// @(#)root/proof:$Id: TProofLog.cxx 21192 2007-12-04 17:39:46Z ganis $
// Author: G. Ganis   31/08/06

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2006, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

//                                                                      //
// TProofLog                                                            //
//                                                                      //
// Implementation of the PROOF session log handler                      //
//                                                                      //

#include "TFile.h"
#include "TMacro.h"
#include "TProofLog.h"
#include "TProofMgr.h"
#include "TObjString.h"
#include "TUrl.h"


TProofLog::TProofLog(const char *stag, const char *url, TProofMgr *mgr)
          : TNamed(stag, url)
   // Constructor.

   fFILE = 0;
   fElem = new TList;
   fMgr = mgr;

   // Destructor.


TProofLogElem *TProofLog::Add(const char *ord, const char *url)
   // Add new entry to the list of elements.

   TProofLogElem *ple = new TProofLogElem(ord, url, this);
   // Done
   return ple;

Int_t TProofLog::Retrieve(const char *ord, TProofLog::ERetrieveOpt opt,
                          const char *fname, const char *pattern)
   // Retrieve the content of the log file associated with worker 'ord'.
   // If 'ord' is "*" (default), all the workers are retrieved. If 'all'
   // is true, the whole files are retrieved; else a max of
   // fgMaxTransferSize (about 1000 lines) per file is read, starting from
   // the end (i.e. the last ~1000 lines).
   // The received buffer is added to the file fname, if the latter is defined.
   // If opt == TProofLog::kGrep only the lines containing 'pattern' are
   // retrieved (remote grep functionality); to filter out a pattern 'pat' use
   // pattern = "-v pat".
   // Return 0 on success, -1 in case of any error.

   // Validate inputs
   if (opt == TProofLog::kGrep && (!pattern || strlen(pattern) <= 0)) {
      Error("Retrieve", "option 'Grep' requires a pattern");
      return -1;

   Int_t nel = (ord[0] == '*') ? fElem->GetSize() : 1;
   // Iterate over the elements
   TIter nxe(fElem);
   TProofLogElem *ple = 0;
   Int_t nd = 0, nb = 0;
   while ((ple = (TProofLogElem *) nxe())) {
      if (ord[0] == '*' || !strcmp(ord, ple->GetName())) {
         if (ple->Retrieve(opt, pattern) != 0) {
         } else {
         Int_t frac = (nd + nb) / nel * 100;
         Prt(Form("Retrieving logs: %d ok, %d not ok (%d %% processed) \r", nd, nb, frac));

   // Save to file, if required
   if (fname)
      Save(ord, fname);

   // Done
   return 0;

void TProofLog::Display(const char *ord, Int_t from, Int_t to)
   // Display the content associated with worker 'ord' from line 'from'
   // to line 'to' inclusive. A negative value
   // for 'from' indicates lines counted from the end (tail action); 'to'
   // is ignored in such a case.
   // If 'ord' is "*" (default), all the workers are displayed.

   if (ord[0] == '*') {
      Int_t nel = (fElem) ? fElem->GetSize() : 0;
      // Write global header
      Prt(Form("\n// --------- Displaying PROOF Session logs --------\n"));
      Prt(Form("// Server: %s \n", GetTitle()));
      Prt(Form("// Session: %s \n", GetName()));
      Prt(Form("// # of elements: %d \n", nel));
      Prt(Form("// ------------------------------------------------\n\n"));
   // Iterate over the elements
   TIter nxe(fElem);
   TProofLogElem *ple = 0;
   while ((ple = (TProofLogElem *) nxe())) {
      if (ord[0] == '*' || !strcmp(ord, ple->GetName()))
         ple->Display(from, to);
   if (ord[0] == '*')
      // Write global tail
      Prt(Form("// --------- End of PROOF Session logs ---------\n"));

void TProofLog::Print(Option_t *opt) const
   // Print head info about the content

   Int_t nel = (fElem) ? fElem->GetSize() : 0;
   // Write global header
   fprintf(stderr,Form("// --------- PROOF Session logs object --------\n"));
   fprintf(stderr,Form("// Server: %s \n", GetTitle()));
   fprintf(stderr,Form("// Session: %s \n", GetName()));
   fprintf(stderr,Form("// # of elements: %d \n", nel));
   fprintf(stderr,Form("// --------------------------------------------\n"));

   // Iterate over the elements
   TIter nxe(fElem);
   TProofLogElem *ple = 0;
   while ((ple = (TProofLogElem *) nxe()))

   // Write global tail
   fprintf(stderr,Form("// --------------------------------------------\n"));

void TProofLog::Prt(const char *what)
   // Special printing procedure

   if (what) {
      if (LogToBox()) {
         // Send to log box: not yet implemented ...
      } else {
         FILE *where = (fFILE) ? (FILE *)fFILE : stderr;
         fprintf(where, "%s", what);

Int_t TProofLog::Save(const char *ord, const char *fname)
   // Save the content associated with worker 'ord' to finel 'fname'.
   // If 'ord' is "*" (default), the log from all the workers is saved.

   // Make sure we got a file name
   if (!fname) {
      Warning("Save", "filename undefined - do nothing");
      return -1;

   // Open file to write header
   FILE *fout = fopen(fname, "w");
   if (!fout) {
      Warning("Save", "file could not be opened - do nothing");
      return -1;
   fFILE = (void *) fout;

   if (ord[0] == '*') {
      Int_t nel = (fElem) ? fElem->GetSize() : 0;
      // Write global header
      Prt(Form("\n// --------- Displaying PROOF Session logs --------\n"));
      Prt(Form("// Server: %s \n", GetTitle()));
      Prt(Form("// Session: %s \n", GetName()));
      Prt(Form("// # of elements: %d \n", nel));
      Prt(Form("// ------------------------------------------------\n\n"));

   // Iterate over the elements
   TIter nxe(fElem);
   TProofLogElem *ple = 0;
   while ((ple = (TProofLogElem *) nxe())) {
      if (ord[0] == '*' || !strcmp(ord, ple->GetName()))

   if (ord[0] == '*') {
      // Write global tail
      Prt(Form("// --------- End of PROOF Session logs ---------\n"));

   // Close file
   fFILE = 0;

   // Done
   return 0;

Int_t TProofLog::Grep(const char *txt, Int_t from)
   // Search lines containing 'txt', starting from line 'from'.
   // Print the lines where this happens.

   if (!txt || strlen(txt) <= 0) {
      Warning("Grep", "text to be searched for is undefined - do nothing");
      return -1;

   Int_t nel = (fElem) ? fElem->GetSize() : 0;
   // Write global header
   Prt(Form("\n// --------- Search in PROOF Session logs --------\n"));
   Prt(Form("// Server: %s \n", GetTitle()));
   Prt(Form("// Session: %s \n", GetName()));
   Prt(Form("// # of elements: %d \n", nel));
   Prt(Form("// Text searched for: \"%s\"", txt));
   if (from > 1)
      Prt(Form("// starting from line %d \n", from));
   Prt(Form("// ------------------------------------------------\n"));

   // Iterate over the elements
   TIter nxe(fElem);
   TProofLogElem *ple = 0;
   while ((ple = (TProofLogElem *) nxe())) {
      TString res;
      Int_t nf = ple->Grep(txt, res, from);
      if (nf > 0)
         Prt(Form("// Ord: %s - line(s): %s\n", ple->GetName(), res.Data()));

   Prt(Form("// ------------------------------------------------\n"));

   // Done
   return 0;

void TProofLog::SetMaxTransferSize(Long64_t maxsz)
   // Set max transfer size.


// TProofLogElem

Long64_t TProofLogElem::fgMaxTransferSize = 100000; // about 1000 lines

TProofLogElem::TProofLogElem(const char *ord, const char *url,
                             TProofLog *logger)
              : TNamed(ord, url)
   // Constructor.

   fLogger = logger;
   fMacro = new TMacro;
   fSize = -1;
   fFrom = -1;
   fTo = -1;

   // Destructor.


Long64_t TProofLogElem::GetMaxTransferSize()
   // Get max transfer size.

   return fgMaxTransferSize;

void TProofLogElem::SetMaxTransferSize(Long64_t maxsz)
   // Set max transfer size.

   fgMaxTransferSize = maxsz;

Int_t TProofLogElem::Retrieve(TProofLog::ERetrieveOpt opt, const char *pattern)
   // Retrieve the content of the associated file. The approximate number
   // of lines to be retrieved is given by 'lines', with the convention that
   // 0 means 'all', a positive number means the first 'lines' and a negative
   // number means the last '-lines'. Default is -1000.
   // If opt == TProofLog::kGrep only the lines containing 'pattern' are
   // retrieved (remote grep functionality); to filter out a pattern 'pat' use
   // pattern = "-v pat".
   // Return 0 on success, -1 in case of any error.

   // Make sure we have a reference manager
   if (!fLogger->fMgr || !fLogger->fMgr->IsValid()) {
      Warning("Retrieve","No reference manager: corruption?");
      return -1;

   // Determine offsets
   if (opt == TProofLog::kAll) {
      // Re-read everything
      fFrom = 0;
      fTo = -1;
   } else if (opt == TProofLog::kLeading) {
      // Read leading part
      fFrom = 0;
      fTo = fgMaxTransferSize;
   } else if (opt == TProofLog::kGrep) {
      // Retrieve lines containing 'pattern', which must be defined
      if (!pattern || strlen(pattern) <= 0) {
         Error("Retrieve", "option 'Grep' requires a pattern");
         return -1;
   } else {
      // Read trailing part
      fFrom = -fgMaxTransferSize;
      fTo = -1;

   // Reset the macro
   fMacro = new TMacro;

   // Size to be read
   Long64_t len = (fTo > fFrom) ? fTo - fFrom : -1;

   // Readout the buffer
   TObjString *os = 0;
   if (fLogger->fMgr) {
      if (opt == TProofLog::kGrep)
         os = fLogger->fMgr->ReadBuffer(GetTitle(), pattern);
         os = fLogger->fMgr->ReadBuffer(GetTitle(), fFrom, len);
   if (os) {
      // Loop over lines
      TString ln;
      Ssiz_t from = 0;
      while (os->String().Tokenize(ln, from, "\n"))

      // Cleanup
      delete os;

   // Done
   return 0;

void TProofLogElem::Display(Int_t from, Int_t to)
   // Display the current content starting from line 'from' to line 'to'
   // inclusive.
   // A negative value for 'from' indicates lines counted from the end
   // (tail action); 'to' is ignored in such a case.
   // TProofLog::Prt is called to display: the location (screen, file, box)
   // is defined there.
   // Return 0 on success, -1 in case of any error.

   Int_t nls = (fMacro->GetListOfLines()) ?
                fMacro->GetListOfLines()->GetSize() : 0;
   const char *role = 0;
   if (strstr(GetTitle(), "worker-")) {
      role = "worker";
   } else {
      if (strchr(GetName(), '.')) {
         role = "submaster";
      } else {
         role = "master";

   // Starting line
   Int_t i = 0;
   Int_t ie = (to > -1 && to < nls) ? to : nls;
   if (from > 1) {
      if (from <= nls)
         i = from - 1;
   } else if (from < 0) {
      // Tail action
      if (-from <= nls)
         i = nls + from;
      ie = nls;
   // Write header
   Prt(Form("// --------- Start of element log -----------------\n"));
   Prt(Form("// Ordinal: %s (role: %s)\n", GetName(), role));
   // Separate out the submaster path, if any
   TString path(GetTitle());
   Int_t ic = path.Index(",");
   if (ic != kNPOS) {
      TString subm(path);
      path.Remove(0, ic+1);
      Prt(Form("// Submaster: %s \n", subm.Data()));
   Prt(Form("// Path: %s \n", path.Data()));
   Prt(Form("// # of retrieved lines: %d ", nls));
   if (i > 0 || ie < nls)
      Prt(Form("(displaying lines: %d -> %d)\n", i+1, ie));
   Prt(Form("// ------------------------------------------------\n"));
   // Write lines
   for ( ; i < ie; i++) {
      TObjString *os = (TObjString *) fMacro->GetListOfLines()->At(i);
      if (os)
         Prt(Form("%s\n", os->GetName()));
   // Write tail
   Prt(Form("// --------- End of element log -------------------\n\n"));

void TProofLogElem::Print(Option_t *) const
   // Print a line with the relevant info.

   Int_t nls = (fMacro->GetListOfLines()) ?
                fMacro->GetListOfLines()->GetSize() : 0;
   const char *role = (strstr(GetTitle(), "worker-")) ? "worker" : "master";

   fprintf(stderr, Form("Ord: %s Host: Role: %s lines: %d\n", GetName(), role, nls));

void TProofLogElem::Prt(const char *what)
   // Special printing procedure.

   if (fLogger)

Int_t TProofLogElem::Grep(const char *txt, TString &res, Int_t from)
   // Search lines containing 'txt', starting from line 'from'. Return
   // their blanck-separated list into 'res'.
   // Return the number of lines found, or -1 in case of error.

   Int_t nls = (fMacro->GetListOfLines()) ?
                fMacro->GetListOfLines()->GetSize() : 0;

   Int_t nf = 0;
   Int_t i = (from > 0) ? (from - 1) : 0;
   for( ; i < nls; i++) {
      TObjString *os = (TObjString *) fMacro->GetListOfLines()->At(i);
      if (os) {
         if (strstr(os->GetName(), txt)) {
            if (res.Length() > 0)
               res += " ";
            res += (i + 1);

   // Done
   return nf;

Last update: Thu Jan 17 09:01:47 2008

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