class ROOT::Math::IParametricFunction<ROOT::Math::OneDim>
library: libMathCore
#include "IParamFunction.h"
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class ROOT::Math::IParametricFunction<ROOT::Math::OneDim>: public ROOT::Math::IBaseFunction<ROOT::Math::OneDim>, public ROOT::Math::IBaseParam

Function Members (Methods)

    This is an abstract class, constructors will not be documented.
    Look at the header to check for available constructors.

virtual doubleoperator()(const double* x, const double* p)
ROOT::Math::IParametricFunction<ROOT::Math::OneDim>&operator=(const ROOT::Math::IParametricFunction<ROOT::Math::OneDim>&)

Class Charts

Inheritance Inherited Members Includes Libraries
Class Charts

Function documentation

double operator()(const double* x, const double* p)
 default constructor (needed to initialize parent classes)
IParamFunction() :
 user may re-implement this for better efficiency
 this method is NOT required to  change internal values of parameters. confusing ??

Evaluate function at a point x and for parameters p.
This method mey be needed for better efficiencies when for each function evaluation the parameters are changed.

Last update: Mon Jun 25 19:39:37 2007

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