The example class: an owning stack

The remainder of this guide uses an owning stack to illustrate the various template techniques. The example uses a stack because it is simple to implement. The owning feature forces the examples to deal with type-specific copy and delete operations. To make the examples short, there is no error checking.

Here is the owning stack as an ordinary, nonspecialized class:

      // Copyright (C)1994 Taligent, Inc. All rights reserved.
      // $Revision: $
      #ifndef Taligent_EXAMPLE1
      #define Taligent_EXAMPLE1
      class TCollectibleLong;
      class TOwningStackOf1
                  TOwningStackOf1( const TOwningStackOf1& other );
          virtual ~TOwningStackOf1();
                  // Operator= omitted. It's like the copy constructor.
          virtual void Adopt( TCollectibleLong* item );
                  // Orphan omitted. It's like Adopt.
          virtual unsigned int    Count() const;
          TCollectibleLong*       fStack[10];
          unsigned int            fount;

      // Copyright (C)1994 Taligent, Inc. All rights reserved.
      // $Revision: $
      #ifndef Taligent_EXAMPLE1
      #include <Example1.h>
      #ifndef Taligent_CLASSICDATASTRUCTURES
      #include <ClassicDataStructures.h>
          : fCount(0)
          const TOwningStackOf1& other)
          : fCount(other.fCount)
          for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < fCount; i++ )
              fStack[i] = new TCollectibleLong(*other.fStack[i]);
          for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < fCount; i++ )
              delete fStack[i];
      void TOwningStackOf1::Adopt( TCollectibleLong* item )
          fStack[fCount++] = item;
      unsigned int TOwningStackOf1::Count() const
          return fCount;
To templatize the class without sharing the implementation:

      // Copyright (C)1994 Taligent, Inc. All rights reserved.
      // $Revision: $
      #ifndef Taligent_EXAMPLE2
      #define Taligent_EXAMPLE2
      #ifndef Taligent_PRIMITIVECLASSES
      #include <PrimitiveClasses.h>
      template <class AType>
      class TOwningStackOf2
                  TOwningStackOf2( const TOwningStackOf2<AType>& other );
          virtual ~TOwningStackOf2();
          virtual void Adopt( AType* item );
          virtual unsigned int Count() const;
          AType*  fStack[10];
          unsigned int    fCount;
      #include <Example2TemplateImplementation.h>

      #ifndef Taligent_EXAMPLE2
      #include <Example2.h>
      template<class AType>
          : fCount(0)
      template<class AType>
      TOwningStackOf2<AType>::TOwningStackOf2( const TOwningStackOf2<AType>& other )
          : fCount(other.fCount)
          for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < fCount; i++ )
              fStack[i] = new AType(*other.fStack[i]);
      template<class AType>
          for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < fCount; i++ )
              delete fStack[i];
      template<class AType>
      void TOwningStackOf2<AType>::Adopt( AType* item )
          fStack[fCount++] = item;
      template<class AType>
      unsigned int TOwningStackOf2<AType>::Count() const
          return fCount;

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