// @(#)root/tree:$Name:  $:$Id: TChain.cxx,v 1.124 2006/02/10 23:43:51 pcanal Exp $
// Author: Rene Brun   03/02/97

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

//                                                                      //
// TChain                                                               //
//                                                                      //
// A chain is a collection of files containg TTree objects.             //
// When the chain is created, the first parameter is the default name   //
// for the Tree to be processed later on.                               //
//                                                                      //
// Enter a new element in the chain via the TChain::Add function.       //
// Once a chain is defined, one can use the normal TTree functions      //
// to Draw,Scan,etc.                                                    //
//                                                                      //
// Use TChain::SetBranchStatus to activate one or more branches for all //
// the trees in the chain.                                              //
//                                                                      //

#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TChain.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TCut.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TSelector.h"
#include "TBranch.h"
#include "TLeaf.h"
#include "TBrowser.h"
#include "TChainElement.h"
#include "TFriendElement.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TRegexp.h"
#include "TObjString.h"
#include "TChainProof.h"
#include "TVirtualProof.h"
#include "TDSet.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "TVirtualIndex.h"
#include "TFileInfo.h"
#include "TUrl.h"
#include "TTreeCloner.h"

#include <queue>
#include <map>


 TChain::TChain(): TTree()
//*-*-*-*-*-*Default constructor for Chain*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*        ==============================

   fTreeOffsetLen  = 100;
   fNtrees         = 0;
   fTreeNumber     = -1;
   fTreeOffset     = new Long64_t[fTreeOffsetLen];
   fTree           = 0;
   fFile           = 0;
   fFiles          = new TObjArray(fTreeOffsetLen );
   fStatus         = new TList();
   fMaxCacheSize   = 0;
   fPageSize       = 0;
   fCanDeleteRefs  = kFALSE;
   fChainProof     = 0;

   // Add to the global list

 TChain::TChain(const char *name, const char *title)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Create a Chain*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*                      ==============
//   A TChain is a collection of TFile objects.
//    the first parameter "name" is the name of the TTree object
//    in the files added with Add.
//   Use TChain::Add to add a new element to this chain.
//   In case the Tree is in a subdirectory, do, eg:
//     TChain ch("subdir/treename");
//    Example:
//  Suppose we have 3 files f1.root, f2.root and f3.root. Each file
//  contains a TTree object named "T".
//     TChain ch("T");  creates a chain to process a Tree called "T"
//     ch.Add("f1.root");
//     ch.Add("f2.root");
//     ch.Add("f3.root");
//     ch.Draw("x");
//       The Draw function above will process the variable "x" in Tree "T"
//       reading sequentially the 3 files in the chain ch.

   fTreeOffsetLen  = 100;
   fNtrees         = 0;
   fTreeNumber     = -1;
   fTreeOffset     = new Long64_t[fTreeOffsetLen];
   fTree           = 0;
   fFile           = 0;
   fFiles          = new TObjArray(fTreeOffsetLen );
   fStatus         = new TList();
   fMaxCacheSize   = 0;
   fPageSize       = 0;
   fTreeOffset[0]  = 0;
   fCanDeleteRefs  = kFALSE;
   fDirectory = 0;
   fChainProof = 0;

   // Add to the global list

// destructor for a Chain

   fDirectory = 0;
   delete fFile; fFile = 0; fTree = 0;
   delete [] fTreeOffset;
   delete fFiles;
   delete fStatus;

   // Remove from the global list

 Int_t TChain::Add(TChain *chain)
// Add all files referenced by the TChain chain to this chain.

   //Check enough space in fTreeOffset
   if (fNtrees+chain->GetNtrees() >= fTreeOffsetLen) {
      fTreeOffsetLen += 2*chain->GetNtrees();
      Long64_t *trees = new Long64_t[fTreeOffsetLen];
      for (Int_t i=0;i<=fNtrees;i++) trees[i] = fTreeOffset[i];
      delete [] fTreeOffset;
      fTreeOffset = trees;

   TIter next(chain->GetListOfFiles());
   TChainElement *element, *newelement;
   Int_t nf = 0;
   while ((element = (TChainElement*)next())) {
      Long64_t nentries = element->GetEntries();
      if (fTreeOffset[fNtrees]==kBigNumber) {
         fTreeOffset[fNtrees+1] = kBigNumber;
      } else {
         fTreeOffset[fNtrees+1] = fTreeOffset[fNtrees] + nentries;
      fEntries += nentries;
      newelement = new TChainElement(element->GetName(),element->GetTitle());
   return nf;

 Int_t TChain::Add(const char *name, Long64_t nentries)
// Add a new file to this chain.
// Argument name may have the following format:
//   //machine/file_name.root/subdir/tree_name
// machine, subdir and tree_name are optional. If tree_name is missing,
// the chain name will be assumed.
// Name may use the wildcarding notation, eg "xxx*.root" means all files
// starting with xxx in the current file system directory.
// NB. To add all the files of a TChain to a chain, use Add(TChain *chain).
//    A- if nentries <= 0, the file is connected and the tree header read
//       in memory to get the number of entries.
//    B- if (nentries > 0, the file is not connected, nentries is assumed to be
//       the number of entries in the file. In this case, no check is made that
//       the file exists and the Tree existing in the file. This second mode
//       is interesting in case the number of entries in the file is already stored
//       in a run data base for example.
//    C- if (nentries == kBigNumber) (default), the file is not connected.
//       the number of entries in each file will be read only when the file
//       will need to be connected to read an entry.
//       This option is the default and very efficient if one process
//       the chain sequentially. Note that in case TChain::GetEntry(entry)
//       is called and entry refers to an entry in the 3rd file, for example,
//       this forces the Tree headers in the first and second file
//       to be read to find the number of entries in these files.
//       Note that if one calls TChain::GetEntriesFast() after having created
//       a chain with this default, GetEntriesFast will return kBigNumber!
//       TChain::GetEntries will force of the Tree headers in the chain to be
//       read to read the number of entries in each Tree.

   // case with one single file
   if (!TString(name).MaybeWildcard()) {
      return AddFile(name,nentries);

   // wildcarding used in name
   Int_t nf = 0;
   TString basename(name);

   Int_t dotslashpos = basename.Index(".root/");
   TString behind_dot_root;
   if (dotslashpos>=0) {
      // Copy the tree name specification
      behind_dot_root = basename(dotslashpos+6,basename.Length()-dotslashpos+6);
      // and remove it from basename

   Int_t slashpos = basename.Last('/');
   TString directory;
   if (slashpos>=0) {
      directory = basename(0,slashpos); // Copy the directory name
      basename.Remove(0,slashpos+1);      // and remove it from basename
   } else {
      directory = gSystem->WorkingDirectory();

   const char *file;
   void *dir = gSystem->OpenDirectory(gSystem->ExpandPathName(directory.Data()));

   if (dir) {
      //create a TList to store the file names (not yet sorted)
      TList l;
      TRegexp re(basename,kTRUE);
      while ((file = gSystem->GetDirEntry(dir))) {
         if (!strcmp(file,".") || !strcmp(file,"..")) continue;
         TString s = file;
         if ( (basename!=file) && s.Index(re) == kNPOS) continue;
         l.Add(new TObjString(file));
      //sort the files in alphanumeric order
      TIter next(&l);
      TObjString *obj;
      while ((obj = (TObjString*)next())) {
         file = obj->GetName();
         if (behind_dot_root.Length() != 0)
            nf += AddFile(Form("%s/%s/%s",directory.Data(),file,behind_dot_root.Data()),kBigNumber);
            nf += AddFile(Form("%s/%s",directory.Data(),file),kBigNumber);
   return nf;

 Int_t TChain::AddFile(const char *name, Long64_t nentries, const char *tname)
//       Add a new file to this chain.
//       If tname is specified, the chain will load the tree named tname
//       from the file, otherwise the original treename specified in the
//       TChain constructor will be used.
//    A- if nentries <= 0, the file is connected and the tree header read
//       in memory to get the number of entries.
//    B- if (nentries > 0, the file is not connected, nentries is assumed to be
//       the number of entries in the file. In this case, no check is made that
//       the file exists and the Tree existing in the file. This second mode
//       is interesting in case the number of entries in the file is already stored
//       in a run data base for example.
//    C- if (nentries == kBigNumber) (default), the file is not connected.
//       The number of entries in each file will be read only when the file
//       will need to be connected to read an entry.
//       This option is the default and very efficient if one processes
//       the chain sequentially. Note that in case TChain::GetEntry(entry)
//       is called and entry refers to an entry in the 3rd file, for example,
//       this forces the Tree headers in the first and second file
//       to be read to find the number of entries in these files.
//       Note that if one calls TChain::GetEntriesFast() after having created
//       a chain with this default, GetEntriesFast will return kBigNumber!
//       TChain::GetEntries will force of the Tree headers in the chain to be
//       read to read the number of entries in each Tree.

   TDirectory *cursav = gDirectory;
   const char *treename = GetName();
   if (tname && strlen(tname) > 0) treename = tname;
   char *dot = (char*)strstr(name,".root");
   //the ".root" is mandatory only if one wants to specify a treename
   //if (!dot) {
   //   Error("AddFile","a chain element name must contain the string .root");
   //   return 0;

   //Check enough space in fTreeOffset
   if (fNtrees+1 >= fTreeOffsetLen) {
      fTreeOffsetLen *= 2;
      Long64_t *trees = new Long64_t[fTreeOffsetLen];
      for (Int_t i=0;i<=fNtrees;i++) trees[i] = fTreeOffset[i];
      delete [] fTreeOffset;
      fTreeOffset = trees;

   //Search for a a slash between the .root and the end
   Int_t nch = strlen(name) + strlen(treename);
   char *filename = new char[nch+1];
   if (dot) {
      char *pos = (char*)strstr(filename,".root") + 5;
      while (*pos) {
         if (*pos == '/') {
            treename = pos+1;
            *pos = 0;

   //Connect the file to get the number of entries
   Int_t pksize = 0;
   if (nentries <= 0) {
      TFile *file = TFile::Open(filename);
      if (!file || file->IsZombie()) {
         delete file;
         delete [] filename;
         return 0;

      //Check that tree with the right name exists in the file
      TObject *obj = file->Get(treename);
      if (!obj || !obj->InheritsFrom("TTree") ) {
         Error("AddFile","cannot find tree with name %s in file %s", treename,filename);
         delete file;
         delete [] filename;
         return 0;
      TTree *tree = (TTree*)obj;
      nentries = tree->GetEntries();
      pksize   = tree->GetPacketSize();
      delete file;

   if (nentries > 0) {
      if (nentries < kBigNumber) {
         fTreeOffset[fNtrees+1] = fTreeOffset[fNtrees] + nentries;
         fEntries += nentries;
      } else {
         fTreeOffset[fNtrees+1] = kBigNumber;
         fEntries = nentries;

      TChainElement *element = new TChainElement(treename,filename);
   } else {
      Warning("Add","Adding Tree with no entries from file: %s",filename);

   delete [] filename;
   if (cursav) cursav->cd();
   return 1;

 Int_t TChain::AddFileInfoList(TList *fileinfolist, Long64_t nfiles)
   // Add all files referenced in the List of TFileInfo objects to the chain.

   if (!fileinfolist)
      return 0;
   TIter next(fileinfolist);
   TFileInfo* finfo;
   Long64_t cnt=0;
   while ((finfo = (TFileInfo*)next())) {
      // read the first url
      if (finfo->GetCurrentUrl())
      if (cnt>=nfiles)
   return 1;

 TFriendElement *TChain::AddFriend(const char *chain, const char *dummy)
// Add a TFriendElement to the list of friends of this chain.
//   A TChain has a list of friends similar to a tree (see TTree::AddFriend).
// You can add a friend to a chain with the TChain::AddFriend method, and you
// can retrieve the list of friends with TChain::GetListOfFriends.
// This example has four chains each has 20 ROOT trees from 20 ROOT files.
// TChain ch("t"); // a chain with 20 trees from 20 files
// TChain ch1("t1");
// TChain ch2("t2");
// TChain ch3("t3");
// Now we can add the friends to the first chain.
// ch.AddFriend("t1")
// ch.AddFriend("t2")
// ch.AddFriend("t3")
/* */ //

// The parameter is the name of friend chain (the name of a chain is always
// the name of the tree from which it was created).
// The original chain has access to all variable in its friends.
// We can use the TChain::Draw method as if the values in the friends were
// in the original chain.
// To specify the chain to use in the Draw method, use the syntax:
// <chainname>.<branchname>.<varname>
// If the variable name is enough to uniquely identify the variable, you can
// leave out the chain and/or branch name.
// For example, this generates a 3-d scatter plot of variable "var" in the
// TChain ch versus variable v1 in TChain t1 versus variable v2 in TChain t2.
// ch.Draw("var:t1.v1:t2.v2");
// When a TChain::Draw is executed, an automatic call to TTree::AddFriend
// connects the trees in the chain. When a chain is deleted, its friend
// elements are also deleted.
// The number of entries in the friend must be equal or greater to the number
// of entries of the original chain. If the friend has fewer entries a warning
// is given and the resulting histogram will have missing entries.
// For additional information see TTree::AddFriend.

   if (!fFriends) fFriends = new TList();
   TFriendElement *fe = new TFriendElement(this,chain,dummy);

   Assert(fe); // There used to be a "if (fe)" test ... Keep this assert until we are sure that fe is never null


   // We need to invalidate the loading of the current tree because its list
   // of real friend is now obsolete.  It is repairable only from LoadTree
   fTreeNumber = -1;

   TTree *t = fe->GetTree();
   if (!t) {
      Warning("AddFriend","Unknown TChain %s",chain);
   return fe;

 TFriendElement *TChain::AddFriend(const char *chain, TFile *dummy)
   // Add the whole chain or tree as a friend of this chain

   if (!fFriends) fFriends = new TList();
   TFriendElement *fe = new TFriendElement(this,chain,dummy);

   Assert(fe); // There used to be a "if (fe)" test ... Keep this assert until we are sure that fe is never null


   // We need to invalidate the loading of the current tree because its list
   // of real friend is now obsolete.  It is repairable only from LoadTree
   fTreeNumber = -1;

   TTree *t = fe->GetTree();
   if (!t) {
      Warning("AddFriend","Unknown TChain %s",chain);
   return fe;

 TFriendElement *TChain::AddFriend(TTree *chain, const char* alias,
                                  Bool_t /*warn*/)
   // Add the whole chain or tree as a friend of this chain

   if (!fFriends) fFriends = new TList();
   TFriendElement *fe = new TFriendElement(this,chain,alias);


   // We need to invalidate the loading of the current tree because its list
   // of real friend is now obsolete.  It is repairable only from LoadTree
   fTreeNumber = -1;

   TTree *t = fe->GetTree();
   if (!t) {
      Warning("AddFriend","Unknown TChain %s",chain->GetName());
   return fe;

 void TChain::Browse(TBrowser *b)
   // Browse contain of the chain


 void TChain::CanDeleteRefs(Bool_t flag)
// when closing a file during the chain processing, the file
// may be closed with option "R" if flag is set to kTRUE.
// by default flag is kTRUE.
// When closing a file with option "R", all TProcessIDs referenced by this
// file are deleted.
// Calling TFile::Close("R") might be necessary in case one reads a long list
// of files having TRef, writing some of the referenced objects or TRef
// to a new file. If the TRef or referenced objects of the file being closed
// will not be referenced again, it is possible to minimize the size
// of the TProcessID data structures in memory by forcing a delete of
// the unused TProcessID.

   fCanDeleteRefs = flag;

 void TChain::CreatePackets()
// Initialize the packet descriptor string

   TIter next(fFiles);
   TChainElement *element;
   while ((element = (TChainElement*)next())) {

 Long64_t TChain::Draw(const char *varexp, const TCut &selection, Option_t *option, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t firstentry)
   // Draw expression varexp for selected entries.
   // This function accepts TCut objects as arguments.
   // Useful to use the string operator +, example:
   //    ntuple.Draw("x",cut1+cut2+cut3);
   if (fChainProof) {
      return fChainProof->Draw(varexp, selection, option, nentries, firstentry);

   return TChain::Draw(varexp, selection.GetTitle(), option, nentries, firstentry);

 Long64_t TChain::Draw(const char *varexp, const char *selection, Option_t *option,Long64_t nentries, Long64_t firstentry)
   // Process all entries in this chain and draw histogram
   // corresponding to expression varexp.

   if (fChainProof) {
      return fChainProof->Draw(varexp, selection, option, nentries, firstentry);

   if (LoadTree(firstentry) < 0) return 0;
   return TTree::Draw(varexp,selection,option,nentries,firstentry);

 TBranch *TChain::GetBranch(const char *name)
   // Return pointer to the branch name in the current tree.

   if (fChainProof) return fChainProof->GetBranch(name);
   if (fTree) return fTree->GetBranch(name);
   if (fTree) return fTree->GetBranch(name);
   return 0;

 Long64_t TChain::GetChainEntryNumber(Long64_t entry) const
   // Return absolute entry number in the chain the input parameter
   // entry is the entry number in the current Tree of this chain.

   return entry + fTreeOffset[fTreeNumber];

 Long64_t TChain::GetEntries() const
   // Return the total number of entries in the chain.  In case the
   // number of entries in each tree is not yet known, the offset table
   // is computed.

   if (fChainProof) return fChainProof->GetEntries();
   if (fEntries >= kBigNumber) {
   return fEntries;

 Int_t TChain::GetEntry(Long64_t entry, Int_t getall)
   // Get entry from the file to memory
   //     getall = 0 : get only active branches
   //     getall = 1 : get all branches
   // return the total number of bytes read
   // o bytes read indicates a failure.

   if (LoadTree(entry) < 0) return 0;
   if (fTree==0) return 0;
   return fTree->GetEntry(fReadEntry,getall);

 Int_t TChain::GetEntryWithIndex(Int_t major, Int_t minor)
// Return entry  corresponding to major and minor number
// For example:
//     Int_t run   = 1234;
//     Int_t event = 345;
//     Long64_t serial= chain.GetEntryNumberWithIndex(run,event);
//    now the variable serial is in the range [0,nentries] and one can do
//    chain.GetEntry(serial);
// WARNING: This function will not work if teh chain has friend chains.

   Long64_t serial = GetEntryNumberWithIndex(major, minor);
   if (serial < 0) return -1;
   return GetEntry(serial);

 TFile *TChain::GetFile() const
//  Return a pointer to the current file.
//  if no file is connected, the first file is automatically loaded.

   if (fFile) return fFile;
   const_cast<TChain*>(this)->LoadTree(0); //force reading first entry
   return fFile;

 TLeaf *TChain::GetLeaf(const char *name)
//  Return pointer to the leaf name in the current tree

   if (fChainProof) return fChainProof->GetLeaf(name);
   if (fTree) return fTree->GetLeaf(name);
   if (fTree) return fTree->GetLeaf(name);
   return 0;

 TObjArray *TChain::GetListOfBranches()
// Return pointer to list of branches of current tree

   if (fChainProof) return fChainProof->GetListOfBranches();

   if (fTree) return fTree->GetListOfBranches();
   if (fTree) return fTree->GetListOfBranches();
   return 0;

 TObjArray *TChain::GetListOfLeaves()
// Return pointer to list of leaves of current tree

   if (fChainProof) return fChainProof->GetListOfLeaves();

   if (fTree) return fTree->GetListOfLeaves();
   if (fTree) return fTree->GetListOfLeaves();
   return 0;

 Double_t TChain::GetMaximum(const char *columname)
// Return maximum of column with name columname

   Double_t theMax = -FLT_MAX;  //in float.h
   for (Int_t file=0;file<fNtrees;file++) {
      Long64_t first = fTreeOffset[file];
      Double_t curmax = fTree->GetMaximum(columname);;
      if (curmax > theMax) theMax = curmax;
   return theMax;

 Double_t TChain::GetMinimum(const char *columname)
// Return minimum of column with name columname

   Double_t theMin = FLT_MAX; //in float.h
   for (Int_t file=0;file<fNtrees;file++) {
      Long64_t first = fTreeOffset[file];
      Double_t curmin = fTree->GetMinimum(columname);;
      if (curmin < theMin) theMin = curmin;
   return theMin;

 Int_t TChain::GetNbranches()
// Return number of branches of current tree

   if (fTree) return fTree->GetNbranches();
   if (fTree) return fTree->GetNbranches();
   return 0;

 const char *TChain::GetAlias(const char *aliasName) const
   // Returns the expanded value of the alias.  Search in the friend if any

   const char *alias = TTree::GetAlias(aliasName);
   if (alias) return alias;

   if (fTree) return fTree->GetAlias(aliasName);
   if (fTree) return fTree->GetAlias(aliasName);
   return 0;

 Double_t TChain::GetWeight() const
//  return the chain weight.
//  by default, the weight is the weight of the current Tree in the TChain.
//  However, if the weight has been set in TChain::SetWeight with
//  the option "global", each Tree will use the same weight stored
//  in TChain::fWeight.

   if (TestBit(kGlobalWeight)) return fWeight;
   else {
      if (fTree) return fTree->GetWeight();
      if (fTree) return fTree->GetWeight();
      return 0;

 Int_t TChain::LoadBaskets(Long64_t /*maxmemory*/)
// This function overrides TTree::LoadBaskets and is dummy.
// It could be implemented and load all baskets of all trees in the chain.
// For the time being use TChain::Merge and TTree::LoadBasket
// on the resulting tree.

   Error("LoadBaskets","function not yet implemented for TChains");
   return 0;

 Long64_t TChain::LoadTree(Long64_t entry)
//  The input argument entry is the entry serial number in the whole chain.
//  The function finds the corresponding Tree and returns the entry number
//  in this tree.

   // We already have been visited while recursively looking
   // through the friends tree, let return
   if (kLoadTree & fFriendLockStatus) return 0;

   if (!fNtrees) return 1;
   if (entry < 0 || (entry > 0 && entry >= fEntries)) return -2;

   // Find in which tree this entry belongs to
   Int_t t;
   if (fTreeNumber!=-1 &&
       (entry >= fTreeOffset[fTreeNumber] && entry < fTreeOffset[fTreeNumber+1])){
      t = fTreeNumber;
   else {
      for (t=0;t<fNtrees;t++) {
         if (entry < fTreeOffset[t+1]) break;

   fReadEntry = entry - fTreeOffset[t];
   // If entry belongs to the current tree return entry
   if (t == fTreeNumber) {
      // First set the entry the tree on its owns friends
      // (the friends of the chain will be updated in the
      // next loop).
      if (fFriends) {

         // The current tree has not changed but some of its friend might.

         //An Alternative would move this code to each of the function calling LoadTree
         //(and to overload a few more).
         TIter next(fFriends);
         TFriendLock lock(this,kLoadTree);
         TFriendElement *fe;
         TFriendElement *fetree;
         Bool_t needUpdate = kFALSE;
         while ((fe = (TFriendElement*)next())) {
            TObjLink *lnk = fTree->GetListOfFriends()->FirstLink();
            fetree = 0;
            while (lnk) {
               TObject *obj = lnk->GetObject();
               if (obj->TestBit(TFriendElement::kFromChain)
                   && obj->GetName() && !strcmp(fe->GetName(), obj->GetName())) {
                  fetree = (TFriendElement*)obj;
               lnk = lnk->Next();

            TTree *t = fe->GetTree();
            if (t->InheritsFrom(TChain::Class())) {
               Int_t oldNumber = ((TChain*)t)->GetTreeNumber();
               TTree* old = t->GetTree();
               TTree* oldintree = fetree ? fetree->GetTree() : 0;

               t->LoadTreeFriend(entry, this);

               Int_t newNumber = ((TChain*)t)->GetTreeNumber();
               if (oldNumber!=newNumber || old!=t->GetTree()
                   || (oldintree && oldintree != t->GetTree())) {
                  // We can not compare just the tree pointers because
                  // they could be reused. So we compare the tree
                  // number instead.
                  needUpdate = kTRUE;
            } else {
               // else we assume it is a simple tree If the tree is a
               // direct friend of the chain, it should be scanned
               // used the chain entry number and NOT the tree entry
               // number (fReadEntry) hence we redo:
               t->LoadTreeFriend(entry, this);

         if (needUpdate) {
            //update list of leaves in all TTreeFormula of the TTreePlayer (if any)
            if (fPlayer) fPlayer->UpdateFormulaLeaves();
            //Notify user if requested
            if (fNotify) fNotify->Notify();

      return fReadEntry;

   // If the tree has some clone, let migrate them into the chain so we can
   // continue to keep track of it.  This is to support the syntax:
   //    clone = (TTree*)chain->GetTree()->CloneTree(0)
   if (fTree && fTree->GetListOfClones()) {
      TObjLink *lnk = fTree->GetListOfClones()->FirstLink();
      while (lnk) {
         TTree *clone = (TTree*)lnk->GetObject();
         lnk = lnk->Next();

   //Delete current tree and connect new tree
   TDirectory *cursav = gDirectory;
   //delete file unless the file owns this chain !!
   if (fFile) {
      if (!fDirectory->GetList()->FindObject(this)) {
         if (cursav && cursav->GetFile()==fFile) {
            cursav = gROOT;
         if (fCanDeleteRefs) fFile->Close("R");
         delete fFile; fFile = 0; fTree = 0;
   TChainElement *element = (TChainElement*)fFiles->At(t);
   if (!element) {
      if (fReadEntry) return -4;
      //last attempt, just in case all Trees in the chain have 0 entries
      element = (TChainElement*)fFiles->At(0);
      if (!element) return -4;
   fFile = TFile::Open(element->GetTitle());
   // ----- Begin of modifications by MvL
   Int_t returnCode=0;

   if (!fFile || fFile->IsZombie()) {
      delete fFile; fFile = 0;
   } else {
      if (fMaxCacheSize > 0)
         fFile->UseCache(fMaxCacheSize, fPageSize);

      fTree = (TTree*)fFile->Get(element->GetName());

      if (fTree==0) {
         // Now that we do not check during the addition, we need to check here!
         Error("LoadTree","cannot find tree with name %s in file %s",

         delete fFile; fFile = 0;

         // We do not return yet so that 'fEntries' can be updated with the
         // sum of the entries of all the other trees.
   fTreeNumber = t;
   fDirectory = fFile;

   //check if fTreeOffset has really been set
   Long64_t nentries = fTree ? fTree->GetEntries() : 0;
   if (fTreeOffset[fTreeNumber+1] != fTreeOffset[fTreeNumber] + nentries) {
      fTreeOffset[fTreeNumber+1] = fTreeOffset[fTreeNumber] + nentries;
      fEntries = fTreeOffset[fNtrees];
      //below, we must test >= in case the Tree has no entries
      if (entry >= fTreeOffset[fTreeNumber+1]) {
         if (fTreeNumber < fNtrees-1 && entry < fTreeOffset[fTreeNumber+2]) return LoadTree(entry);
         else  fReadEntry = -2;
   if (fTree==0) {
      // The Error message already issued.  However if we reach here
      // we need to make sure that we do not use fTree

      fTreeNumber = -1;       // Force a reload of the tree next time.
      return returnCode;
   // ----- End of modifications by MvL

   // Since some of the friend of this chain might a simple tree (i.e. not a chain),
   // we need to execute this before the calling LoadTree(entry) on the friend (so
   // that those tree use the correct read entry number!

   if (fFriends) {
      //An Alternative would move this code to each of the function calling LoadTree
      //(and to overload a few more).
      TIter next(fFriends);
      TFriendLock lock(this,kLoadTree);
      TFriendElement *fe;
      while ((fe = (TFriendElement*)next())) {
         TTree *t = fe->GetTree();
         if (t->GetTreeIndex())
         t->LoadTreeFriend(entry, this);
         TTree *friend_t = t->GetTree();
         if (friend_t) {

   //Set the branches status and address for the newly connected file
   TIter next(fStatus);
   Int_t status;
   while ((element = (TChainElement*)next())) {
      status = element->GetStatus();
   while ((element = (TChainElement*)next())) {
      void *add = element->GetBaddress();
      if (add) {
         TBranch *br = fTree->GetBranch(element->GetName());
         if (br) {
            if (TestBit(kAutoDelete)) br->SetAutoDelete(kTRUE);

   if (cursav) cursav->cd();

   //update the address of cloned trees, if any
   if (fClones) {
      TObjLink *lnk = fClones->FirstLink();
      while (lnk) {
         TTree *clone = (TTree*)lnk->GetObject();
         lnk = lnk->Next();

   //update list of leaves in all TTreeFormula of the TTreePlayer (if any)
   if (fPlayer) fPlayer->UpdateFormulaLeaves();

   //Notify user if requested
   if (fNotify) fNotify->Notify();

   return fReadEntry;

 void TChain::Lookup()
   // Check the files in the chain.

   TIter next(fFiles);
   TChainElement *element;
   Int_t nelements = fFiles->GetEntries();
   printf("TChain::Lookup - Looking up %d files .... \n",nelements);
   Int_t nlook = 0;

   while ((element = (TChainElement*)next())) {
      TUrl cachefileurl(element->GetTitle());
      TString options=cachefileurl.GetOptions();
      TFile *cachefile = TFile::Open(cachefileurl.GetUrl());

      if ((!cachefile) || cachefile->IsZombie()) {
         Error("Lookup","Couldn't open %s\n",cachefileurl.GetUrl());
      } else {
         printf("Lookup | %03.02f %% finished\r",100.0*nlook/nelements);
         TString urlstring = ((TUrl*)cachefile->GetEndpointUrl())->GetUrl();
         element->SetTitle( urlstring );
         delete cachefile;

 void TChain::Loop(Option_t *option, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t firstentry)
   // Loop on nentries of this chain starting at firstentry

   Error("Loop","Function not yet implemented");

   if (option || nentries || firstentry) { }  // keep warnings away

#ifdef NEVER
   if (LoadTree(firstentry) < 0) return;

   if (firstentry < 0) firstentry = 0;
   Long64_t lastentry = firstentry + nentries -1;
   if (lastentry > fEntries-1) {
      lastentry = fEntries -1;


   Long64_t entry = firstentry;
   Int_t tree,e0,en;
   for (tree=0;tree<fNtrees;tree++) {
      e0 = fTreeOffset[tree];
      en = fTreeOffset[tree+1] - 1;
      if (en > lastentry) en = lastentry;
      if (entry > en) continue;


      while (entry <= en) {
         fSelector->Execute(fTree, entry - e0);


 void TChain::ls(Option_t *option) const
   TIter next(fFiles);
   TChainElement *file;
   while ((file = (TChainElement*)next())) {

 Long64_t TChain::Merge(const char *name, Option_t *option)
   // Merge all files in this chain into a new file.
   // See important note in the following function Merge().
   // If the chain is expecting the input tree inside a directory,
   // this directory is NOT created by this routine.
   // So in a case where we have:
   //   TChain ch("mydir/mytree");
   //   ch.Merge("newfile.root");
   // The resulting file will have not subdirectory.  To
   // recreate the directory structure do:
   //   TFile *file = TFile::Open("newfile.root","RECREATE");
   //   file->mkdir("mydir")->cd();
   //   ch.Merge(file);

   TFile *file = TFile::Open(name,"recreate","chain files",1);
   return Merge(file,0,option);

 Long64_t TChain::Merge(TCollection * /* list */, Option_t * /* option */ )
   // Merge all TChains in the list

   Error("Merge", "not implemented");
   return -1;

 Long64_t TChain::Merge(TFile *file, Int_t basketsize, Option_t *option)
   //     Merge all files in this chain into a new file
   //     if option ="C" is given, the compression level for all branches
   //        in the new Tree is set to the file compression level.
   //     By default, the compression level of all branches is the
   //     original compression level in the old Trees.
   //     if (basketsize > 1000, the basket size for all branches of the
   //     new Tree will be set to basketsize.
   //  example using the file generated in $ROOTSYS/test/Event
   //  merge two copies of Event.root
   //        gSystem.Load("libEvent");
   //        TChain ch("T");
   //        ch.Add("Event1.root");
   //        ch.Add("Event2.root");
   //        ch.Merge("all.root");
   // If the chain is expecting the input tree inside a directory,
   // this directory is NOT created by this routine.
   // So in a case where we have:
   //   TChain ch("mydir/mytree");
   //   ch.Merge("newfile.root");
   // The resulting file will have not subdirectory.  To
   // recreate the directory structure do:
   //   TFile *file = TFile::Open("newfile.root","RECREATE");
   //   file->mkdir("mydir")->cd();
   //   ch.Merge(file);
   // If 'option' contains the word 'fast' the merge will be done without 
   // unzipping or unstreaming the baskets (i.e. direct copy of the raw byte on disk).
   // If 'option' also containts 'SortBasketsByBranch', for each original tree, 
   // the branches' baskets will be reordered so that for each branch, all its 
   // baskets will be stored contiguously.  Typically this will increase the performance 
   // when reading a low number of branches (2 to 5) but will decrease the performance
   // when reading more branches (or the full entry).
   // -----------------------------------------
   // When merging many files, it may happen that the resulting file
   // reaches a size > TTree::fgMaxTreeSize (default = 1.9 GBytes). In this case
   // the current file is automatically closed and a new file started.
   // If the name of the merged file was "merged.root", the subsequent files
   // will be named "merged_1.root", "merged_2.root", etc.
   // fgMaxTreeSize may be modified via the static function TTree::SetMaxTreeSize.
   // IMPORTANT Note 2: The output file is automatically closed and deleted.
   // This is required because in general the automatic file overflow described
   // above may happen during the merge.
   // If only the current file is produced (the file passed as first argument),
   // one can instruct Merge to not close the file by specifying the option "keep".
   // The function returns the total number of files produced.
   // To check that all files have been merged use something like:
   //    if (newchain->GetEntries()!=oldchain->GetEntries()) {
   //      ... not all the file have been copied ...
   //    }

   if (!file) return 0;

   // Options
   Bool_t fastClone = kFALSE;

   TString opt = option;
   if (opt.Contains("fast")) {
      fastClone = kTRUE;

   TObjArray *lbranches = GetListOfBranches();
   if (!lbranches) return 0;
   if (!fTree) return 0;

// Clone Chain tree
   //file->cd();  //in case a user wants to write in a file/subdir
   TTree *hnew = CloneTree(0);
   if (!hnew) return 0;
   hnew->SetName(gSystem->BaseName(GetName())); // Strip out the (potential) directory name
   hnew->SetCircular(0);  //otherwise circularity is incompatible with merging

// May be reset branches compression level?
   TBranch *branch;
   TIter nextb(hnew->GetListOfBranches());
   if (opt.Contains("c")) {
      while ((branch = (TBranch*)nextb())) {

// May be reset branches basket size?
   if (basketsize > 1000) {
      while ((branch = (TBranch*)nextb())) {

   char *firstname = new char[1000];
   firstname[0] = 0;

   Long64_t nentries = GetEntriesFast();
   if (fastClone) {

      // for each tree in the chain
      for (Long64_t i=0; i<nentries; i += this->GetTree()->GetEntries() )
         if (LoadTree(i) < 0) break;
         TTreeCloner t(GetTree(),hnew,option);
         if (t.IsValid()) {
            hnew->SetEntries( hnew->GetEntries() + GetTree()->GetEntries() );
         } else {
            if (GetFile()) {
               Warning("Merge","Skipped file %s\n", GetFile()->GetName());
            } else {
               Warning("Merge","Skipped file number %d\n", fTreeNumber);

   } else {
      for (Long64_t i=0;i<nentries;i++) {
         if (GetEntry(i) <= 0) break;

// Write new tree header
   Int_t nfiles = hnew->GetFileNumber()+1;
   delete [] firstname;
   if (!opt.Contains("keep")) delete hnew->GetCurrentFile();
   return nfiles;

 void TChain::Print(Option_t *option) const
   // Print the header information of each Tree in the chain.
   // see TTree::Print for a list of options

   TIter next(fFiles);
   TChainElement *element;
   while ((element = (TChainElement*)next())) {
      TFile *file = TFile::Open(element->GetTitle());
      if (file && !file->IsZombie()) {
         TTree *tree = (TTree*)file->Get(element->GetName());
         if (tree) tree->Print(option);
      delete file;

 Long64_t TChain::Process(const char *filename,Option_t *option,  Long64_t nentries, Long64_t firstentry)
   // Process all entries in this chain, calling functions in filename
   // see TTree::Process
   if (fChainProof)
      return fChainProof->Process(filename, option, nentries, firstentry);

   if (LoadTree(firstentry) < 0) return 0;
   return TTree::Process(filename,option,nentries,firstentry);

 Long64_t TChain::Process(TSelector *selector,Option_t *option,  Long64_t nentries, Long64_t firstentry)
// Process this chain executing the code in selector

   if (fChainProof)
      return fChainProof->Process(selector, option, nentries, firstentry);

   return TTree::Process(selector,option,nentries,firstentry);

 void TChain::Reset(Option_t *)
// Resets the definition of this chain

   delete fFile;
   fNtrees         = 0;
   fTreeNumber     = -1;
   fTree           = 0;
   fFile           = 0;
   fTreeOffset[0]  = 0;
   TChainElement *element = new TChainElement("*","");
   fDirectory = 0;


 Long64_t  TChain::Scan(const char *varexp, const char *selection,
                       Option_t *option, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t firstentry)
   // Loop on Tree and print entries passing selection. If varexp is 0 (or "")
   // then print only first 8 columns. If varexp = "*" print all columns.
   // Otherwise a columns selection can be made using "var1:var2:var3".
   // see TTreePlayer::Scan for more information

   if (LoadTree(firstentry) < 0) return 0;
   return TTree::Scan(varexp,selection,option,nentries,firstentry);

 void TChain::SetAutoDelete(Bool_t autodelete)
//  Set the global branch kAutoDelete bit
//  When LoadTree loads a new Tree, the branches for which
//  the address is set will have the option AutoDelete set
//  For more details on AutoDelete, see TBranch::SetAutoDelete.

   if (autodelete) SetBit(kAutoDelete,1);
   else            SetBit(kAutoDelete,0);

 void TChain::SetBranchAddress(const char *bname, void *add)
   // Set branch address
   //      bname is the name of a branch.
   //      add is the address of the branch.
   // In case TChain::SetBranchStatus is called, it must be called
   // BEFORE calling this function.

   //Check if bname is already in the Status list
   //Otherwise create a TChainElement object and set its address
   TChainElement *element = (TChainElement*)fStatus->FindObject(bname);
   if (!element) {
      element = new TChainElement(bname,"");


   // Set also address in current Tree
   if (fTreeNumber >= 0) {
      TBranch *branch = fTree->GetBranch(bname);
      if (branch) {
         if (fClones) {
            void *oldAdd = branch->GetAddress();
            TObjLink *lnk = fClones->FirstLink();
            while (lnk) {
               TTree *clone = (TTree*)lnk->GetObject();
               TBranch *cloneBr = clone->GetBranch(bname);
               if (cloneBr && cloneBr->GetAddress() == oldAdd ) {
                  // the clone's branch is still pointing to us
               lnk = lnk->Next();
            } // while(lnk)
         } // if (fClones)

 void TChain::SetBranchAddress(const char *bname,void *add,
                              TClass *realClass, EDataType datatype,
                              Bool_t ptr)
   //Check if bname is already in the Status list
   //Otherwise create a TChainElement object and set its address
   TChainElement *element = (TChainElement*)fStatus->FindObject(bname);
   if (!element) {
      element = new TChainElement(bname,"");
   if (realClass) element->SetBaddressClassName(realClass->GetName());

 void TChain::SetBranchStatus(const char *bname, Bool_t status, UInt_t *found)
   // Set branch status Process or DoNotProcess
   //      bname is the name of a branch. if bname="*", apply to all branches.
   //      status = 1  branch will be processed
   //             = 0  branch will not be processed
   //  See IMPORTANT REMARKS in TTree::SetBranchStatus and TChain::SetBranchAddress
   //  If found is not 0, the number of branch(es) found matching the regular
   //  expression is returned in *found AND the error message 'unknown branch'
   //  is suppressed.

   //Check if bname is already in the Status list
   //Otherwise create a TChainElement object and set its status
   TChainElement *element = (TChainElement*)fStatus->FindObject(bname);
   if (element)
      fStatus->Remove (element);
      element = new TChainElement(bname,"");


   // Set also status in current Tree
   if (fTreeNumber >= 0) {
   } else if (found) {
      *found = 1;

 void TChain::SetDirectory(TDirectory *dir)
   // Remove reference to this chain from current directory and add
   // reference to new directory dir. dir can be 0 in which case the chain
   // does not belong to any directory.

   if (fDirectory == dir) return;
   if (fDirectory) fDirectory->GetList()->Remove(this);
   fDirectory = dir;
   if (fDirectory) {
      fFile = fDirectory->GetFile();
   } else {
      fFile = 0;

 void TChain::SetPacketSize(Int_t size)
   // Set number of entries per packet for parallel root

   fPacketSize = size;
   TIter next(fFiles);
   TChainElement *element;
   while ((element = (TChainElement*)next())) {

 void TChain::SetWeight(Double_t w, Option_t *option)
   //  Set chain weight.
   //  The weight is used by TTree::Draw to automatically weight each
   //  selected entry in the resulting histogram.
   //  For example the equivalent of
   //     chain.Draw("x","w")
   //  is
   //     chain.SetWeight(w,"global");
   //     chain.Draw("x");
   //  By default the weight used will be the weight
   //  of each Tree in the TChain. However, one can force the individual
   //  weights to be ignored by specifying the option "global".
   //  In this case, the TChain global weight will be used for all Trees.

   fWeight = w;
   TString opt = option;
   if (opt.Contains("global")) {

 void TChain::Streamer(TBuffer &b)
   // Stream a class object.

   if (b.IsReading()) {
      UInt_t R__s, R__c;
      Version_t R__v = b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
      if (R__v > 2) {
         TChain::Class()->ReadBuffer(b, this, R__v, R__s, R__c);
      //====process old versions before automatic schema evolution
      b >> fTreeOffsetLen;
      b >> fNtrees;
      if (R__v > 1) {
         fTreeOffset = new Long64_t[fTreeOffsetLen];
      b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, TChain::IsA());
      //====end of old versions

   } else {

 void TChain::UseCache(Int_t maxCacheSize, Int_t pageSize)
   // Activate file caching. Use maxCacheSize to specify the maximum cache size
   // in MB's (default is 10 MB) and pageSize to specify the page size
   // (default is 512 KB). To turn off the cache use maxCacheSize=0.
   // Not needed for normal disk files since the operating system will
   // do proper caching (via the "buffer cache"). Use it for TNetFile,
   // TWebFile, TRFIOFile, TDCacheFile, etc.

   fMaxCacheSize = maxCacheSize;
   fPageSize     = pageSize;

 void TChain::ReleaseChainProof()
   // Removes the PROOF chain (if present).

   if (!fChainProof) return;


 TDSet* TChain::MakeTDSet() const
   // Creates a new TDSet containing files from this chain
   // and creates separate TDSet for each friend of this
   // chain and friends of friends of this chain, and so on.
   // If a chain apprears more than once in this friendship
   // graph only one TDSet will be created.
   // All the chains from the friendship graph will be added as
   // friends to the main TDSet (so friends hierarchy in the
   // result TDSet will be flat.
   // Keep in mind that the destructor of a TDSet does delete
   // the friend TDSets.
   // Returns the created TDSet or 0 in case of error.

   TDSet * mainDSet = MakeTDSetWithoutFriends();
   std::set<const TChain*> processed;
   std::queue<const TChain*> chainsQueue;
   while (!chainsQueue.empty()) {
      const TChain* chain = chainsQueue.front();
      TIter friendsIter(chain->GetListOfFriends());
      while(TFriendElement *friendElement = dynamic_cast<TFriendElement*> (friendsIter()) ) {
         if (TChain* friendChain = dynamic_cast<TChain*>(friendElement->GetTree())) {
            if (processed.find(friendChain) == processed.end()) {    // if not yet processed
               mainDSet->AddFriend(friendChain->MakeTDSetWithoutFriends(), friendElement->GetName());
               chainsQueue.push(friendChain);                        // for further processing
         else {
            // cleanup
            delete mainDSet;
                  "Only TChains supported. Illegal tree %s.\n", friendElement->GetTree()->GetName());
            return 0;
   return mainDSet;

 TDSet* TChain::MakeTDSetWithoutFriends() const
   // Creates a new TDSet containing files from this chain.

   TIter next(GetListOfFiles());
   TChainElement *element;
   TDSet *dset = new TDSet("TTree", GetName());
   while ((element = (TChainElement*)next())) {
      TString file(element->GetTitle());
      TString tree(element->GetName());
      Int_t slashpos = tree.Index("/");
      TString dir = "/";
      if (slashpos>=0) {
         // Copy the tree name specification
         TString behindSlash = tree(slashpos+1,tree.Length()-slashpos-1);
         // and remove it from basename
         dir = tree;
         tree = behindSlash;
      dset->Add(file, tree, dir);
   return dset;

 void TChain::SetProof(TVirtualProof *proof)
   // Sets the PROOF to be used for processing. "Draw" and "Processed" commands
   // will be handled by the proof.
   // If proof == (TVirtualProof*) -1 then the gProof is used.
   // If proof == 0 no proof is connected and the previously connected
   // proof is released.

   if (proof == (TVirtualProof*) -1)
      proof = gProof;
   if (fChainProof && proof == fChainProof->GetProof())
   if (proof) {
      TDSet* set = MakeTDSet();
      Assert(set);         // should always succeed
      fChainProof = TChainProof::MakeChainProof(set, proof);
      if (!fChainProof)
         Error("SetProof", "can't set PROOF");

 Long64_t TChain::GetReadEntry() const
   // See TTree::GetReadEntry().

   if (fChainProof) return fChainProof->GetReadEntry();

   return TTree::GetReadEntry();

 TBranch *TChain::FindBranch(const char* branchname)
   // See TTree::GetReadEntry().

   if (fChainProof) return fChainProof->FindBranch(branchname);

   if (fTree) return fTree->FindBranch(branchname);
   if (fTree) return fTree->FindBranch(branchname);
   return 0;

 TLeaf *TChain::FindLeaf(const char* searchname)
   // See TTree::GetReadEntry()
   if (fChainProof) return fChainProof->FindLeaf(searchname);

   if (fTree) return fTree->FindLeaf(searchname);
   if (fTree) return fTree->FindLeaf(searchname);
   return 0;

 Bool_t TChain::GetBranchStatus(const char *branchname) const
   // See TTree::GetReadEntry()
   if (fChainProof) return fChainProof->GetBranchStatus(branchname);

   return TTree::GetBranchStatus(branchname);

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