namespace ROOT::Reflex::Tools

 Split a scoped name. If returnScope is true return the scope part otherwise
 the base part. If startFromLeft is true, parse from left otherwise from the end.

Function Members (Methods)

Class Charts

Function documentation

EFUNDAMENTALTYPE FundamentalType(const ROOT::Reflex::Type& typ)
 Return an enum representing the fundamental type passed in.
std::string BuildTypeName(ROOT::Reflex::Type& t, unsigned int modifiers)
 Build a complete qualified type name.
std::vector<std::string> GenTemplateArgVec(const string& name)
 Return a vector of template arguments from a template type string.
size_t GetBasePosition(const string& name)
 Get the position of the base part of a scoped name.
 remove the template part of the name <...>
size_t GetFirstScopePosition(const string& name)
 Get the position of the first scope of a scoped name.
std::string GetScopeName(const string& name, bool startFromLeft = false)
 Get the scope of a name. Start either from the beginning (startfFromLeft=true) or end.
std::string GetBaseName(const string& name, bool startFromLeft = false)
 Get the base of a name. Start either from the beginning (startFromLeft=true) or end.
bool IsTemplated(const char* name)
 Check if a type name is templated.
void StringSplit(vector<std::string>& splitValues, const string& str, const string& delim = ",")
 Split a string by a delimiter and return it's vector of strings.
std::string StringVec2String(const vector<std::string>& vec)
std::string Demangle(const type_info& ti)
 Demangle a type_info object.
void StringSplitPair(string& val1, string& val2, const string& str, const string& delim = ",")
 Split a string by a delimiter into a pair and return them as val1 and val2.
void StringStrip(string& str)
 Strip spaces at the beginning and the end from a string.
std::string GetTemplateArguments(const char* name)
 Return the template arguments part of a templated type name.
std::string GetTemplateName(const char* name)
 Return the fully qualified scope name without template arguments.
std::string NormalizeName(const string& name)
 Normalize a type name.

Author: Stefan Roiser 2004
Last update: root/reflex:$Id: Tools.h 20883 2007-11-19 11:52:08Z rdm $

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