view, causing the
text to rewrap to the new width. Otherwise, the view would appear
in a standard clipping view, and be clipped instead of resized.
TSampleTextPresenterState, in SampleTextPresentation.h and
SampleTextPresentation.C, derives from TTextPresenterState and
overrides HandleCreatepresenter to instantiate a TSampleTextPresenter.
It also sets some defaults for the presentation size and colors.
TSampleTextStationery, in SampleTextPresentation.h and
SampleTextPresentation.C, derives from TDocumentComponentStationery,
and overrides CreateModel and CreateModelPresenterState to instantiate
a TTextModel and TSampleTextPresenterState.
PresFrmwkTextSApp is a script which invokes RunDocument to
launch a document using the TSampleTextStationery.
If you want to support embedding of other components in the text,
implement TDocumentComponentStationery::CreateModel to instantiate
TEmbedderTextModel (see EmbedderText.h) instead of a simple
This example provides additional classes beyond
TSampleTextStationery only to illustrate how to customize the
presentation. A simple text application would require only
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