// @(#)root/gl:$Name:  $:$Id: TGLOrthoCamera.cxx,v 1.18 2007/06/23 21:23:22 brun Exp $
// Author:  Richard Maunder  25/05/2005

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#include "TVirtualGL.h"
#include "TMath.h"

#include "TGLOrthoCamera.h"
#include "TGLIncludes.h"
#include "TGLUtil.h"

//                                                                      //
// TGLOrthoCamera                                                       //
//                                                                      //
// Orthographic projection camera. Currently limited to three types     //
// defined at construction time - kXOY, kXOZ, kZOY - where this refers  //
// to the viewport plane axis - e.g. kXOY has X axis horizontal, Y      //
// vertical - i.e. looking down Z axis with Y vertical.                 //
// The plane types restriction could easily be removed to supported     //
// arbitary ortho projections along any axis/orientation with free      //
// rotations about them.                                                //
//                                                                      //


UInt_t   TGLOrthoCamera::fgZoomDeltaSens = 500;

TGLOrthoCamera::TGLOrthoCamera(EType type) :
   fType(type), fZoomMin(0.01), fZoomDefault(0.78), fZoomMax(1000.0),
   fVolume(TGLVertex3(-100.0, -100.0, -100.0), TGLVertex3(100.0, 100.0, 100.0)),
   fZoom(1.0), fTruck(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), fMatrix()
   // Construct orthographic camera with 'type' defining fixed view direction
   // & orientation (in world frame):
   // kXOY : X Horz. / Y Vert (looking towards +Z, Y up)
   // kXOZ : X Horz. / Z Vert (looking towards +Y, Z up)
   // kZOY : Z Horz. / Y Vert (looking towards +X, Y up)
   Setup(TGLBoundingBox(TGLVertex3(-100,-100,-100), TGLVertex3(100,100,100)));

TGLOrthoCamera::TGLOrthoCamera() :
   fType(kXOY), fZoomMin(0.01), fZoomDefault(0.78), fZoomMax(1000.0),
   fVolume(TGLVertex3(-100.0, -100.0, -100.0), TGLVertex3(100.0, 100.0, 100.0)),
   fZoom(1.0), fTruck(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), fShift(0.), fCenter(),
   // Construct orthographic camera.
   fOrthoBox[0] = 1.;
   fOrthoBox[1] = 1.;
   fOrthoBox[2] = -1.;
   fOrthoBox[3] = 1.;

   // Destroy orthographic camera

void TGLOrthoCamera::Setup(const TGLBoundingBox & box, Bool_t reset)
   // Setup camera limits suitible to view the world volume defined by 'box'
   // and call Reset() to initialise camera.
   static const Double_t rotMatrixXOY[] = { 1.,  0.,  0.,  0.,
                                            0.,  1.,  0.,  0.,
                                            0.,  0.,  1.,  0.,
                                            0.,  0.,  0.,  1. };

   static const Double_t rotMatrixXOZ[] = { 1.,  0.,  0.,  0.,
                                            0.,  0., -1.,  0.,
                                            0.,  1.,  0.,  0.,
                                            0.,  0.,  0.,  1. };

   static const Double_t rotMatrixZOY[] = { 0.,  0., -1.,  0.,
                                            0.,  1.,  0.,  0.,
                                            1.,  0.,  0.,  0.,
                                            0.,  0.,  0.,  1. };

   switch (fType) {
		// Looking down Z axis, X horz, Y vert
      case (kXOY): {
         // X -> X
         // Y -> Y
         // Z -> Z
         fVolume = box;
		// Looking down Y axis, X horz, Z vert
      case (kXOZ): {
         // X -> X
         // Z -> Y
         // Y -> Z
         fVolume.SetAligned(TGLVertex3(box.XMin(), box.ZMin(), box.YMin()),
                            TGLVertex3(box.XMax(), box.ZMax(), box.YMax()));
		// Looking down X axis, Z horz, Y vert
      case (kZOY): {
         // Z -> X
         // Y -> Y
         // X -> Z
         fVolume.SetAligned(TGLVertex3(box.ZMin(), box.YMin(), box.XMin()),
                            TGLVertex3(box.ZMax(), box.YMax(), box.XMax()));
   if (reset)

void TGLOrthoCamera::Reset()
   // Reset the camera to defaults - trucking, zooming to reframe the world volume
   // established in Setup(). Note: limits defined in Setup() are not adjusted.
   fTruck.Set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
   fZoom   = fZoomDefault;

Bool_t TGLOrthoCamera::Dolly(Int_t delta, Bool_t mod1, Bool_t mod2)
   // Dolly the camera - 'move camera along eye line, retaining lens focal length'.
   // Arguments are:
   // 'delta' - mouse viewport delta (pixels) - +ive dolly in, -ive dolly out
   // 'mod1' / 'mod2' - sensitivity modifiers - see TGLCamera::AdjustAndClampVal()
   // For an orthographic camera dollying and zooming are identical and both equate
   // logically to a rescaling of the viewport limits - without center shift.
   // There is no perspective foreshortening or lens 'focal length'.
   // Returns kTRUE is redraw required (camera change), kFALSE otherwise.

   // TODO: Bring all mouse handling into camera classes - would simplify interface and
   // remove these non-generic cases.
   return Zoom(delta, mod1, mod2);

Bool_t TGLOrthoCamera::Zoom (Int_t delta, Bool_t mod1, Bool_t mod2)
   // Zoom the camera - 'adjust lens focal length, retaining camera position'.
   // Arguments are:
   // 'delta' - mouse viewport delta (pixels) - +ive zoom in, -ive zoom out
   // 'mod1' / 'mod2' - sensitivity modifiers - see TGLCamera::AdjustAndClampVal()
   // For an orthographic camera dollying and zooming are identical and both equate
   // logically to a rescaling of the viewport limits - without center shift.
   // There is no perspective foreshortening or lens 'focal length'.
   // Returns kTRUE is redraw required (camera change), kFALSE otherwise.

   // TODO: Bring all mouse handling into camera classes - would simplify interface and
   // remove these non-generic cases.
   if (AdjustAndClampVal(fZoom, fZoomMin, fZoomMax, -delta*2, fgZoomDeltaSens, mod1, mod2))
      return kTRUE;
      return kFALSE;

Bool_t TGLOrthoCamera::Truck(Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t xDelta, Int_t yDelta)
   // Truck the camera - 'move camera parallel to film plane'. The film
   // plane is defined by the EyePoint() / EyeDirection() pair. Define motion
   // using center point (x/y) and delta (xDelta/yDelta) - the mouse motion.
   // Returns kTRUE is redraw required (camera change), kFALSE otherwise.
   // Note: Trucking is often mistakenly refered to as 'pan' or 'panning'.
   // Panning is swivelling the camera on it's own axis - the eye point.

   //TODO: Convert TGLRect so this not required
   GLint viewport[4] = { fViewport.X(), fViewport.Y(), fViewport.Width(), fViewport.Height() };
   TGLVertex3 start, end;
   // Trucking done at near clipping plane
   gluUnProject(x, y, 0.0, fModVM.CArr(), fProjM.CArr(), viewport, &start.X(), &start.Y(), &start.Z());
   gluUnProject(x + xDelta, y + yDelta, 0.0, fModVM.CArr(), fProjM.CArr(), viewport, &end.X(), &end.Y(), &end.Z());
   fTruck = fTruck + (end - start);
   return kTRUE;

Bool_t TGLOrthoCamera::Rotate(Int_t /*xDelta*/, Int_t /*yDelta*/)
   // Rotate the camera - 'swivel round the view volume center'.
   // Ignored at present for orthographic cameras - have a fixed direction.
   // Could let the user or external code create non-axis
   // ortho projects by adjusting H/V rotations in future.
   // Returns kTRUE is redraw required (camera change), kFALSE otherwise.

   return kFALSE;

void TGLOrthoCamera::Apply(const TGLBoundingBox & /*box*/,
                           const TGLRect        * pickRect) const
   // Apply the camera to the current GL context, setting the viewport, projection
   // and modelview matricies. After this verticies etc can be directly entered
   // in the world frame. This also updates the cached frustum values, enabling
   // all the projection, overlap tests etc defined in TGLCamera to be used.
   // Arguments are:
   // 'box' - view volume box - ignored for ortho camera. Assumed to be same
   // as one passed to Setup().
   // 'pickRect' - optional picking rect. If non-null, restrict drawing to this
   // viewport rect.
   glViewport(fViewport.X(), fViewport.Y(), fViewport.Width(), fViewport.Height());


   // Load up any picking rect
   if (pickRect)
      TGLRect rect(*pickRect);
      gluPickMatrix(rect.X(), rect.Y(), rect.Width(), rect.Height(),
                    (Int_t*) fViewport.CArr());

   if(fViewport.Width() == 0 || fViewport.Height() == 0) {

   TGLVector3 extents = fVolume.Extents();
   Double_t width = extents.X();
   Double_t height = extents.Y();
   Double_t halfRange;
   if (width > height) {
      halfRange = width / 2.0;
   } else {
      halfRange = height / 2.0;
   halfRange /= fZoom;

   // For near/far clipping half depth give extra slack so clip objects/manips
   // are visible
   Double_t halfDepth = extents.Mag();
   const TGLVertex3 & center = fVolume.Center();

   glOrtho(center.X() - halfRange,
           center.X() + halfRange,
           center.Y() - halfRange,
           center.Y() + halfRange,
           center.Z() - halfDepth,
           center.Z() + halfDepth);


   glScaled(1.0 / fViewport.Aspect(), 1.0, 1.0);

   // Debug aid - show current volume
   glColor3d(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

   glTranslated(fTruck.X(), fTruck.Y(), fTruck.Z());

   if (fCacheDirty) {

void TGLOrthoCamera::Configure(Double_t left, Double_t right,
                               Double_t top, Double_t bottom)
   // Configure the camera state
   Double_t width = right - left;
   Double_t height = top - bottom;

   Double_t xZoom = width/fVolume.Extents().X();
   Double_t yZoom = height/fVolume.Extents().Y();

   fZoom = (xZoom > yZoom) ? xZoom : yZoom;

   // kXOY : X Horz. / Y Vert (looking towards +Z, Y up)
   // kXOZ : X Horz. / Z Vert (looking towards +Y, Z up)
   // kZOY : Z Horz. / Y Vert (looking towards +X, Y up)
   if (fType == kXOY) {
      fTruck.X() = right - left;
      fTruck.Y() = top - bottom;
   } else if (fType == kXOZ) {
      fTruck.X() = right - left;
      fTruck.Z() = top - bottom;
   } else if (fType == kZOY) {
      fTruck.Z() = right - left;
      fTruck.Y() = top - bottom;

void TGLOrthoCamera::SetViewport(TGLPaintDevice *dev)
//void TGLOrthoCamera::SetViewport(Int_t context)
   //Setup viewport, if it was changed, plus reset arcball.
   Int_t vp[4] = {0};
//   gGLManager->ExtractViewport(context, vp);
   if (vp[2] != Int_t(fViewport.Width()) || vp[3] != Int_t(fViewport.Height()) ||
       vp[0] != fViewport.X() || vp[1] != fViewport.Y())
      fVpChanged = kTRUE;
      fArcBall.SetBounds(vp[2], vp[3]);
      fViewport.Set(vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], vp[3]);
   } else
      fVpChanged = kFALSE;

void TGLOrthoCamera::SetViewVolume(const TGLVertex3 *box)
   //'box' is the TGLPlotPainter's back box's coordinates.
   fCenter[0] = (box[0].X() + box[1].X()) / 2;
   fCenter[1] = (box[0].Y() + box[2].Y()) / 2;
   fCenter[2] = (box[0].Z() + box[4].Z()) / 2;
   const Double_t maxDim = box[1].X() - box[0].X();
   fOrthoBox[0] = maxDim;
   fOrthoBox[1] = maxDim;
   fOrthoBox[2] = -100 * maxDim;//100?
   fOrthoBox[3] = 100 * maxDim;
   fShift = maxDim * 1.5;

void TGLOrthoCamera::StartRotation(Int_t px, Int_t py)
   //User clicks somewhere (px, py).
   fArcBall.Click(TPoint(px, py));

void TGLOrthoCamera::RotateCamera(Int_t px, Int_t py)
   //Mouse movement.
   fArcBall.Drag(TPoint(px, py));

void TGLOrthoCamera::StartPan(Int_t px, Int_t py)
   //User clicks somewhere (px, py).
   fMousePos.fX = px;
   fMousePos.fY = fViewport.Height() - py;

void TGLOrthoCamera::Pan(Int_t px, Int_t py)
   //Pan camera.
   py = fViewport.Height() - py;
   //Extract gl matrices.
   Double_t mv[16] = {0.};
   glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, mv);
   Double_t pr[16] = {0.};
   glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, pr);
   Int_t vp[] = {0, 0, fViewport.Width(), fViewport.Height()};
   //Adjust pan vector.
   TGLVertex3 start, end;
   gluUnProject(fMousePos.fX, fMousePos.fY, 1., mv, pr, vp, &start.X(), &start.Y(), &start.Z());
   gluUnProject(px, py, 1., mv, pr, vp, &end.X(), &end.Y(), &end.Z());
   fTruck += (start - end) /= 2.;
   fMousePos.fX = px;
   fMousePos.fY = py;

void TGLOrthoCamera::SetCamera()const
   //Viewport and projection.
   glViewport(0, 0, fViewport.Width(), fViewport.Height());

           -fOrthoBox[0] * fZoom,
            fOrthoBox[0] * fZoom,
           -fOrthoBox[1] * fZoom,
            fOrthoBox[1] * fZoom,


void TGLOrthoCamera::Apply()const
   //Applies rotations and translations before drawing
   glTranslated(0., 0., -fShift);
   glRotated(45., 1., 0., 0.);
   glRotated(-45., 0., 1., 0.);
   glRotated(-90., 0., 1., 0.);
   glRotated(-90., 1., 0., 0.);
   glTranslated(-fTruck[0], -fTruck[1], -fTruck[2]);
   glTranslated(-fCenter[0], -fCenter[1], -fCenter[2]);

Int_t TGLOrthoCamera::GetX()const
   return fViewport.X();

Int_t TGLOrthoCamera::GetY()const
   return fViewport.Y();

Int_t TGLOrthoCamera::GetWidth()const
   return Int_t(fViewport.Width());

Int_t TGLOrthoCamera::GetHeight()const
   return Int_t(fViewport.Height());

void TGLOrthoCamera::ZoomIn()
   //Zoom in.
   fZoom /= 1.2;

void TGLOrthoCamera::ZoomOut()
   //Zoom out.
   fZoom *= 1.2;

void TGLOrthoCamera::Markup(TGLCameraMarkupStyle* ms) const
   // Write viewport dimensions on screen.

   TGLVector3 extents = fVolume.Extents();
   Double_t width     = extents.X()/fZoom;
   Double_t maxbarw0  = ms->Barsize()*width;

   // get 10-exponent
   Int_t exp = (Int_t) TMath::Floor(TMath::Log10(maxbarw0));

   Double_t fact = maxbarw0/TMath::Power(10, exp);
   Float_t barw;

   if (fact > 5) {
      barw = 5*TMath::Power(10, exp);
      glColor3d(1., 0., 1.0);
   else if (fact > 2) {
      barw = 2*TMath::Power(10, exp);
      glColor3d(0., 1., 1.0);
   } else {
      barw = TMath::Power(10, exp);
      glColor3d(0., 0., 1.0);
   Double_t wproc = barw / width;
   Int_t screenw = fViewport.Width();
   Int_t screenh = fViewport.Height();

   Double_t sX, sY;
   Double_t offX, offY, txtOffX, txtOffY;
   ms->Offsets(offX, offY, txtOffX, txtOffY);

   switch (ms->Position())
      case TGLCameraMarkupStyle::kLUp:
         sX = offX;
         sY = screenh - offY -  txtOffY - 8;
      case TGLCameraMarkupStyle::kLDn:
         sX = offX;
         sY = offY;
      case TGLCameraMarkupStyle::kRUp:
         sX = screenw - ms->Barsize()*screenw - offX;
         sY = screenh - offY  -  txtOffY - 8;
      case TGLCameraMarkupStyle::kRDn:
         sX = screenw - ms->Barsize()*screenw -  offX;
         sY = offY;
         sX = 0.5*screenw;
         sY = 0.5*screenh;

   glTranslatef(sX, sY, 0);

   glColor3d(1., 1., 1.);

   Double_t mH = 2;

   // horizontal static
   glVertex3d(0, 0.,0.);
   glVertex3d(ms->Barsize()*screenw, 0., 0.);
   // corner bars
   glVertex3d(ms->Barsize()*screenw,  mH, 0.);
   glVertex3d(ms->Barsize()*screenw, -mH, 0.);
   // marker cormer bar
   glColor3d(1., 0., 0.);
   glVertex3d(0.,  mH, 0.);
   glVertex3d(0., -mH, 0.);
   // marker pointer
   glVertex3d(screenw*wproc, 0., 0.);
   glVertex3d(screenw*wproc, mH, 0.);
   //marker line
   glVertex3d(0, 0.,0.);
   glVertex3d(screenw*wproc, 0., 0.);

   glTranslated(-sX, -sY, 0);

   TString str = Form("%.*f", (exp < 0) ? -exp : 0, barw);
   TGLUtil::DrawNumber(str, TGLVertex3(sX + txtOffX, sY + txtOffY, -1));

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