// @(#)root/postscript:$Name:  $:$Id: TPostScript.cxx,v 1.54 2005/04/26 16:36:47 brun Exp $
// Author: Rene Brun, Olivier Couet, Pierre Juillot   29/11/94

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

//                                                                      //
// TPostScript                                                          //
//                                                                      //
// Graphics interface to PostScript.                                    //
//                                                                      //
// This code was initially developed in the context of HIGZ and PAW     //
// by Olivier Couet and Pierre Juillot.                                 //
// It has been converted to a C++ class by Rene Brun.                   //
//                                                                      //

To generate a Postscript (or encapsulated ps) file corresponding to a single image in a canvas, you can:

Special characters

The following characters have a special action on the Postscript file:
       `   : go to Greek
       '   : go to special
       ~   : go to ZapfDingbats
       ?   : go to subscript
       ^   : go to superscript
       !   : go to normal level of script
       &   : backspace one character
       #   : end of Greek or of ZapfDingbats

These special characters are printed as such on the screen. To generate one of these characters on the Postscript file, you must escape it with the escape character "@".

The use of these special characters is illustrated in several macros referenced by the TPostScript constructor.

Output type

The output type allows to define how the PostScript output will looks like. It allows to define the page format (A4, Legal etc..), the orientation (Portrait, Landscape) and the number of images (zones) per page. The output type has the following form:

Making several pictures in the same Postscript file: case 1

The following macro is an example illustrating how to open a Postscript file and draw several pictures. The generation of a new Postscript page is automatic when TCanvas::Clear is called by object->Draw().

   TFile f("hsimple.root");
   TCanvas c1("c1","canvas",800,600);

   // select postscript output type
   // type = 111   portrait  ps
   // type = 112   landscape ps
   // type = 113   eps
   Int_t type = 111;

   // create a postscript file and set the paper size
   TPostScript ps("test.ps",type);
   ps.Range(16,24);  //set x,y of printed page

   // draw 3 histograms from file hsimple.root on separate pages
   c1.Update();      //force drawing in a macro

Making several pictures in the same Postscript file: case 2

This example shows 2 pages. The canvas is divided. TPostScript::NewPage must be called before starting a new picture. object->Draw does not clear the canvas in this case because we clear only the pads and not the main canvas. Note that c1->Update must be called at the end of the first picture

   TFile *f1 = new TFile("hsimple.root");
   TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1");
   TPostScript *ps = new TPostScript("file.ps",112);
// picture 1

// picture 2

// invoke Postscript viewer
   gSystem->Exec("gs file.ps");
*/ //

// The picture below shows fancy text with national accents or
// subscripts and superscripts. This picture has been generated by
// the macro 


//     The two following tables list the correspondence between the typed
//     character and its interpretation using the special characters given
//     in TPostScript::Text. These tables are screen copies. True and better
//     resolution PostScript files can be seen at 
psexam, pstable1 and pstable2.

// The macro 
 has been used to generate the two PostScript tables.



#ifdef WIN32
#pragma optimize("",off)

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#include "Riostream.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TColor.h"
#include "TVirtualPad.h"
#include "TPoints.h"
#include "TPostScript.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TSystem.h"

// to scale fonts to the same size as the old TT version
const Float_t kScale = 0.93376068;

const char   kBackslash = '\\';
const Int_t  kLatex = BIT(10);

Int_t TPostScript::fgLineJoin = 0;



 TPostScript::TPostScript() : TVirtualPS()
   // Default PostScript constructor

   fStream = 0;
   fType   = 0;
   gVirtualPS = this;

 TPostScript::TPostScript(const char *fname, Int_t wtype)
            :TVirtualPS(fname, wtype)
   // Initialize the PostScript interface
   //  fname : PostScript file name
   //  wtype : PostScript workstation type
   //  The possible workstation types are:
   //     111 ps  Portrait
   //     112 ps  Landscape
   //     113 eps

   fStream = 0;
   Open(fname, wtype);

 void TPostScript::Open(const char *fname, Int_t wtype)
   // Open a PostScript file
   if (fStream) {
      Warning("Open", "postscript file already open");

   fMarkerSizeCur = 0;
   fCurrentColor  = 0;
   fRed           = -1;
   fGreen         = -1;
   fBlue          = -1;
   fLenBuffer     = 0;
   fClip          = 0;
   fType          = abs(wtype);
   fClear         = kTRUE;
   fZone          = kFALSE;
   fSave          = 0;
   gStyle->GetPaperSize(fXsize, fYsize);
   fMode          = fType%10;
   Float_t xrange, yrange;
   if (gPad) {
      Double_t ww = gPad->GetWw();
      Double_t wh = gPad->GetWh();
      if (fType == 113) {
         ww *= gPad->GetWNDC();
         wh *= gPad->GetHNDC();
      Double_t ratio = wh/ww;
      if (fType == 112) {
         xrange = fYsize;
         yrange = xrange*ratio;
         if (yrange > fXsize) { yrange = fXsize; xrange = yrange/ratio;}
      } else {
         xrange = fXsize;
         yrange = fXsize*ratio;
         if (yrange > fYsize) { yrange = fYsize; xrange = yrange/ratio;}
      fXsize = xrange; fYsize = yrange;

   // open OS file
   fStream = new ofstream(fname,ios::out
   if (fStream == 0 || gSystem->AccessPathName(fname,kWritePermission)) {
      printf("ERROR in TPostScript::Open: Cannot open file:%s\n",fname);
   gVirtualPS = this;

   for (Int_t i=0;i<fSizBuffer;i++) fBuffer[i] = ' ';
   if( fType == 113) {
      fBoundingBox = kFALSE;
      PrintStr("%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0@");
   } else {
      fBoundingBox = kTRUE;

   fClipStatus = kFALSE;
   fRange      = kFALSE;

   // Set a default range
   Range(fXsize, fYsize);

   fPrinted    = kFALSE;
   if (fType == 113) NewPage();

   // Default PostScript destructor


 void TPostScript::Close(Option_t *)
   // Close a PostScript file

   if (!gVirtualPS) return;
   if (!fStream) return;
   if (gPad) gPad->Update();
   if( fMode != 3) {
      if( fPrinted ) { PrintStr("showpage@"); SaveRestore(-1);}
      PrintStr("%%Pages: ");
      while (fSave > 0) { SaveRestore(-1); }
   } else {
      while (fSave > 0) { SaveRestore(-1); }

   // Close file stream

   if (fStream) { fStream->close(); delete fStream; fStream = 0;}

   gVirtualPS = 0;

 void TPostScript::On()
   // Activate an already open PostScript file

   if (!fType) {
      Error("On", "no postscript file open");
   gVirtualPS = this;

 void TPostScript::Off()
   // Deactivate an already open PostScript file

   gVirtualPS = 0;

 void TPostScript::CellArrayBegin(Int_t W, Int_t /*H*/, Double_t x1, Double_t x2,
                                 Double_t y1, Double_t y2)
   // Draw a Cell Array
   // Drawing a PostScript Cell Array is in fact done thanks to three
   // procedures: CellArrayBegin, CellArrayFill, and CellArrayEnd.
   // CellArrayBegin: Initiate the Cell Array by writing the necessary
   //                 PostScript procedures and the initial values of the
   //                 required parameters. The input parameters are:
   //                 W: number of boxes along the width.
   //                 H: number of boxes along the height
   //                 x1,x2,y1,y2: First box coordinates.
   // CellArrayFill:  Is called for each box of the Cell Array. The first
   //                 box is the top left one and the last box is the
   //                 bottom right one. The input parameters are the Red,
   //                 Green, and Blue components of the box colour. These
   //                 Levels are between 0 and 255.
   // CellArrayEnd:   Finishes the Cell Array.
   // PostScript cannot handle arrays larger than 65535. So the Cell Array
   // is drawn in several pieces.

   Int_t ix1 = XtoPS(x1);
   Int_t iy1 = YtoPS(y1);

   Float_t WT = (288/2.54)*gPad->GetAbsWNDC()*
                fXsize*((x2 - x1)/(gPad->GetX2()-gPad->GetX1()));
   Float_t HT = (288/2.54)*gPad->GetAbsHNDC()*
                fYsize*((y2 - y1)/(gPad->GetY2()-gPad->GetY1()));

   fLastCellRed     = 300;
   fLastCellGreen   = 300;
   fLastCellBlue    = 300;
   fNBSameColorCell = 0;

   fNbinCT = 0;
   fNbCellW = W;
   fNbCellLine = 0;
   fMaxLines = 40000/(3*fNbCellW);

   // Define some paremeters
   PrintStr("@/WT"); WriteReal(WT)          ; PrintStr(" def"); // Cells width
   PrintStr(" /HT"); WriteReal(HT)          ; PrintStr(" def"); // Cells height
   PrintStr(" /XS"); WriteInteger(ix1)      ; PrintStr(" def"); // X start
   PrintStr(" /YY"); WriteInteger(iy1)      ; PrintStr(" def"); // Y start
   PrintStr(" /NX"); WriteInteger(W)        ; PrintStr(" def"); // Number of columns
   PrintStr(" /NY"); WriteInteger(fMaxLines); PrintStr(" def"); // Number of lines

   // This PS procedure draws one cell.
   PrintStr(" /DrawCell ");
   PrintStr(   "{WT HT XX YY bf");
   PrintStr(   " /NBBD NBBD 1 add def");
   PrintStr(   " NBBD NBB eq {exit} if");
   PrintStr(   " /XX WT XX add def");
   PrintStr(   " IX NX eq ");
   PrintStr(      "{/YY YY HT sub def");
   PrintStr(      " /XX XS def");
   PrintStr(      " /IX 0 def} if");
   PrintStr(   " /IX IX 1 add def} def");

   // This PS procedure draws fMaxLines line. It takes care of duplicated
   // colors. Values "n" greater than 300 mean than the previous color
   // should be duplicated n-300 times.
   PrintStr(" /DrawCT ");
   PrintStr(   "{/NBB NX NY mul def");
   PrintStr(   " /XX XS def");
   PrintStr(   " /IX 1 def");
   PrintStr(   " /NBBD 0 def");
   PrintStr(   " /RC 0 def /GC 1 def /BC 2 def");
   PrintStr(   " 1 1 NBB ");
   PrintStr(      "{/NB CT RC get def");
   PrintStr(      " NB 301 ge ");
   PrintStr(         "{/NBL NB 300 sub def");
   PrintStr(         " 1 1 NBL ");
   PrintStr(            "{DrawCell}");
   PrintStr(         " for");
   PrintStr(         " /RC RC 1 add def");
   PrintStr(         " /GC RC 1 add def");
   PrintStr(         " /BC RC 2 add def}");
   PrintStr(         "{CT RC get 255 div CT GC get 255 div CT BC get 255 div c");
   PrintStr(         " DrawCell");
   PrintStr(         " /RC RC 3 add def");
   PrintStr(         " /GC GC 3 add def");
   PrintStr(         " /BC BC 3 add def} ifelse NBBD NBB eq {exit} if} for");
   PrintStr(         " /YY YY HT sub def clear} def");

   PrintStr(" /CT [");

 void TPostScript::CellArrayFill(Int_t r, Int_t g, Int_t b)
   if (fLastCellRed == r && fLastCellGreen == g && fLastCellBlue == b) {
   } else {
      if (fNBSameColorCell != 0 ) {
	 fNBSameColorCell = 0;
      fLastCellRed = r;
      fLastCellGreen = g;
      fLastCellBlue = b;

   if (fNbinCT == fNbCellW) {
      fNbinCT = 0;

   if (fNbCellLine == fMaxLines) {
      if (fNBSameColorCell != 0) WriteInteger(fNBSameColorCell+300);
      PrintStr("] def DrawCT /CT [");
      fNbCellLine = 0;
      fLastCellRed = 300;
      fLastCellGreen = 300;
      fLastCellBlue = 300;
      fNBSameColorCell = 0;
      fNbinCT = 0;

 void TPostScript::CellArrayEnd()
   if (fNBSameColorCell != 0 ) WriteInteger(fNBSameColorCell+300);
   PrintStr("] def /NY");
   PrintStr(" def DrawCT ");

 void TPostScript::DefineMarkers()
   // Define the markers

   PrintStr("/mp {newpath /y exch def /x exch def} def@");
   PrintStr("/side {[w .77 mul w .23 mul] .385 w mul sd w 0 l currentpoint t -144 r} def@");
   PrintStr("/mr {mp x y w2 0 360 arc} def /m24 {mr s} def /m20 {mr f} def@");
   PrintStr("/mb {mp x y w2 add m w2 neg 0 d 0 w neg d w 0 d 0 w d cl} def@");
   PrintStr("/mt {mp x y w2 add m w2 neg w neg d w 0 d cl} def@");
   PrintStr("/m21 {mb f} def /m25 {mb s} def /m22 {mt f} def /m26{mt s} def@");
   PrintStr("/m23 {mp x y w2 sub m w2 w d w neg 0 d cl f} def@");
   PrintStr("/m27 {mp x y w2 add m w3 neg w2 neg d w3 w2 neg d w3 w2 d cl s} def@");
   PrintStr("/m28 {mp x w2 sub y w2 sub w3 add m w3 0 d ");
   PrintStr(" 0 w3 neg d w3 0 d 0 w3 d w3 0 d ");
   PrintStr(" 0 w3 d w3 neg 0 d 0 w3 d w3 neg 0 d");
   PrintStr(" 0 w3 neg d w3 neg 0 d cl s } def@");
   PrintStr("/m29 {mp gsave x w2 sub y w2 add w3 sub m currentpoint t");
   PrintStr(" 4 {side} repeat cl fill gr} def@");
   PrintStr("/m30 {mp gsave x w2 sub y w2 add w3 sub m currentpoint t");
   PrintStr(" 4 {side} repeat cl s gr} def@");
   PrintStr("/m31 {mp x y w2 sub m 0 w d x w2 sub y m w 0 d");
   PrintStr(" x w2 sub y w2 add m w w neg d x w2 sub y w2");
   PrintStr(" sub m w w d s} def@");
   PrintStr("/m2 {mp x y w2 sub m 0 w d x w2 sub y m w 0 d s} def@");
   PrintStr("/m5 {mp x w2 sub y w2 sub m w w d x w2 sub y w2 add m w w neg d s} def@");

 void TPostScript::DrawBox(Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t  y2)
   // Draw a Box

   static Double_t x[4], y[4];
   Int_t ix1 = XtoPS(x1);
   Int_t ix2 = XtoPS(x2);
   Int_t iy1 = YtoPS(y1);
   Int_t iy2 = YtoPS(y2);
   Int_t fillis = fFillStyle/1000;
   Int_t fillsi = fFillStyle%1000;

   if (fillis == 3 || fillis == 2) {
      if (fillsi > 99) {
         x[0] = x1;   y[0] = y1;
         x[1] = x2;   y[1] = y1;
         x[2] = x2;   y[2] = y2;
         x[3] = x1;   y[3] = y2;
      if (fillsi > 0 && fillsi < 26) {
         x[0] = x1;   y[0] = y1;
         x[1] = x2;   y[1] = y1;
         x[2] = x2;   y[2] = y2;
         x[3] = x1;   y[3] = y2;
         DrawPS(-4, &x[0], &y[0]);
      if (fillsi == -3) {
         WriteInteger(ix2 - ix1);
         WriteInteger(iy2 - iy1);
         PrintFast(3," bf");
   if (fillis == 1) {
      WriteInteger(ix2 - ix1);
      WriteInteger(iy2 - iy1);
      PrintFast(3," bf");
   if (fillis == 0) {
      WriteInteger(ix2 - ix1);
      WriteInteger(iy2 - iy1);
      PrintFast(3," bl");

 void TPostScript::DrawFrame(Double_t xl, Double_t yl, Double_t xt, Double_t  yt,
                            Int_t mode, Int_t border, Int_t dark, Int_t light)
   // Draw a Frame around a box
   // mode = -1  box looks as it is behind the screen
   // mode =  1  box looks as it is in front of the screen
   // border is the border size in already precomputed PostScript units
   // dark  is the color for the dark part of the frame
   // light is the color for the light part of the frame

   static Int_t xps[7], yps[7];
   Int_t i, ixd0, iyd0, idx, idy, ixdi, iydi, ix, iy;

   // Draw top&left part of the box
   if (mode == -1) SetColor(dark);
   else            SetColor(light);
   xps[0] = XtoPS(xl);          yps[0] = YtoPS(yl);
   xps[1] = xps[0] + border;    yps[1] = yps[0] + border;
   xps[2] = xps[1];             yps[2] = YtoPS(yt) - border;
   xps[3] = XtoPS(xt) - border; yps[3] = yps[2];
   xps[4] = XtoPS(xt);          yps[4] = YtoPS(yt);
   xps[5] = xps[0];             yps[5] = yps[4];
   xps[6] = xps[0];             yps[6] = yps[0];

   ixd0 = xps[0];
   iyd0 = yps[0];

   PrintFast(2," m");
   idx = 0;
   idy = 0;
   for (i=1;i<7;i++) {
      ixdi = xps[i];
      iydi = yps[i];
      ix   = ixdi - ixd0;
      iy   = iydi - iyd0;
      ixd0 = ixdi;
      iyd0 = iydi;
      if( ix && iy) {
         if( idx ) { MovePS(idx,0); idx = 0; }
         if( idy ) { MovePS(0,idy); idy = 0; }
      if ( ix ) {
         if( idy )  { MovePS(0,idy); idy = 0; }
         if( !idx ) { idx = ix; continue;}
         if( ix*idx > 0 )       idx += ix;
         else { MovePS(idx,0);  idx  = ix; }
      if( iy ) {
         if( idx ) { MovePS(idx,0); idx = 0; }
         if( !idy) { idy = iy; continue;}
         if( iy*idy > 0 )         idy += iy;
         else { MovePS(0,idy);    idy  = iy; }
   if( idx ) MovePS(idx,0);
   if( idy ) MovePS(0,idy);
   PrintFast(2," f");

   // Draw bottom&right part of the box
   if (mode == -1) SetColor(light);
   else            SetColor(dark);
   xps[0] = XtoPS(xl);          yps[0] = YtoPS(yl);
   xps[1] = xps[0] + border;    yps[1] = yps[0] + border;
   xps[2] = XtoPS(xt) - border; yps[2] = yps[1];
   xps[3] = xps[2];             yps[3] = YtoPS(yt) - border;
   xps[4] = XtoPS(xt);          yps[4] = YtoPS(yt);
   xps[5] = xps[4];             yps[5] = yps[0];
   xps[6] = xps[0];             yps[6] = yps[0];

   ixd0 = xps[0];
   iyd0 = yps[0];

   PrintFast(2," m");
   idx = 0;
   idy = 0;
   for (i=1;i<7;i++) {
      ixdi = xps[i];
      iydi = yps[i];
      ix   = ixdi - ixd0;
      iy   = iydi - iyd0;
      ixd0 = ixdi;
      iyd0 = iydi;
      if( ix && iy) {
         if( idx ) { MovePS(idx,0); idx = 0; }
         if( idy ) { MovePS(0,idy); idy = 0; }
      if ( ix ) {
         if( idy )  { MovePS(0,idy); idy = 0; }
         if( !idx ) { idx = ix; continue;}
         if( ix*idx > 0 )       idx += ix;
         else { MovePS(idx,0);  idx  = ix; }
      if( iy ) {
         if( idx ) { MovePS(idx,0); idx = 0; }
         if( !idy) { idy = iy; continue;}
         if( iy*idy > 0 )         idy += iy;
         else { MovePS(0,idy);    idy  = iy; }
   if( idx ) MovePS(idx,0);
   if( idy ) MovePS(0,idy);
   PrintFast(2," f");

 void TPostScript::DrawPolyLine(Int_t nn, TPoints *xy)
   // Draw a PolyLine
   //  Draw a polyline through  the points xy.
   //  If nn=1 moves only to point x,y.
   //  If nn=0 the x,y are  written  in the PostScript file
   //          according to the current transformation.
   //  If nn>0 the line is clipped as a line.
   //  If nn<0 the line is clipped as a fill area.

   Int_t  i, n, ixd0, iyd0, idx, idy, ixdi, iydi, ix, iy;
   Style_t linestylesav = fLineStyle;
   Width_t linewidthsav = fLineWidth;
   if (nn > 0) {
      n = nn;
   } else {
      n = -nn;

   ixd0 = XtoPS(xy[0].GetX());
   iyd0 = YtoPS(xy[0].GetY());
   if( n <= 1) {
      if( n == 0) goto END;
      PrintFast(2," m");
      goto END;

   PrintFast(2," m");
   idx = 0;
   idy = 0;
   for (i=1;i<n;i++) {
      ixdi = XtoPS(xy[i].GetX());
      iydi = YtoPS(xy[i].GetY());
      ix   = ixdi - ixd0;
      iy   = iydi - iyd0;
      ixd0 = ixdi;
      iyd0 = iydi;
      if( ix && iy) {
         if( idx ) { MovePS(idx,0); idx = 0; }
         if( idy ) { MovePS(0,idy); idy = 0; }
      if ( ix ) {
         if( idy )  { MovePS(0,idy); idy = 0; }
         if( !idx ) { idx = ix; continue;}
         if( ix*idx > 0 )       idx += ix;
         else { MovePS(idx,0);  idx  = ix; }
      if( iy ) {
         if( idx ) { MovePS(idx,0); idx = 0; }
         if( !idy) { idy = iy; continue;}
         if( iy*idy > 0 )         idy += iy;
         else { MovePS(0,idy);    idy  = iy; }
   if( idx ) MovePS(idx,0);
   if( idy ) MovePS(0,idy);

   if (nn > 0 ) {
      if (xy[0].GetX() == xy[n-1].GetX() && xy[0].GetY() == xy[n-1].GetY()) PrintFast(3," cl");
      PrintFast(2," s");
   } else {
      PrintFast(2," f");
   if (nn < 0) {

 void TPostScript::DrawPolyLineNDC(Int_t nn, TPoints *xy)
   // Draw a PolyLine in NDC space
   //  Draw a polyline through the points xy.
   //  If nn=1 moves only to point x,y.
   //  If nn=0 the x,y are  written  in the PostScript file
   //          according to the current transformation.
   //  If nn>0 the line is clipped as a line.
   //  If nn<0 the line is clipped as a fill area.

   Int_t  i, n, ixd0, iyd0, idx, idy, ixdi, iydi, ix, iy;
   Style_t linestylesav = fLineStyle;
   Width_t linewidthsav = fLineWidth;
   if (nn > 0) {
      n = nn;
   } else {
      n = -nn;

   ixd0 = UtoPS(xy[0].GetX());
   iyd0 = VtoPS(xy[0].GetY());
   if( n <= 1) {
      if( n == 0) goto END;
      PrintFast(2," m");
      goto END;

   PrintFast(2," m");
   idx = 0;
   idy = 0;
   for (i=1;i<n;i++) {
      ixdi = UtoPS(xy[i].GetX());
      iydi = VtoPS(xy[i].GetY());
      ix   = ixdi - ixd0;
      iy   = iydi - iyd0;
      ixd0 = ixdi;
      iyd0 = iydi;
      if( ix && iy) {
         if( idx ) { MovePS(idx,0); idx = 0; }
         if( idy ) { MovePS(0,idy); idy = 0; }
      if ( ix ) {
         if( idy )  { MovePS(0,idy); idy = 0; }
         if( !idx ) { idx = ix; continue;}
         if( ix*idx > 0 )       idx += ix;
         else { MovePS(idx,0);  idx  = ix; }
      if( iy ) {
         if( idx ) { MovePS(idx,0); idx = 0; }
         if( !idy) { idy = iy; continue;}
         if( iy*idy > 0 )         idy += iy;
         else { MovePS(0,idy);    idy  = iy; }
   if( idx ) MovePS(idx,0);
   if( idy ) MovePS(0,idy);

   if (nn > 0 ) {
      if (xy[0].GetX() == xy[n-1].GetX() && xy[0].GetY() == xy[n-1].GetY()) PrintFast(3," cl");
      PrintFast(2," s");
   } else {
      PrintFast(2," f");
   if (nn < 0) {

 void TPostScript::DrawPolyMarker(Int_t n, Float_t *x, Float_t *y)
   // Draw markers at the n WC points x, y

   Int_t i, np, markerstyle;
   Float_t markersize;
   static char chtemp[10];
   Style_t linestylesav = fLineStyle;
   Width_t linewidthsav = fLineWidth;
   markerstyle = abs(fMarkerStyle);
   if (markerstyle <= 0) strcpy(chtemp, " m20");
   if (markerstyle == 1) strcpy(chtemp, " m20");
   if (markerstyle == 2) strcpy(chtemp, " m2");
   if (markerstyle == 3) strcpy(chtemp, " m31");
   if (markerstyle == 4) strcpy(chtemp, " m24");
   if (markerstyle == 5) strcpy(chtemp, " m5");
   if (markerstyle >= 6 && markerstyle <= 19) strcpy(chtemp, " m20");
   if (markerstyle >= 20 && markerstyle <= 31 ) sprintf(chtemp, " m%d", markerstyle);
   if (markerstyle >= 32) strcpy(chtemp, " m20");

   // Set the PostScript marker size
   Double_t msize = 0.92*fMarkerSize*TMath::Max(fXsize,fYsize)/20;
   markersize     = CMtoPS(msize);
   if (markerstyle == 1) markersize *= 0.1;
   if (markerstyle == 6) markersize *= 0.2;
   if (markerstyle == 7) markersize *= 0.3;
   if (fMarkerSizeCur != markersize) {
      fMarkerSizeCur = markersize;
      PrintFast(3," /w");
      PrintFast(40," def /w2 {w 2 div} def /w3 {w 3 div} def");

   if (n == 1) {
   np = 1;
   for (i=1;i<n;i++) {
      if (np == 100 || i == n-1) {
         PrintFast(2," {");
         PrintFast(3,"} R");
         np = 0;

 void TPostScript::DrawPolyMarker(Int_t n, Double_t *x, Double_t *y)
   // Draw markers at the n WC points x, y

   Int_t i, np, markerstyle;
   Float_t markersize;
   static char chtemp[10];
   Style_t linestylesav = fLineStyle;
   Width_t linewidthsav = fLineWidth;
   markerstyle = abs(fMarkerStyle);
   if (markerstyle <= 0) strcpy(chtemp, " m20");
   if (markerstyle == 1) strcpy(chtemp, " m20");
   if (markerstyle == 2) strcpy(chtemp, " m2");
   if (markerstyle == 3) strcpy(chtemp, " m31");
   if (markerstyle == 4) strcpy(chtemp, " m24");
   if (markerstyle == 5) strcpy(chtemp, " m5");
   if (markerstyle >= 6 && markerstyle <= 19) strcpy(chtemp, " m20");
   if (markerstyle >= 20 && markerstyle <= 31 ) sprintf(chtemp, " m%d", markerstyle);
   if (markerstyle >= 32) strcpy(chtemp, " m20");

   // Set the PostScript marker size
   Double_t msize = 0.92*fMarkerSize*TMath::Max(fXsize,fYsize)/20;
   markersize     = CMtoPS(msize);
   if (markerstyle == 1) markersize *= 0.1;
   if (markerstyle == 6) markersize *= 0.2;
   if (markerstyle == 7) markersize *= 0.3;
   if (fMarkerSizeCur != markersize) {
      fMarkerSizeCur = markersize;
      PrintFast(3," /w");
      PrintFast(40," def /w2 {w 2 div} def /w3 {w 3 div} def");

   if (n == 1) {
   np = 1;
   for (i=1;i<n;i++) {
      if (np == 100 || i == n-1) {
         PrintFast(2," {");
         PrintFast(3,"} R");
         np = 0;

 void TPostScript::DrawPS(Int_t nn, Float_t *xw, Float_t *yw)
   // Draw a PolyLine
   //  Draw a polyline through the points xw,yw.
   //  If nn=1 moves only to point xw,yw.
   //  If nn=0 the XW(1) and YW(1) are  written  in the PostScript file
   //          according to the current NT.
   //  If nn>0 the line is clipped as a line.
   //  If nn<0 the line is clipped as a fill area.

   static Float_t dyhatch[24] = {.0075,.0075,.0075,.0075,.0075,.0075,.0075,.0075,
                                 .01  ,.01  ,.01  ,.01  ,.01  ,.01  ,.01  ,.01  ,
                                 .015 ,.015 ,.015 ,.015 ,.015 ,.015 ,.015 ,.015};
   static Float_t anglehatch[24] = {180, 90,135, 45,150, 30,120, 60,
                                    180, 90,135, 45,150, 30,120, 60,
                                    180, 90,135, 45,150, 30,120, 60};
   Int_t  i, n, ixd0, iyd0, idx, idy, ixdi, iydi, ix, iy, fais, fasi;
   fais = fasi = 0;
   Int_t jxd0 = XtoPS(xw[0]);
   Int_t jyd0 = YtoPS(yw[0]);
   Style_t linestylesav = fLineStyle;
   Width_t linewidthsav = fLineWidth;

   if (nn > 0) {
      n = nn;
   } else {
      n = -nn;
      fais = fFillStyle/1000;
      fasi = fFillStyle%1000;
      if (fais == 3 || fais == 2) {
         if (fasi > 100 && fasi <125) {
            DrawHatch(dyhatch[fasi-101],anglehatch[fasi-101], n, xw, yw);
            goto END;
         if (fasi > 0 && fasi < 26) {
            SetFillPatterns(fasi, Int_t(fFillColor));

   ixd0 = jxd0;
   iyd0 = jyd0;
   if( n <= 1) {
      if( n == 0) goto END;
      PrintFast(2," m");
      goto END;

   PrintFast(2," m");
   idx = idy = 0;
   for (i=1;i<n;i++) {
      ixdi = XtoPS(xw[i]);
      iydi = YtoPS(yw[i]);
      ix   = ixdi - ixd0;
      iy   = iydi - iyd0;
      ixd0 = ixdi;
      iyd0 = iydi;
      if( ix && iy) {
         if( idx ) { MovePS(idx,0); idx = 0; }
         if( idy ) { MovePS(0,idy); idy = 0; }
      } else if ( ix ) {
         if( idy )  { MovePS(0,idy); idy = 0;}
         if( !idx ) { idx = ix;}
         else if( TMath::Sign(ix,idx) == ix )       idx += ix;
         else { MovePS(idx,0);  idx  = ix;}
      } else if( iy ) {
         if( idx ) { MovePS(idx,0); idx = 0;}
         if( !idy) { idy = iy;}
         else if( TMath::Sign(iy,idy) == iy)         idy += iy;
         else { MovePS(0,idy);    idy  = iy;}
   if (idx) MovePS(idx,0);
   if (idy) MovePS(0,idy);

   if (nn > 0 ) {
      if (xw[0] == xw[n-1] && yw[0] == yw[n-1]) PrintFast(3," cl");
      PrintFast(2," s");
   } else {
      if (fais == 0) {PrintFast(5," cl s"); goto END;}
      if (fais == 3 || fais == 2) {
         if (fasi > 0 && fasi < 26) {
            PrintFast(3," FA");
            fRed   = -1;
            fGreen = -1;
            fBlue  = -1;
         goto END;
      PrintFast(2," f");
   if (nn < 0) {

 void TPostScript::DrawPS(Int_t nn, Double_t *xw, Double_t *yw)
   // Draw a PolyLine
   // Draw a polyline through  the points xw,yw.
   // If nn=1 moves only to point xw,yw.
   // If nn=0 the xw(1) and YW(1) are  written  in the PostScript file
   //         according to the current NT.
   // If nn>0 the line is clipped as a line.
   // If nn<0 the line is clipped as a fill area.

   static Float_t dyhatch[24] = {.0075,.0075,.0075,.0075,.0075,.0075,.0075,.0075,
                                 .01  ,.01  ,.01  ,.01  ,.01  ,.01  ,.01  ,.01  ,
                                 .015 ,.015 ,.015 ,.015 ,.015 ,.015 ,.015 ,.015};
   static Float_t anglehatch[24] = {180, 90,135, 45,150, 30,120, 60,
                                    180, 90,135, 45,150, 30,120, 60,
                                    180, 90,135, 45,150, 30,120, 60};
   Int_t  i, n, ixd0, iyd0, idx, idy, ixdi, iydi, ix, iy, fais, fasi;
   fais = fasi = 0;
   Int_t jxd0 = XtoPS(xw[0]);
   Int_t jyd0 = YtoPS(yw[0]);
   Style_t linestylesav = fLineStyle;
   Width_t linewidthsav = fLineWidth;

   if (nn > 0) {
      n = nn;
   } else {
      n = -nn;
      fais = fFillStyle/1000;
      fasi = fFillStyle%1000;
      if (fais == 3 || fais == 2) {
         if (fasi > 100 && fasi <125) {
            DrawHatch(dyhatch[fasi-101],anglehatch[fasi-101], n, xw, yw);
            goto END;
         if (fasi > 0 && fasi < 26) {
            SetFillPatterns(fasi, Int_t(fFillColor));

   ixd0 = jxd0;
   iyd0 = jyd0;
   if( n <= 1) {
      if( n == 0) goto END;
      PrintFast(2," m");
      goto END;

   PrintFast(2," m");
   idx = idy = 0;
   for (i=1;i<n;i++) {
      ixdi = XtoPS(xw[i]);
      iydi = YtoPS(yw[i]);
      ix   = ixdi - ixd0;
      iy   = iydi - iyd0;
      ixd0 = ixdi;
      iyd0 = iydi;
      if( ix && iy) {
         if( idx ) { MovePS(idx,0); idx = 0; }
         if( idy ) { MovePS(0,idy); idy = 0; }
      } else if ( ix ) {
         if( idy )  { MovePS(0,idy); idy = 0;}
         if( !idx ) { idx = ix;}
         else if( TMath::Sign(ix,idx) == ix )       idx += ix;
         else { MovePS(idx,0);  idx  = ix;}
      } else if( iy ) {
         if( idx ) { MovePS(idx,0); idx = 0;}
         if( !idy) { idy = iy;}
         else if( TMath::Sign(iy,idy) == iy)         idy += iy;
         else { MovePS(0,idy);    idy  = iy;}
   if (idx) MovePS(idx,0);
   if (idy) MovePS(0,idy);

   if (nn > 0 ) {
      if (xw[0] == xw[n-1] && yw[0] == yw[n-1]) PrintFast(3," cl");
      PrintFast(2," s");
   } else {
      if (fais == 0) {PrintFast(5," cl s"); goto END;}
      if (fais == 3 || fais == 2) {
         if (fasi > 0 && fasi < 26) {
            PrintFast(3," FA");
            fRed   = -1;
            fGreen = -1;
            fBlue  = -1;
         goto END;
      PrintFast(2," f");
   if (nn < 0) {

 void TPostScript::DrawHatch(Float_t, Float_t, Int_t, Float_t *, Float_t *)
   // Draw Fill area with hatch styles

   Warning("DrawHatch", "hatch fill style not yet implemented");

 void TPostScript::DrawHatch(Float_t, Float_t, Int_t, Double_t *, Double_t *)
   // Draw Fill area with hatch styles

   Warning("DrawHatch", "hatch fill style not yet implemented");

 void TPostScript::FontEncode()
   // Font Reencoding

   PrintStr("@/reencdict 24 dict def");
   PrintStr(" /ReEncode");
   PrintStr(" {reencdict begin");
   PrintStr(" /nco&na exch def");
   PrintStr("@/nfnam exch def /basefontname exch");
   PrintStr(" def /basefontdict basefontname");
   PrintStr(" findfont def");
   PrintStr("@/newfont basefontdict maxlength dict def");
   PrintStr(" basefontdict");
   PrintStr(" {exch dup /FID ne");
   PrintStr("@{dup /Encoding eq");
   PrintStr(" {exch dup length array copy");
   PrintStr(" newfont 3 1 roll put} {exch ");
   PrintStr("@newfont 3 1 roll put}");
   PrintStr(" ifelse}");
   PrintStr(" {pop pop}");
   PrintStr(" ifelse");
   PrintStr(" } forall newfont");
   PrintStr("@/FontName nfnam put");
   PrintStr(" nco&na aload pop");
   PrintStr(" nco&na length 2 idiv {newfont");
   PrintStr("@/Encoding get 3 1 roll put}");
   PrintStr(" repeat");
   PrintStr(" nfnam newfont definefont pop");
   PrintStr(" end } def");
   PrintStr("@/accvec [");
   PrintStr(" 176 /agrave");
   PrintStr(" 181 /Agrave");
   PrintStr(" 190 /acircumflex");
   PrintStr(" 192 /Acircumflex");
   PrintStr("@201 /adieresis");
   PrintStr(" 204 /Adieresis");
   PrintStr(" 209 /ccedilla");
   PrintStr(" 210 /Ccedilla");
   PrintStr(" 211 /eacute");
   PrintStr("@212 /Eacute");
   PrintStr(" 213 /egrave");
   PrintStr(" 214 /Egrave");
   PrintStr(" 215 /ecircumflex");
   PrintStr(" 216 /Ecircumflex");
   PrintStr("@217 /edieresis");
   PrintStr(" 218 /Edieresis");
   PrintStr(" 219 /icircumflex");
   PrintStr(" 220 /Icircumflex");
   PrintStr("@221 /idieresis");
   PrintStr(" 222 /Idieresis");
   PrintStr(" 223 /ntilde");
   PrintStr(" 224 /Ntilde");
   PrintStr(" 226 /ocircumflex");
   PrintStr("@228 /Ocircumflex");
   PrintStr(" 229 /odieresis");
   PrintStr(" 230 /Odieresis");
   PrintStr(" 231 /ucircumflex");
   PrintStr(" 236 /Ucircumflex");
   PrintStr("@237 /udieresis");
   PrintStr(" 238 /Udieresis");
   PrintStr(" 239 /aring");
   PrintStr(" 242 /Aring");
   PrintStr(" 243 /ydieresis");
   PrintStr("@244 /Ydieresis");
   PrintStr(" 246 /aacute");
   PrintStr(" 247 /Aacute");
   PrintStr(" 252 /ugrave");
   PrintStr(" 253 /Ugrave");
   PrintStr("] def");
   PrintStr("/Times-Roman /Times-Roman accvec ReEncode@");
   PrintStr("/Times-Italic /Times-Italic accvec ReEncode@");
   PrintStr("/Times-Bold /Times-Bold accvec ReEncode@");
   PrintStr("/Times-BoldItalic /Times-BoldItalic accvec ReEncode@");
   PrintStr("/Helvetica /Helvetica accvec ReEncode@");
   PrintStr("/Helvetica-Oblique /Helvetica-Oblique accvec ReEncode@");
   PrintStr("/Helvetica-Bold /Helvetica-Bold accvec ReEncode@");
   PrintStr("/Helvetica-BoldOblique /Helvetica-BoldOblique  accvec ReEncode@");
   PrintStr("/Courier /Courier accvec ReEncode@");
   PrintStr("/Courier-Oblique /Courier-Oblique accvec ReEncode");
   PrintStr("/Courier-Bold /Courier-Bold accvec ReEncode@");
   PrintStr("/Courier-BoldOblique /Courier-BoldOblique accvec ReEncode@");

   // Initialization of text PostScript procedures
   PrintStr("/oshow {gsave [] 0 sd true charpath stroke gr} def@");
   PrintStr("/stwn { /fs exch def /fn exch def /text exch def fn findfont fs sf");
   PrintStr(" text sw pop xs add /xs exch def} def@");
   PrintStr("/stwb { /fs exch def /fn exch def /nbas exch def /textf exch def");
   PrintStr("textf length /tlen exch def nbas tlen gt {/nbas tlendef} if");
   PrintStr("fn findfont fs sf textf dup length nbas sub nbas getinterval sw");
   PrintStr("pop neg xs add /xs exch def} def@");

 void TPostScript::Initialize()
   // PostScript Initialisation
   // This routine initialize the following PostScript procedures:
   // +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+
   // | Macro Name | Input parameters |            Explanation            |
   // +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+
   // |     l      | x y              | Draw a line to the x y position   |
   // +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+
   // |     m      | x y              | Move to the position x y          |
   // +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+
   // |     box    | dx dy x y        | Define a box                      |
   // +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+
   // |     bl     | dx dy x y        | Draw a line box                   |
   // +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+
   // |     bf     | dx dy x y        | Draw a filled box                 |
   // +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+
   // |     sw     | text             | Return string width of text       |
   // +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+
   // |     t      | x y              | Translate                         |
   // +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+
   // |     r      | angle            | Rotate                            |
   // +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+
   // |     rl     | i j              | Roll the stack                    |
   // +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+
   // |     d      | x y              | Draw a relative line to x y       |
   // +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+
   // |     X      | x                | Draw a relative line to x (y=0)   |
   // +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+
   // |     Y      | y                | Draw a relative line to y (x=0)   |
   // +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+
   // |     rm     | x y              | Move relatively to x y            |
   // +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+
   // |     gr     |                  | Restore the graphic context       |
   // +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+
   // |     lw     | lwidth           | Set line width to lwidth          |
   // +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+
   // |     sd     | [] 0             | Set dash line define by []        |
   // +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+
   // |     s      |                  | Stroke mode                       |
   // +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+
   // |     c      | r g b            | Set rgb color to r g b            |
   // +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+
   // |     cl     |                  | Close path                        |
   // +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+
   // |     f      |                  | Fill the last describe path       |
   // +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+
   // |     mXX    | x y              | Draw the marker type XX at (x,y)  |
   // +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+
   // |     Zone   | ix iy            | Define the current zone           |
   // +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+
   // |     black  |                  | The color is black                |
   // +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+
   // |     C      | dx dy x y        | Clipping on                       |
   // +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+
   // |     NC     |                  | Clipping off                      |
   // +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+
   // |     R      |                  | repeat                            |
   // +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+

   Double_t rpxmin, rpymin, width, heigth;
   rpxmin = rpymin = width = heigth = 0;
   Int_t format;
   for (Int_t i=0;i<32;i++) fPatterns[i]=0;

   // Mode is last digit of PostScript Workstation type
   //    mode=1,2 for portrait/landscape black and white
   //    mode=3 for Encapsulated PostScript File
   //    mode=4 for portrait colour
   //    mode=5 for lanscape colour
   Int_t atype = abs(fType);
   fMode       = atype%10;
   if( fMode <= 0 || fMode > 5) {
      Error("Initialize", "invalid file type %d", fMode);

   // fNXzone (fNYzone) is the total number of windows in x (y)
   fNXzone = (atype%1000)/100;
   fNYzone = (atype%100)/10;
   if( fNXzone <= 0 ) fNXzone = 1;
   if( fNYzone <= 0 ) fNYzone = 1;
   fIXzone = 1;
   fIYzone = 1;

   // format = 0-99 is the European page format (A4,A3 ...)
   // format = 100 is the US format  8.5x11.0 inch
   // format = 200 is the US format  8.5x14.0 inch
   // format = 300 is the US format 11.0x17.0 inch
   format = atype/1000;
   if( format == 0 )  format = 4;
   if( format == 99 ) format = 0;

   PrintStr("%%Title: ");
   const char *pstitle = gStyle->GetTitlePS();
   if (gPad && !strlen(pstitle)) pstitle = gPad->GetMother()->GetTitle();
   if(!strlen(pstitle) && fMode != 3) {;
      if ( fMode == 1 || fMode == 4) PrintFast(10," (Portrait");
      if ( fMode == 2 || fMode == 5) PrintFast(11," (Landscape");
      if ( format <= 99 ) {;
         PrintFast(2," A");
      else {
         if ( format == 100 ) PrintFast(8," Letter)");
         if ( format == 200 ) PrintFast(7," Legal)");
         if ( format == 300 ) PrintFast(8," Ledger)");
      PrintStr("%%Pages: (atend)@");
   else {
	 if (!strchr(pstitle,'\n')) {
         PrintFast(2,": ");

   PrintFast(24,"%%Creator: ROOT Version ");
   PrintFast(16,"%%CreationDate: ");
   TDatime t;

   if( fMode == 3)PrintStr("80 dict begin@");

   // Initialization of PostScript procedures
   PrintStr("/s {stroke} def /l {lineto} def /m {moveto} def /t {translate} def@");
   PrintStr("/sw {stringwidth} def /r {rotate} def /rl {roll}  def /R {repeat} def@");
   PrintStr("/d {rlineto} def /rm {rmoveto} def /gr {grestore} def /f {eofill} def@");
   PrintStr("/c {setrgbcolor} def /lw {setlinewidth} def /sd {setdash} def@");
   PrintStr("/cl {closepath} def /sf {scalefont setfont} def /black {0 setgray} def@");
   PrintStr("/box {m dup 0 exch d exch 0 d 0 exch neg d cl} def@");
   PrintStr("/NC{systemdict begin initclip end}def/C{NC box clip newpath}def@");
   PrintStr("/bl {box s} def /bf {box f} def /Y { 0 exch d} def /X { 0 d} def @");


   // mode=1 for portrait black/white
   if (fMode == 1)  {
      rpxmin = 0.7;
      rpymin = TMath::Sqrt(2.)*rpxmin;
      switch (format) {
         case 100 :
              width  = (8.5*2.54)-2.*rpxmin;
              heigth = (11.*2.54)-2.*rpymin;
         case 200 :
              width  = (8.5*2.54)-2.*rpxmin;
              heigth = (14.*2.54)-2.*rpymin;
         case 300 :
              width  = (11.*2.54)-2.*rpxmin;
              heigth = (17.*2.54)-2.*rpymin;
         default  :
              width  = 21.0-2.*rpxmin;
              heigth = 29.7-2.*rpymin;

   // mode=2 for landscape black/white
   if (fMode == 2)  {
      rpymin = 0.7;
      rpxmin = TMath::Sqrt(2.)*rpymin;
      switch (format) {
         case 100 :
              width  = (11.*2.54)-2.*rpxmin;
              heigth = (8.5*2.54)-2.*rpymin;
         case 200 :
              width  = (14.*2.54)-2.*rpxmin;
              heigth = (8.5*2.54)-2.*rpymin;
         case 300 :
              width  = (17.*2.54)-2.*rpxmin;
              heigth = (11.*2.54)-2.*rpymin;
         default  :
              width  = 29.7-2.*rpxmin;
              heigth = 21-2.*rpymin;

   // mode=3 encapsulated PostScript
   if (fMode == 3)  {
      width   = 20;
      heigth  = 20;
      format  = 4;
      fNXzone = 1;
      fNYzone = 1;

   // mode=4 for portrait colour
   if (fMode == 4)  {
      rpxmin = 0.7;
      rpymin = 3.4;
      switch (format) {
         case 100 :
              width  = (8.5*2.54)-2.*rpxmin;
              heigth = (11.*2.54)-2.*rpymin;
         case 200 :
              width  = (8.5*2.54)-2.*rpxmin;
              heigth = (14.*2.54)-2.*rpymin;
         case 300 :
              width  = (11.*2.54)-2.*rpxmin;
              heigth = (17.*2.54)-2.*rpymin;
         default  :
              width  = (21.0-2*rpxmin);
              heigth = (29.7-2.*rpymin);

   // mode=5 for lanscape colour
   if (fMode == 5)  {
      rpxmin = 3.4;
      rpymin = 0.7;
      switch (format) {
         case 100 :
              width  = (11.*2.54)-2.*rpxmin;
              heigth = (8.5*2.54)-2.*rpymin;
         case 200 :
              width  = (14.*2.54)-2.*rpxmin;
              heigth = (8.5*2.54)-2.*rpymin;
         case 300 :
              width  = (17.*2.54)-2.*rpxmin;
              heigth = (11.*2.54)-2.*rpymin;
         default  :
              width  = (29.7-2*rpxmin);
              heigth = (21-2.*rpymin);

   Double_t value = 0;
   if       (format <  100) value = 21*TMath::Power(TMath::Sqrt(2.), 4-format);
   else  if (format == 100) value = 8.5*2.54;
   else  if (format == 200) value = 8.5*2.54;
   else  if (format == 300) value = 11.*2.54;
   if       (format >= 100) format = 4;

   // Compute size (in points) of the window for each picture = f(fNXzone,fNYzone)
   Double_t sizex = width/Double_t(fNXzone)*TMath::Power(TMath::Sqrt(2.), 4-format);
   Double_t sizey = heigth/Double_t(fNYzone)*TMath::Power(TMath::Sqrt(2.), 4-format);
   Int_t npx      = 4*CMtoPS(sizex);
   Int_t npy      = 4*CMtoPS(sizey);
   if (sizex > sizey) fMaxsize = CMtoPS(sizex);
   else               fMaxsize = CMtoPS(sizey);

   // Procedure Zone
   if (fMode != 3)  {
      PrintFast(33,"/Zone {/iy exch def /ix exch def ");
      PrintFast(10," ix 1 sub ");
      PrintFast(5," mul ");
      PrintFast(8," iy sub ");
      PrintStr(" mul t} def@");

   PrintFast(8,"newpath ");
   if (fMode == 1 || fMode == 4)  {
      PrintFast(2," t");
   if (fMode == 2 || fMode == 5)  {
      PrintFast(7," 90 r 0");
      PrintFast(3," t ");
      PrintFast(2," t");

   PrintFast(15," .25 .25 scale ");
   if (fMode != 3) SaveRestore(1);

   if (fMode != 3) PrintStr("%%Page: number 1@");
   if (fMode != 3) SaveRestore(1);  //required

   //Check is user has defined a special header in the current style
   Int_t nh = strlen(gStyle->GetHeaderPS());
   if (nh) {
      if (fMode != 3) SaveRestore(1);

 void TPostScript::MakeGreek()
   // Reencode the Greek (/Symbol) font into the special font (/Special)

   PrintStr("@/accspe [");
   PrintStr(" 65 /plusminus ");
   PrintStr(" 66 /bar ");
   PrintStr(" 67 /existential ");
   PrintStr(" 68 /universal ");
   PrintStr("@69 /exclam ");
   PrintStr(" 70 /numbersign");
   PrintStr(" 71 /greater ");
   PrintStr(" 72 /question ");
   PrintStr(" 73 /integral ");
   PrintStr("@74 /colon ");
   PrintStr(" 75 /semicolon ");
   PrintStr(" 76 /less ");
   PrintStr(" 77 /bracketleft ");
   PrintStr(" 78 /bracketright");
   PrintStr("@79 /greaterequal");
   PrintStr(" 80 /braceleft");
   PrintStr(" 81 /braceright");
   PrintStr(" 82 /radical");
   PrintStr("@83 /spade");
   PrintStr(" 84 /heart");
   PrintStr(" 85 /diamond");
   PrintStr(" 86 /club");
   PrintStr(" 87 /lessequal");
   PrintStr("@88 /multiply");
   PrintStr(" 89 /percent");
   PrintStr(" 90 /infinity");
   PrintStr(" 48 /circlemultiply");
   PrintStr(" 49 /circleplus");
   PrintStr("@50 /emptyset ");
   PrintStr(" 51 /lozenge");
   PrintStr(" 52 /bullet");
   PrintStr(" 53 /arrowright");
   PrintStr(" 54 /arrowup");
   PrintStr("@55 /arrowleft");
   PrintStr(" 56 /arrowdown");
   PrintStr(" 57 /arrowboth");
   PrintStr(" 48 /degree");
   PrintStr(" 44 /comma");
   PrintStr(" 43 /plus");
   PrintStr(" 45 /angle");
   PrintStr(" 42 /angleleft");
   PrintStr(" 47 /divide");
   PrintStr(" 61 /notequal");
   PrintStr(" 40 /equivalence");
   PrintStr(" 41 /second");

   PrintStr(" 97 /approxequal");
   PrintStr(" 98 /congruent");
   PrintStr(" 99 /perpendicular");
   PrintStr(" 100 /partialdiff");
   PrintStr(" 101 /florin");
   PrintStr(" 102 /intersection");
   PrintStr(" 103 /union");
   PrintStr(" 104 /propersuperset");
   PrintStr(" 105 /reflexsuperset");
   PrintStr(" 106 /notsubset");
   PrintStr(" 107 /propersubset");
   PrintStr(" 108 /reflexsubset");
   PrintStr(" 109 /element");
   PrintStr(" 110 /notelement");
   PrintStr(" 111 /gradient");
   PrintStr(" 112 /logicaland");
   PrintStr(" 113 /logicalor");
   PrintStr(" 114 /arrowdblboth");
   PrintStr(" 115 /arrowdblleft");
   PrintStr(" 116 /arrowdblup");
   PrintStr(" 117 /arrowdblright");
   PrintStr(" 118 /arrowdbldown");
   PrintStr(" 119 /ampersand");
   PrintStr(" 120 /omega1");
   PrintStr(" 121 /similar");
   PrintStr(" 122 /aleph");
   PrintStr(" ] def");
   PrintStr("/Symbol /Special accspe ReEncode@");

 void TPostScript::MovePS(Int_t ix, Int_t iy)
   // Move to a new position

   if (ix != 0 && iy != 0)  {
      PrintFast(2," d");
   } else if (ix != 0)  {
      PrintFast(2," X");
   } else if (iy != 0)  {
      PrintFast(2," Y");

 void TPostScript::NewPage()
   // Move to a new PostScript page

   //   Compute pad conversion coefficients
   if (gPad) {
//     if (!gPad->GetPadPaint()) gPad->Update();
      Double_t ww   = gPad->GetWw();
      Double_t wh   = gPad->GetWh();
      fYsize       = fXsize*wh/ww;
   } else fYsize = 27;

   if(fType  == 113 && !fBoundingBox) {
      Bool_t psave = fPrinted;
      PrintStr("@%%BoundingBox: ");
      Double_t xlow=0, ylow=0, xup=1, yup=1;
      if (gPad) {
         xlow = gPad->GetAbsXlowNDC();
         xup  = xlow + gPad->GetAbsWNDC();
         ylow = gPad->GetAbsYlowNDC();
         yup  = ylow + gPad->GetAbsHNDC();
      fBoundingBox  = kTRUE;
      fPrinted      = psave;
   if (fPrinted) {
      if (fSave) SaveRestore(-1);
      fClear    = kTRUE;
      fPrinted  = kFALSE;

 void TPostScript::Range(Float_t xsize, Float_t ysize)
   // Set the range for the paper in centimeters

   Float_t xps, yps, xncm, yncm, dxwn, dywn, xwkwn, ywkwn, xymax;

   fXsize = xsize;
   fYsize = ysize;
   if( fType != 113) { xps = fXsize;  yps = fYsize; }
   else {              xps = xsize;   yps = ysize; }

   if( xsize <= xps && ysize < yps) {
      if ( xps > yps ) xymax = xps;
      else             xymax = yps;
      xncm  = xsize/xymax;
      yncm  = ysize/xymax;
      dxwn  = ((xps/xymax)-xncm)/2;
      dywn  = ((yps/xymax)-yncm)/2;
   } else {
      if (xps/yps < 1) xwkwn = xps/yps;
      else             xwkwn = 1;
      if (yps/xps < 1) ywkwn = yps/xps;
      else             ywkwn = 1;

      if (xsize < ysize)  {
         xncm = ywkwn*xsize/ysize;
         yncm = ywkwn;
         dxwn = (xwkwn-xncm)/2;
         dywn = 0;
         if( dxwn < 0) {
            xncm = xwkwn;
            dxwn = 0;
            yncm = xwkwn*ysize/xsize;
            dywn = (ywkwn-yncm)/2;
      } else {
         xncm = xwkwn;
         yncm = xwkwn*ysize/xsize;
         dxwn = 0;
         dywn = (ywkwn-yncm)/2;
         if( dywn < 0) {
            yncm = ywkwn;
            dywn = 0;
            xncm = ywkwn*xsize/ysize;
            dxwn = (xwkwn-xncm)/2;
   fXVP1  = dxwn;
   fXVP2  = xncm+dxwn;
   fYVP1  = dywn;
   fYVP2  = yncm+dywn;
   fRange = kTRUE;

 void TPostScript::SaveRestore(Int_t flag)
   // Compute number of gsaves for restore
   // This allows to write the correct number of grestore at the
   // end of the PS file.

   if (flag == 1) { PrintFast(7," gsave ");  fSave++; }
   else           { PrintFast(4," gr ");     fSave--; }

 void TPostScript::SetFillColor( Color_t cindex )
   // Set color index for fill areas

   fFillColor = cindex;
   if (gStyle->GetFillColor() <= 0) cindex = 0;

 void TPostScript::SetFillPatterns(Int_t ipat, Int_t color)
   // Patterns definition
   // Define the pattern ipat in the current PS file. ipat can vary from
   // 1 to 25. Together with the pattern, the color (color) in which the
   // pattern has to be drawn is also required. A pattern is defined in the
   // current PS file only the first time it is used. Some level 2
   // Postscript functions are used, so on level 1 printers, patterns will
   // not work. This is not a big problem because patterns are
   // defined only if they are used, so if they are not used a PS level 1
   // file will not be polluted by level 2 features, and in any case the old
   // patterns used a lot of memory which made them almost unusable on old
   // level 1 printers. Finally we should say that level 1 devices are
   // becoming very rare. The official PostScript is now level 3 !

   char cdef[28];
   char cpat[5];
   sprintf(cpat, " P%2.2d", ipat);

   // fPatterns is used as an array of chars. If fPatterns[ipat] != 0 the
   // pattern number ipat as already be defined is this file and it
   // is not necessary to redefine it. fPatterns is set to zero in Initialize.
   // The pattern number 26 allows to know if the macro "cs" has already
   // been defined in the current file (see label 200).
   if (fPatterns[ipat] == 0) {

   // Define the Patterns. Line width must be 1
      fLineWidth = 1;
      PrintFast(5," 1 lw");
      PrintStr(" << /PatternType 1 /PaintType 2 /TilingType 1");
      switch (ipat) {
         case 1 :
            PrintStr(" /BBox [ 0 0 100 100 ]");
            PrintStr(" /XStep 98 /YStep 4");
            PrintStr(" /PaintProc { begin gsave");
            PrintStr(" [1] 0 sd 2 4 m 99 4 l s 1 3 m 98 3 l s");
            PrintStr(" 2 2 m 99 2 l s 1 1 m 98 1 l s");
            PrintStr(" gr end } >> [ 4.0 0 0 4.0 0 0 ]");
         case 2 :
            PrintStr(" /BBox [ 0 0 100 100 ]");
            PrintStr(" /XStep 96 /YStep 4");
            PrintStr(" /PaintProc { begin gsave");
            PrintStr(" [1 3] 0 sd 2 4 m 98 4 l s 0 3 m 96 3 l s");
            PrintStr(" 2 2 m 98 2 l s 0 1 m 96 1 l s");
            PrintStr(" gr end } >> [ 3.0 0 0 3.0 0 0 ]");
         case 3 :
            PrintStr(" /BBox [ 0 0 100 100 ]");
            PrintStr(" /XStep 96 /YStep 16");
            PrintStr(" /PaintProc { begin gsave");
            PrintStr(" [1 3] 0 sd 2 13 m 98 13 l s 0 9 m 96 9 l s");
            PrintStr(" 2 5 m 98 5 l s 0 1 m 96 1 l s");
            PrintStr(" gr end } >> [ 2.0 0 0 2.0 0 0 ]");
         case 4 :
            PrintStr(" /BBox [ 0 0 100 100 ]");
            PrintStr(" /XStep 100 /YStep 100");
            PrintStr(" /PaintProc { begin gsave");
            PrintStr(" 0 0 m 100 100 l s");
            PrintStr(" gr end } >> [ 0.24 0 0 0.24 0 0 ]");
         case 5 :
            PrintStr(" /BBox [ 0 0 100 100 ]");
            PrintStr(" /XStep 100 /YStep 100");
            PrintStr(" /PaintProc { begin gsave");
            PrintStr(" 0 100 m 100 0 l s");
            PrintStr(" gr end } >> [ 0.24 0 0 0.24 0 0 ]");
         case 6 :
            PrintStr(" /BBox [ 0 0 100 100 ]");
            PrintStr(" /XStep 100 /YStep 100");
            PrintStr(" /PaintProc { begin gsave");
            PrintStr(" 50 0 m 50 100 l s");
            PrintStr(" gr end } >> [ 0.12 0 0 0.12 0 0 ]");
         case 7 :
            PrintStr(" /BBox [ 0 0 100 100 ]");
            PrintStr(" /XStep 100 /YStep 100");
            PrintStr(" /PaintProc { begin gsave");
            PrintStr(" 0 50 m 100 50 l s");
            PrintStr(" gr end } >> [ 0.12 0 0 0.12 0 0 ]");
         case 8 :
            PrintStr(" /BBox [ 0 0 101 101 ]");
            PrintStr(" /XStep 100 /YStep 100");
            PrintStr(" /PaintProc { begin gsave");
            PrintStr(" 0 0 m 0 30 l 30 0 l f 0 70 m 0 100 l 30 100 l f");
            PrintStr(" 70 100 m 100 100 l 100 70 l f 70 0 m 100 0 l");
            PrintStr(" 100 30 l f 50 20 m 20 50 l 50 80 l 80 50 l f");
            PrintStr(" 50 80 m 30 100 l s 20 50 m 0 30 l s 50 20 m");
            PrintStr(" 70 0 l s 80 50 m 100 70 l s");
            PrintStr(" gr end } >> [ 0.24 0 0 0.24 0 0 ]");
         case 9 :
            PrintStr(" /BBox [ 0 0 100 100 ]");
            PrintStr(" /XStep 100 /YStep 100");
            PrintStr(" /PaintProc { begin gsave");
            PrintStr(" 0 50 m 50 50 50 180 360 arc");
            PrintStr(" 0 50 m 0 100 50 270 360 arc");
            PrintStr(" 50 100 m 100 100 50 180 270 arc s");
            PrintStr(" gr end } >> [ 0.24 0 0 0.24 0 0 ]");
         case 10 :
            PrintStr(" /BBox [ 0 0 100 100 ]");
            PrintStr(" /XStep 100 /YStep 100");
            PrintStr(" /PaintProc { begin gsave");
            PrintStr(" 0 50 m 100 50 l 1 1 m 100 1 l");
            PrintStr(" 0 0 m 0 50 l 100 0 m 100 50 l");
            PrintStr(" 50 50 m 50 100 l s");
            PrintStr(" gr end } >> [ 0.24 0 0 0.24 0 0 ]");
         case 11 :
            PrintStr(" /BBox [ 0 0 100 100 ]");
            PrintStr(" /XStep 100 /YStep 100");
            PrintStr(" /PaintProc { begin gsave");
            PrintStr(" 0 0 m 0 20 l 50 0 m 50 20 l");
            PrintStr(" 100 0 m 100 20 l 0 80 m 0 100 l");
            PrintStr(" 50 80 m 50 100 l 100 80 m 100 100 l");
            PrintStr(" 25 30 m 25 70 l 75 30 m 75 70 l");
            PrintStr(" 0 100 m 20 85 l 50 100 m 30 85 l");
            PrintStr(" 50 100 m 70 85 l 100 100 m 80 85 l");
            PrintStr(" 0 0 m 20 15 l 50 0 m 30 15 l");
            PrintStr(" 50 0 m 70 15 l 100 0 m 80 15 l");
            PrintStr(" 5 35 m 45 65 l 5 65 m 45 35 l");
            PrintStr(" 55 35 m 95 65 l 55 65 m 95 35 l s");
            PrintStr(" gr end } >> [ 0.5 0 0 0.5 0 0 ]");
         case 12 :
            PrintStr(" /BBox [ 0 0 100 100 ]");
            PrintStr(" /XStep 100 /YStep 100");
            PrintStr(" /PaintProc { begin gsave");
            PrintStr(" 0 80 m 0 100 20 270 360 arc");
            PrintStr(" 30 100 m 50 100 20 180 360 arc");
            PrintStr(" 80 100 m 100 100 20 180 270 arc");
            PrintStr(" 20 0 m 0 0 20 0 90 arc");
            PrintStr(" 70 0 m 50 0 20 0 180 arc");
            PrintStr(" 100 20 m 100 0 20 90 180 arc");
            PrintStr(" 45 50 m 25 50 20 0 360 arc");
            PrintStr(" 95 50 m 75 50 20 0 360 arc s");
            PrintStr(" gr end } >> [ 0.5 0 0 0.5 0 0 ]");
         case 13 :
            PrintStr(" /BBox [ 0 0 100 100 ]");
            PrintStr(" /XStep 100 /YStep 100");
            PrintStr(" /PaintProc { begin gsave");
            PrintStr(" 0 0 m 100 100 l 0 100 m 100 0 l s");
            PrintStr(" gr end } >> [ 0.24 0 0 0.24 0 0 ]");
         case 14 :
            PrintStr(" /BBox [ 0 0 100 100 ]");
            PrintStr(" /XStep 80 /YStep 80");
            PrintStr(" /PaintProc { begin gsave");
            PrintStr(" 0 20 m 100 20 l 20 0 m 20 100 l");
            PrintStr(" 0 80 m 100 80 l 80 0 m 80 100 l");
            PrintStr(" 20 40 m 60 40 l 60 20 m 60 60 l");
            PrintStr(" 40 40 m 40 80 l 40 60 m 80 60 l s");
            PrintStr(" gr end } >> [ 0.60 0 0 0.60 0 0 ]");
         case 15 :
            PrintStr(" /BBox [ 0 0 60 60 ]");
            PrintStr(" /XStep 60 /YStep 60");
            PrintStr(" /PaintProc { begin gsave");
            PrintStr(" 0 55 m 0 60 5 270 360 arc");
            PrintStr(" 25 60 m 30 60 5 180 360 arc");
            PrintStr(" 55 60 m 60 60 5 180 270 arc");
            PrintStr(" 20 30 m 15 30 5 0 360 arc");
            PrintStr(" 50 30 m 45 30 5 0 360");
            PrintStr(" arc 5 0 m 0 0 5 0 90 arc");
            PrintStr(" 35 0 m 30 0 5 0 180 arc");
            PrintStr(" 60 5 m 60 0 5 90 180 arc s");
            PrintStr(" gr end } >> [ 0.41 0 0 0.41 0 0 ]");
         case 16 :
            PrintStr(" /BBox [ 0 0 100 100 ]");
            PrintStr(" /XStep 100 /YStep 100");
            PrintStr(" /PaintProc { begin gsave");
            PrintStr(" 50 50 m 25 50 25 0 180 arc s");
            PrintStr(" 50 50 m 75 50 25 180 360 arc s");
            PrintStr(" gr end } >> [ 0.4 0 0 0.2 0 0 ]");
         case 17 :
            PrintStr(" /BBox [ 0 0 100 100 ]");
            PrintStr(" /XStep 100 /YStep 100");
            PrintStr(" /PaintProc { begin gsave");
            PrintStr(" [24] 0 setdash 0 0 m 100 100 l s");
            PrintStr(" gr end } >> [ 0.24 0 0 0.24 0 0 ]");
         case 18 :
            PrintStr(" /BBox [ 0 0 100 100 ]");
            PrintStr(" /XStep 100 /YStep 100");
            PrintStr(" /PaintProc { begin gsave");
            PrintStr(" [24] 0 setdash 0 100 m 100 0 l s");
            PrintStr(" gr end } >> [ 0.24 0 0 0.24 0 0 ]");
         case 19 :
            PrintStr(" /BBox [ 0 0 100 100 ]");
            PrintStr(" /XStep 100 /YStep 100");
            PrintStr(" /PaintProc { begin gsave");
            PrintStr(" 90 50 m 50 50 40 0 360 arc");
            PrintStr(" 0 50 m 0 100 50 270 360 arc");
            PrintStr(" 50 0 m 0 0 50 0 90 arc");
            PrintStr(" 100 50 m 100 0 50 90 180 arc");
            PrintStr(" 50 100 m 100 100 50 180 270 arc s");
            PrintStr(" gr end } >> [ 0.47 0 0 0.47 0 0 ]");
         case 20 :
            PrintStr(" /BBox [ 0 0 100 100 ]");
            PrintStr(" /XStep 100 /YStep 100");
            PrintStr(" /PaintProc { begin gsave");
            PrintStr(" 50 50 m 50 75 25 270 450 arc s");
            PrintStr(" 50 50 m 50 25 25 90  270 arc s");
            PrintStr(" gr end } >> [ 0.2 0 0 0.4 0 0 ]");
         case 21 :
            PrintStr(" /BBox [ 0 0 101 101 ]");
            PrintStr(" /XStep 100 /YStep 100");
            PrintStr(" /PaintProc { begin gsave");
            PrintStr(" 1 1 m 25 1 l 25 25 l 50 25 l 50 50 l");
            PrintStr(" 75 50 l 75 75 l 100 75 l 100 100 l");
            PrintStr(" 50 1 m 75 1 l 75 25 l 100 25 l 100 50 l");
            PrintStr(" 0 50 m 25 50 l 25 75 l 50 75 l 50 100 l s");
            PrintStr(" gr end } >> [ 0.5 0 0 0.5 0 0 ]");
         case 22 :
            PrintStr(" /BBox [ 0 0 101 101 ]");
            PrintStr(" /XStep 100 /YStep 100");
            PrintStr(" /PaintProc { begin gsave");
            PrintStr(" 1 100 m 25 100 l 25 75 l 50 75 l 50 50 l");
            PrintStr(" 75 50 l 75 25 l 100 25 l 100 1 l");
            PrintStr(" 50 100 m 75 100 l 75 75 l 100 75 l 100 50 l");
            PrintStr(" 0 50 m 25 50 l 25 25 l 50 25 l 50 1 l s");
            PrintStr(" gr end } >> [ 0.5 0 0 0.5 0 0 ]");
         case 23 :
            PrintStr(" /BBox [ 0 0 100 100 ]");
            PrintStr(" /XStep 100 /YStep 100");
            PrintStr(" /PaintProc { begin gsave");
            PrintStr(" [1 7] 0 sd 0 8 50 { dup dup m 2 mul 0 l s } for");
            PrintStr(" 0 8 50 { dup dup 2 mul 100 m 50 add exch 50");
            PrintStr(" add l s } for 100 0 m 100 100 l 50 50 l f");
            PrintStr(" gr end } >> [ 0.24 0 0 0.24 0 0 ]");
         case 24 :
            PrintStr(" /BBox [ 0 0 100 100 ]");
            PrintStr(" /XStep 100 /YStep 100");
            PrintStr(" /PaintProc { begin gsave");
            PrintStr(" 100 100 m 100 36 l 88 36 l 88 88 l f");
            PrintStr(" 100 0 m 100 12 l 56 12 l 50 0 l f");
            PrintStr(" 0 0 m 48 0 l 48 48 l 50 48 l 56 60 l");
            PrintStr(" 36 60 l 36 12 l 0 12 l f [1 7] 0 sd");
            PrintStr(" 61 8 87 { dup dup dup 12 exch m 88 exch l s");
            PrintStr(" 16 exch 4 sub m 88 exch 4 sub l s } for");
            PrintStr(" 13 8 35 { dup dup dup 0 exch m 36 exch l s");
            PrintStr(" 4 exch 4 sub m 36 exch 4 sub l s } for");
            PrintStr(" 37 8 59 { dup dup dup 12 exch m 36 exch l s");
            PrintStr(" 16 exch 4 sub m 36 exch 4 sub l s } for");
            PrintStr(" 13 8 60 { dup dup dup 56 exch m 100 exch l s");
            PrintStr(" 60 exch 4 sub m 100 exch 4 sub l s } for");
            PrintStr(" gr end } >> [ 0.5 0 0 0.5 0 0 ]");
         case 25 :
            PrintStr(" /BBox [ 0 0 101 101 ]");
            PrintStr(" /XStep 100 /YStep 100");
            PrintStr(" /PaintProc { begin gsave");
            PrintStr(" 0 0 m 30 30 l 70 30 l 70 70 l 100 100 l 100 0 l");
            PrintStr(" f 30 30 m 30 70 l 70 70 l f");
            PrintStr(" gr end } >> [ 0.5 0 0 0.5 0 0 ]");
      sprintf(cdef, " makepattern /%s exch def",&cpat[1]);
      fPatterns[ipat] = 1;

   // Define the macro cs and FA if they are not yet defined.
   if (fPatterns[26] == 0) {
      PrintStr(" /cs {[/Pattern /DeviceRGB] setcolorspace} def");
      PrintStr(" /FA {f [/DeviceRGB] setcolorspace} def");
      fPatterns[26] = 1;

   // Activate the pattern.
   PrintFast(3," cs");
   TColor *col = gROOT->GetColor(color);
   if (col) {
   PrintFast(9," setcolor");

 void TPostScript::SetLineColor( Color_t cindex )
   // Set color index for lines

   fLineColor = cindex;

 void TPostScript::SetLineJoin( Int_t linejoin )
   // Set the value of the global parameter TPostScript::fgLineJoin.
   // This parameter determines the appearance of joining lines in a PostScript
   // output. 
   // It takes one argument which may be: 
   //   - 0 (miter join)
   //   - 1 (round join)
   //   - 2 (bevel join) 
   // The default value is 0 (miter join).
/* */ //

   // To change the line join behaviour just do:
   // TPostScript::SetLineJoin(2); // Set the PS line join to bevel.

   fgLineJoin = linejoin;

 void TPostScript::SetLineStyle(Style_t linestyle)
   // Change the line style
   //   linestyle = 2 dashed
   //             = 3  dotted
   //             = 4  dash-dotted
   //              else = solid
   // See TStyle::SetLineStyleString for style definition

   if ( linestyle == fLineStyle) return;
   fLineStyle = linestyle;
   const char *st = gStyle->GetLineStyleString(linestyle);
   Int_t nch = strlen(st);
   PrintFast(6,"] 0 sd");

 void TPostScript::SetLineWidth(Width_t linewidth)
   // Change the line width

   if ( linewidth == fLineWidth) return;
   fLineWidth = linewidth;
   PrintFast(3," lw");

 void TPostScript::SetMarkerColor( Color_t cindex )
   // Set color index for markers

   fMarkerColor = cindex;

 void TPostScript::SetColor(Int_t color)
    // Set the current color.

    if (color < 0) color = 0;
    fCurrentColor = color;
    TColor *col = gROOT->GetColor(color);
    if (col)
       SetColor(col->GetRed(), col->GetGreen(), col->GetBlue());
       SetColor(1., 1., 1.);

 void TPostScript::SetColor(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b)
   // Set directly current color (don't go via TColor).

   if (r == fRed && g == fGreen && b == fBlue) return;

   fRed   = r;
   fGreen = g;
   fBlue  = b;

   if (fRed <= 0 && fGreen <= 0 && fBlue <= 0 ) {
      PrintFast(6," black");
   } else {
      PrintFast(2," c");

 void TPostScript::SetTextColor( Color_t cindex )
   // Set color index for text

   fTextColor = cindex;

   SetColor( Int_t(cindex) );

 void TPostScript::Text(Double_t xx, Double_t yy, const char *chars)
   // Write a string of characters
   // This routine writes the string chars into a PostScript file
   // at position xx,yy in world coordinates.
   // Note the special action of the following special characters:
   //       ` : go to Greek
   //       ' : go to special
   //       ~ : go to ZapfDingbats
   //       ? : go to subscript
   //       ^ : go to superscript
   //       ! : go to normal level of script
   //       & : backspace one character
   //       # : end of Greek or of ZapfDingbats
   // Note1: This special characters have no effect on the screen.
   // Note2: To print one of the characters above in the Postscript file
   //        use the escape character "@" in front of the character.

   // npiece= max number of pieces of text ( separated by escape characters)
   const Int_t npiece = 50;
   const Int_t kline  = 80;
   Int_t ifnb[npiece], level[npiece], lback[npiece];
   Double_t ifns[npiece];

   // maximum length of a (PostScript) string
   Int_t ideb, n1, n2, ipiece, fnb;
   ideb = 0;
   const char *psfnb;
   char *pc;
   char *lunps;
   char *scape;
   char *piece[npiece];
   static char newtext[512];
   static char char2[512];
   static char kpiece[kline*npiece];
   static char klunps[80];
   static char pstemp[3];

   Bool_t roman,greek,special,zapf,subscript,superscript,escape;
   Bool_t show;

   const char *cflip = "`'\?^@#!~&";
   static const char *cflipc[] = {"120","47","77","136","100","43","41","176","46"};

   static const char *psfont[] = {
    "/Times-Italic", "/Times-Bold", "/Times-BoldItalic",
    "/Helvetica", "/Helvetica-Oblique", "/Helvetica-Bold",
    "/Helvetica-BoldOblique", "/Courier", "/Courier-Oblique",
    "/Courier-Bold", "/Courier-BoldOblique", "/Symbol","/Times-Roman",
    "/ZapfDingbats", "/Times-Italic", "/Times-Bold", "/Times-BoldItalic",
    "/Helvetica", "/Helvetica-Oblique", "/Helvetica-Bold",
    "/Helvetica-BoldOblique", "/Symbol", "/Times-Roman", "/ZapfDingbats",
    "/Special", "/ZapfChancery-MediumItalic", "/AvantGarde-Book",
    "/AvantGarde-BookOblique", "/AvantGarde-Demi",
    "/AvantGarde-DemiOblique", "/Bookman-Demi", "/Bookman-DemiItalic",
    "/Bookman-Light", "/Bookman-LightItalic", "/Palatino-Roman",
    "/Palatino-Italic", "/Palatino-Bold", "/Palatino-BoldItalic",
    "/NewCenturySchlbk-Roman", "/NewCenturySchlbk-Italic",
    "/NewCenturySchlbk-Bold", "/NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic"};

   const Double_t kDEGRAD = TMath::Pi()/180.;
   Double_t x = xx;
   Double_t y = yy;
   lunps   = &klunps[0];
   if (!gPad) return;
   Int_t nold = strlen(chars);
   if (nold == 0) return;
   if (nold > 512) nold = 512;

   // Compute the font size. Exit if it is 0
   // The font size is computed from the TTF size to get exactly the same
   // size on the screen and in the PostScript file.
   Double_t wh = (Double_t)gPad->XtoPixel(gPad->GetX2());
   Double_t hh = (Double_t)gPad->YtoPixel(gPad->GetY1());
   Float_t tsize, ftsize;

   if (wh < hh) {
      tsize = fTextSize*wh;
      Int_t TTFsize = (Int_t)(tsize*kScale+0.5); // TTF size
      ftsize = (TTFsize*fXsize*gPad->GetAbsWNDC())/wh;
   } else {
      tsize = fTextSize*hh;
      Int_t TTFsize = (Int_t)(tsize*kScale+0.5); // TTF size
      ftsize = (TTFsize*fYsize*gPad->GetAbsHNDC())/hh;
   Double_t fontsize = 4*(72*(ftsize)/2.54);
   if( fontsize <= 0) return;

   Float_t tsizex = gPad->AbsPixeltoX(Int_t(tsize))-gPad->AbsPixeltoX(0);
   Float_t tsizey = gPad->AbsPixeltoY(0)-gPad->AbsPixeltoY(Int_t(tsize));

   Int_t font = abs(fTextFont)/10;
   if( font > 42 || font < 1) font = 1;

   // Text colour and vertical alignment
   Int_t txalh   = fTextAlign/10;
   if (txalh <1) txalh = 1; if (txalh > 3) txalh = 3;
   Int_t txalv   = fTextAlign%10;
   if (txalv <1) txalv = 1; if (txalv > 3) txalv = 3;
   if( txalv == 3) {
      y -= 0.8*tsizey*TMath::Cos(kDEGRAD*fTextAngle);
      x += 0.8*tsizex*TMath::Sin(kDEGRAD*fTextAngle);
   else if( txalv == 2) {
      y -= 0.4*tsizey*TMath::Cos(kDEGRAD*fTextAngle);
      x += 0.4*tsizex*TMath::Sin(kDEGRAD*fTextAngle);

   // The hollow fonts are set on by the roman font number
   show = kFALSE;
   if( font > 14 && font < 25) show = kTRUE;

   // Start a first parsing:
   //   manage the '@' escape character
   //   check if the input string is not too long (J<=505)
   Bool_t curlybracket = kFALSE;
   escape  = kFALSE;
   Int_t j = 0;
   Int_t i = 0;
   Int_t flip;

   for (i=0; i<nold; i++) {
      if( j >= 505) {
         Error("Text", "too many characters in input string (%d)", j);
      if( escape) { escape = kFALSE; continue; }
      if( chars[i] == '{') curlybracket = kTRUE;
      if( chars[i] == '@') {
         for (flip=0; flip<9;flip++) {
            if (chars[i+1] == cflip[flip]) {
               newtext[j] = kBackslash;
               strcpy(&newtext[j], cflipc[flip]);
               j = strlen(&newtext[0]);
               escape = kTRUE;
         if (escape) continue;

   // in case of ntuple selections, escape ! and &
      if (curlybracket) {
         flip = 0;
         if (chars[i] == cflip[6]) flip = 6;
         if (chars[i] == cflip[8]) flip = 8;
         if (flip) {
            newtext[j] = kBackslash;
            strcpy(&newtext[j], cflipc[flip]);
            j = strlen(&newtext[0]);
      if( chars[i] == '\n') continue;
      newtext[j] = chars[i];
      newtext[j] = 0;
   Int_t nchp = strlen(&newtext[0]);

   // Now a second parsing to search for the PostScript
   //  characters (following a \) and ( , ), \  *******
   Int_t iold = 1;
   Int_t inew = 0;
   Int_t nnew = 0;
   Int_t knew = 0;

   // loop on nchp old characters and look for backslash
   while (iold <= nchp ) {

   //              1. find a backslash
   //                 ================
   // if this backslash is not the last character of the string, then
   // study the character following this backslash

      char2[inew] = 0;
      if (newtext[iold-1] == kBackslash)  {
         if ( iold == nchp) goto L60;

   //  1.1  the character following this backslash is also a backslash
         if (newtext[iold] == kBackslash)  {
            char2[inew] = kBackslash;     //  copy both backslashes
            char2[inew] = kBackslash;
            iold++;                    // and go to the next character
            goto LOOPEND;

   //  1.2  the character following this backslash is a parenthesis: ( or )
         if ( newtext[iold] == '('  || newtext[iold] == ')')  {
            char2[inew] = kBackslash;           // copy the backslash and the parenthesis
            char2[inew] = newtext[iold];
            iold++;                            // and go to the following character
            goto LOOPEND;

   //  1.3  the character following this backslash is also a special PostScript character:
   //      \n    linefeed (newline)
   //      \r    carriage return
   //      \t    horizontal tab
   //      \f    form feed
         if (newtext[iold] == 'n'  ||
             newtext[iold] == 'r'  ||
             newtext[iold] == 't'  ||
             newtext[iold] == 'f')  {
             iold++;      // copy nothing and go to the following character
             goto LOOPEND;

   //  1.4  the character following this backslash is the special PostScript character:
   //      \b    back space
         if ( newtext[iold] == 'b')  {
            char2[inew]='&';        // replace the sequence \b by the & escape character
            iold++;                 //  and forget the b
            goto LOOPEND;

   //  1.5  the character following this backslash is a digit between 0 and 7,
   //  which means that the input text contains a string like \123 where
   //  123 is an octal number the accepted ranges are 40-176 and 241-376
   //  ( all others are ASCII control characters )
   //    =>   first, study the range 40-77 (case of 2 digits after the \)
         Int_t k;
         for ( k=40; k<78; k++) {
            sprintf(&pstemp[0],"%d", k);
            Int_t iadd = 0;
            if( strncmp(&pstemp[0], &newtext[iold], 2)) {
               if( newtext[iold] != '0' || strncmp(&pstemp[0], &newtext[iold+1], 2)) continue;
               iadd = 1;
            char2[inew]   = kBackslash;    // OK:copy the backslash and the 2 following digits and add a 0
            char2[inew+1] = '0';
            strncpy(&char2[inew+2], &newtext[iold+iadd], 2);
            inew += 4;
            iold += 2+iadd;              // and go parsing the next following old character
            goto LOOPEND;

   //    =>   then, study the ranges  100-177 and 241-377
   //           (case of 3 digits after the backslash)
         for (k=100; k<378; k++) {
            if( k >= 178  &&  k <= 240) continue;
            sprintf(&pstemp[0],"%d", k);
            if( !strncmp(&pstemp[0], &newtext[iold], 3) ) {
               strncpy(&char2[inew], &newtext[iold-1],4);     // OK:  copy the backslash and the 3 following digits
               inew += 4;
               iold += 3;      //  and go parsing the next following old character
               goto LOOPEND;

   //  1.6 this backslash is followed by nothing understandable in PostScript,
   //   it is an "isolated backslash" which will appear as \\.  Copy two backslashes
         char2[inew] = kBackslash;
         char2[inew] = kBackslash;
         goto LOOPEND;

   // 2. find ( or ) not preceded by a backslash : include one backslash
      else if( newtext[iold-1] == '(' ||  newtext[iold-1] == ')')  {
         if( i == 1 || newtext[iold-2] != kBackslash)  {
            char2[inew] = kBackslash;
            char2[inew] = newtext[iold-1];
            goto LOOPEND;
         goto LOOPEND;

   // 3. treat normal text
      else {
         char2[inew] = newtext[iold-1];
         if (font != 12) { 
            if (char2[inew] == '\345') char2[inew] = '\357';  //a Angstroem
            if (char2[inew] == '\305') char2[inew] = '\362';  //A Angstroem
      char2[inew] = 0;

   // now a third parsing to cut the text into pieces
   // for each piece of text, I define
   //      a. the string content = PIECE(I)
   //      b. the font # = IFNB(I)= font: roman, 12: Greek ,
   //                         14: ZapfdingBats
   //      c. the font size = IFNS(I)
   //      d. a level flag = LEVEL(I) = 1: normal
   //                                   2: superscript
   //                                   3: subscript
   //      e. a "backward" flag = LBACK(I) = 0: normal text ,
   //                                      = 1: superscript and
   //                                           subscript start at
   //                                           the same x
   //                                      = -n: for n backspaces
   char * kl = &kpiece[0];
   for (i=0;i<npiece;i++) {
      piece[i] = kl;
      strcpy(kl," ");
      kl += kline;
      ifns[i]  = 0;
      ifnb[i]  = 0;
      level[i] = 0;
      lback[i] = 0;

   roman       = kTRUE;
   greek       = kFALSE;
   special     = kFALSE;
   zapf        = kFALSE;
   superscript = kFALSE;
   subscript   = kFALSE;

   Int_t nt   = 0;          // NT=number for pieces  of text
   Int_t ich  = 0;
   nchp       = strlen(&char2[0]);
   while (ich < nchp ) {
      Int_t nbas = 0;

   // read character number I and check if it is a escape character
      scape = 0;
      if (TestBit(kLatex)) scape = 0;
      else                 scape  = (char*)strchr(cflip, char2[ich-1]);
      if( scape )  {
         if ( *scape == cflip[0] ) {
                greek = kTRUE;          //- find ` : go to Greek
         else  if( *scape == cflip[1] ) {
                special = kTRUE;        //- find ' : go to special
         else  if( *scape == cflip[2] ) {
                subscript   = kTRUE;      //- find ? : go to subscript
                superscript = kFALSE;
         else  if( *scape == cflip[3] ) {
                superscript = kTRUE;     //- find ^ : go to superscript
                subscript   = kFALSE;
         else  if( *scape == cflip[5] )  {
            roman   = kTRUE;       //- find # : end of special, Greek or of Zapf => go to roman
            zapf    = kFALSE;
            special = kFALSE;
            greek   = kFALSE;
         else  if( *scape == cflip[6] )  {
            superscript = kFALSE;     //- find ! : go to normal level of script
            subscript   = kFALSE;
         else  if( *scape == cflip[7] ) {
                zapf = kTRUE;    //- find ~ : go to ZapfDingbats
         else  if( *scape == cflip[8] )  {
            nbas = 1;                                // find & : backspace is required
            for (j=i; j<nchp;j++) {                  // check if many backspaces are required:
               if( char2[j] != cflip[8] ) break;     // compute how many consecutive backspaces
               nbas++;                               // in the nchp-I remaining characters

   // Since I have to backspace some text, (part of the preceding piece),
   // I define two pieces:
   // a. the string which follows normally the & ( i.e. up to the next
   //    escape character)
   // b. the string to be backspaced, i.e. a part of the preceding piece so
   //    I create a new piece which is a copy the preceding with LBACK<0
            if (nt <= 0) return;
            lback[nt] = -nbas;          // and the other parameters identical
            strcpy(piece[nt], piece[nt-1]);
            ifnb[nt]  = ifnb[nt-1];
            ifns[nt]  = ifns[nt-1];
            level[nt] = 0;     // except the level, since the backspaced piece is not printed
            if( nbas > 1 )  { ich += nbas-1; continue; }    // however, in case of multiple backspaces,
         }                                                  // take the &&&...&&& as a whole
      else {          // the character is not a control character

   // START of a new text: on the first character, or on the
   //    first non escape char. which
         if( ich != 1) scape = (char*)strchr(cflip, char2[ich-2]);
         if (TestBit(kLatex)) scape = 0;
         if( scape || ich == 1)  {
            ideb = ich;
            if( roman)       ifnb[nt]   = font;     //- set font # (IFNB)
            if( greek)       ifnb[nt]   = 12;
            if( zapf)        ifnb[nt]   = 14;
            if( special)     ifnb[nt]   = 25;
            ifns[nt] = fontsize;                    //- set font size (IFNS)
            if( superscript) ifns[nt]   = 0.7*fontsize;
            if( subscript)   ifns[nt]   = 0.7*fontsize;
            level[nt]   = 0;                        //- set level flag (LEVEL)
            if( superscript) level[nt]  = Int_t(0.5 + fontsize/2);
            if( subscript)   level[nt]  = Int_t(0.5 - fontsize/3);
         if( superscript || subscript) lback[nt-1] = 1;     //set LBACK flag (1 for sub/uperscript)

   // END of this text: on the last character or on
   //      the last non escape which precedes an escape (but
   //      the terminating escape character itself is not known)
         if( ich != nchp) scape = (char*)strchr(cflip, char2[ich]);
         if (TestBit(kLatex)) scape = 0;
         if( scape || ich == nchp)  {
            Int_t ifin = ich;                 // compute text length and make one piece
            Int_t ilen = ifin - ideb + 1;     // if length <74 and not 80, because of
            pc = piece[nt-1];                 // () and \040 on the PostScript file
            if( ilen < 74)  {
               strncpy(pc, &char2[ideb-1], ilen);
               pc[ilen] = 0;
               if( char2[ifin-1] == ' ') {     // if the last character is ' '
                  pc[ilen-1] = kBackslash;     // it is replaced with \040
                  strcpy(pc+ilen, "040");
            else {                      // make several pieces if length > 74
               Int_t i1  = ideb;
               Int_t i2  = i1+73;
               Int_t nts = nt;
L120:           // check if CHAR2 will not be cut in the middle of an octal code
               Int_t ib = 0;
               if (char2[i2-3] == kBackslash ) ib = 1;
               if (char2[i2-2] == kBackslash ) ib = 2;
               if (char2[i2-1] == kBackslash ) ib = 3;
               if (ib && i2-i1 == 73 && i2 != nchp) i2 += ib - 4;
               pc = piece[nt-1];                    // copy CHAR2 in the piece number NT
               strncpy(pc, &char2[i1-1], i2-i1+1);    // with I2 readjusted
               pc[i2-i1+1] = 0;
               if( char2[i2-1] == ' ') {
                  Int_t ilp  = strlen(pc);
                  pc[ilp]    = kBackslash;          // if the last character is ' '
                  strcpy(pc+ilp+1, "040");          // it is replaced with \040
               if (i2 != ilen) {
                  i1        = i2+1;
                  if (ilen < i1+73) i2 = ilen;
                  else              i2 = i1+73;
                  ifnb[nt]  = ifnb[nts-1];
                  ifns[nt]  = ifns[nts-1];
                  level[nt] = level[nts-1];
                  lback[nt] = lback[nts-1];
                  goto L120;

   // Finally, a fourth parsing for 3 reasons:
   for (i=0; i<nt; i++) {

   // 1. LEVEL of sub/superscript after a multiple backsp. text:
   //      one has:
   //      i-2: text normally output lback=0
   //      i-1 : text following in superscript mode
   //      i : part of the preceding (not printed) in which one
   //          computes the backspace
   //      i+1: text following the backspace
   //      =>  since PIECE(i-1) and PIECE(I+1) are superposed;
   //      I increase the level such that LEVEL(I-1)=IFNS(I-1)

      if( lback[i] < -1)  {
         if ( i > 0 ) {
            if( level[i-1] > 0) level[i-1] =  (Int_t)ifns[i-1];       //   superscript
            if( level[i-1] < 0) level[i-1] = -(Int_t)ifns[i-1];       //   subscript

   // 2. LEVEL of sub/ superscript after ONE backspaced text:
   //   put the LEVEL to +(current font size) for superscript
   //    and to - (current font size) for subscript
      if ( i > 0 ) {
         if( lback[i-1] == -1)  {
            if( level[i] > 0) level[i] = (Int_t)ifns[i];     //   superscript
            if( level[i] < 0) level[i] =-(Int_t)ifns[i];     //   subscript

   // 3. correct in the Greek text the 4 characters in the /Symbol font
   //   which are not " at their correct place" w.r.t. the HIGZ official table
      if( ifnb[i] == 12)  {
         pc = piece[i];
         for ( j=0;j<(int)strlen(pc);j++) {
            //if(      pc[j] == 'J')  pc[j]='I';
            //else if( pc[j] == 'V')  pc[j]='C';
            //else if( pc[j] == 'C')  pc[j]='H';
            //else if( pc[j] == 'H')  pc[j]='C';
            //else if( pc[j] == 'j')  pc[j]='i';
            //else if( pc[j] == 'v')  pc[j]='c';
            //else if( pc[j] == 'c')  pc[j]='h';
            //else if( pc[j] == 'h')  pc[j]='c';

   // write PS
   // position of text from arguments
   Int_t psangle = Int_t(0.5 + fTextAngle);


   // 1. text is left aligned
   if( txalh <= 1)  {
      sprintf(lunps, " t %d r 0 0 m", psangle);

   // 2. the text is centered or right-adjusted => compute the whole length
   else if( txalh == 2 || txalh == 3)  {

      PrintStr(" /xs 0 def ");   // initialize variable containing the string length

      ipiece = 0;
      ipiece++;                // loop on all pieces and add the length of each piece
      if( ipiece > nt) goto L250;

   // 2.1. ONE backspaced text: forget the piece to be backspaced
   //      and the piece which follows
      if( lback[ipiece-1] == -1)  {
         goto L170;

   // 2.2  backspaced text by more than one backspace
      pc    = piece[ipiece-1];
      fnb   = ifnb[ipiece-1];
      psfnb = psfont[fnb-1];
      if( lback[ipiece-1] < -1)  {
         sprintf(lunps, "(%s)", pc);
         sprintf(lunps, " %d %s%g stwb ", abs(lback[ipiece-1]), psfnb, ifns[ipiece-1]);
         goto L170;

   // 2.3  many superscript and many subscript at the same x
      if( lback[ipiece-1] == 1 && lback[ipiece] == 1)  {
         n1 = 0;
         n2 = 0;
         for (j=ipiece-1;j<nt;j++) {                  // loop on pieces,
            if( lback[j] != 1) break;                 // computes how many pieces with LBACK=1
            if( level[j] == level[ipiece-1]) n1++;    // and check if they are all at the same level
            else           n2++;                      // if yes, this is "standard" text
         if( n1 == 0 || n2 == 0) goto L240;

   // since many fonts are possible in sub/superscript, we output all
   // the pieces in super/subscript then thoses in sub/superscript
         PrintStr(" /s1 0 def ");          //- a) first pieces subscript or superscript
         for (j=ipiece-1;j<nt;j++) {
            if( level[j] != level[ipiece-1]) break;
            Int_t fnbj    = ifnb[j];
            const char * psfnbj = psfont[fnbj-1];
            sprintf(lunps, " %s findfont %g sf",  psfnbj, ifns[ipiece-1]);
            sprintf(lunps," (%s) sw pop s1 add /s1 exch def", piece[j]);
            knew = j+1;

         PrintStr(" /s2 0 def ");        //- b) then superscript or subscript
         for ( j=knew-1;j<nt;j++) {
            if( level[j] != level[knew-1]) break;
            Int_t fnbj    = ifnb[j];
            const char * psfnbj = psfont[fnbj-1];
            sprintf(lunps, " %s findfont %g sf",  psfnbj, ifns[ipiece-1]);
            sprintf(lunps," (%s) sw pop s2 add /s2 exch def", piece[j]);
            nnew = j+1;

   //- between subscript and superscript, which one is the longest?
         PrintStr(" s1 s2 ge { xs s1 add /xs exch def} { xs s2 add /xs exch def} ifelse ");
         ipiece = nnew;          //- since many pieces are treated
         goto L170;              //  :increase piece counter accordingly

   //- 2.4. "standard" text:
      if( lback[ipiece-1] == 0 || lback[ipiece-1] == 1)  {
         pc    = piece[ipiece-1];
         fnb   = ifnb[ipiece-1];
         psfnb = psfont[fnb-1];
         sprintf(lunps,"(%s)", pc);
         sprintf(lunps," %s %g stwn ", psfnb, ifns[ipiece-1]);
      goto L170;

      if( txalh == 2)  {             //- Centered text
         sprintf(lunps," t %d r xs 2 div neg 0 t 0 0 m", psangle);
      else if( txalh == 3)  {       //- Right adjusted text
         sprintf(lunps," t %d r  xs neg 0 t 0 0 m", psangle);

   ipiece = 0;
L260:                       //-   now output the pieces
   pc    = piece[ipiece-1];
   fnb   = ifnb[ipiece-1];
   psfnb = psfont[fnb-1];
   if( ipiece > nt) goto L340;

   // make the PostScript file:
   // 1. ONE backspace: output "piece" to be backspaced AND following piece
   //    first save current graphic state, compute backward distance,
   //    and move to that point
   if( lback[ipiece-1] == -1)  {
      sprintf(lunps,"%s findfont %g sf ", psfnb, ifns[ipiece-1]);
      sprintf(lunps,"(%s)", pc);
      PrintStr(" dup length 1 sub 1 getinterval ");
      sprintf(lunps," stringwidth pop 2 div neg %d rm ", level[ipiece-1]);

   // then, text following one backspace: backspace also 1/2 of text
   //   ( normally one character) print and restore preceding graphic state
      Int_t fnb1   = ifnb[ipiece];
      const char *psfnb1 = psfont[fnb1-1];
      sprintf(lunps," %s findfont %g sf 0 %d rm ",  psfnb1, ifns[ipiece], level[ipiece]);
      sprintf(lunps,"(%s)", piece[ipiece]);
      PrintStr(" stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rm ");
      sprintf(lunps,"(%s)", piece[ipiece]);
      if( show) PrintStr(" oshow");
      else      PrintStr(" show");
      ipiece++;       // since two pieces are treated increase piece counter
      goto L260;

   // 2. Many Backspaces
   if( lback[ipiece-1] < -1)  {

   // first, protect against a number of backspaces larger than
   // the total number of characters in the string to be
   // backspaced
      sprintf(lunps," %d /nbas exch def ", abs(lback[ipiece-1]));
      sprintf(lunps," (%s)", pc);
      PrintStr(" length /tlen exch def nbas tlen gt { /nbas tlen def } if ");
      sprintf(lunps, " %s findfont %g sf",  psfnb, ifns[ipiece-1]);
      sprintf(lunps,"(%s)", pc);
      PrintStr(" dup length nbas sub nbas getinterval stringwidth pop neg 0 t ");
      goto L260;

   // 3.  superscript and subscript at the same x
   if( lback[ipiece-1] == 1 && lback[ipiece] == 1)  {
      for (j=ipiece-1; j<nt; j++) {                 // loop on pieces,
         if( lback[j] != 1) break;                  // computes how many pieces with LBACK=1
         if( level[j] == level[ipiece-1])  n1++;    // if yes, this is "standard" text
         else           n2++;
      if( n1 == 0 || n2 == 0) goto L330;

   // since many fonts are possible in sub/superscript, we output all
   // the pieces in super/subscript then thoses in sub/superscript

   //   a) first pieces subscript or superscript
      sprintf(lunps," 0 %d rm ", level[ipiece-1]);

      for ( j=ipiece-1; j<nt; j++) {
         if( level[j] != level[ipiece-1]) break;
         Int_t fnb1 = ifnb[j];
         const char *psfnb1 = psfont[fnb1-1];
         sprintf(lunps, " %s findfont %g sf",  psfnb1, ifns[ipiece-1]);
         sprintf(lunps,"(%s)", piece[j]);
         if( show) PrintStr(" dup oshow  true charpath currentpoint pop /s1 exch def");
         else      PrintStr(" show currentpoint pop /s1 exch def");
         knew = j + 1;

   //   b) then superscript or subscript

      sprintf(lunps," 0 %d rm ", level[knew-1]);
      for ( j=knew-1; j<nt; j++) {
         if( level[j] != level[knew-1] ) break;
         Int_t fnb1 = ifnb[j];
         const char *psfnb1 = psfont[fnb1-1];
         sprintf(lunps, " %s findfont %g sf",  psfnb1, ifns[ipiece-1]);
         sprintf(lunps,"(%s)", piece[j]);
         if( show) PrintStr(" dup oshow  true charpath currentpoint pop /s2 exch def");
         else      PrintStr(" show currentpoint pop /s2 exch def");
         nnew = j + 1;


   // at which x- value, should one translate the current state?
      PrintStr(" s1 s2 ge {s1 0 t} {s2 0 t} ifelse ");
      ipiece = nnew;           // since many pieces are treated
      goto L260;               // :increase piece counter accordingly

   // 4. "standard" text: output current "piece" of text
   if( lback[ipiece-1] == 0 || lback[ipiece-1] == 1)  {
      fnb   = ifnb[ipiece-1];
      psfnb = psfont[fnb-1];
      sprintf(lunps," %s findfont %g sf 0 %d m ", psfnb, ifns[ipiece-1],level[ipiece-1]);
      sprintf(lunps,"(%s)", piece[ipiece-1]);
      if( show)  {
         PrintStr(" dup oshow");

   // move currentpoint ( if not last piece of text)
         if( ipiece != nt) PrintStr(" true charpath currentpoint pop 0 t ");
      else {
         PrintStr(" show ");

   // move currentpoint ( if not last piece of text)
         if( ipiece != nt) PrintStr(" currentpoint pop 0 t ");
      goto L260;

L340:                 //  end of loop on pieces

   SaveRestore(-1);   // save current graphic state after
                      // the last piece of text

 void TPostScript::TextNDC(Double_t u, Double_t v, const char *chars)
   // Write a string of characters in NDC

   Double_t x = gPad->GetX1() + u*(gPad->GetX2() - gPad->GetX1());
   Double_t y = gPad->GetY1() + v*(gPad->GetY2() - gPad->GetY1());
   Text(x, y, chars);

 Int_t TPostScript::UtoPS(Double_t u)
   // Convert U from NDC coordinate to PostScript

   Double_t cm = fXsize*(gPad->GetAbsXlowNDC() + u*gPad->GetAbsWNDC());
   return Int_t(0.5 + 288*cm/2.54);

 Int_t TPostScript::VtoPS(Double_t v)
   // Convert V from NDC coordinate to PostScript

   Double_t cm = fYsize*(gPad->GetAbsYlowNDC() + v*gPad->GetAbsHNDC());
   return Int_t(0.5 + 288*cm/2.54);

 Int_t TPostScript::XtoPS(Double_t x)
   // Convert X from world coordinate to PostScript

   Double_t u = (x - gPad->GetX1())/(gPad->GetX2() - gPad->GetX1());
   return  UtoPS(u);

 Int_t TPostScript::YtoPS(Double_t y)
   // Convert Y from world coordinate to PostScript

   Double_t v = (y - gPad->GetY1())/(gPad->GetY2() - gPad->GetY1());
   return  VtoPS(v);

 void TPostScript::Zone()
   // Initialize the PostScript page in zones

   if( !fClear )return;
   fClear = kFALSE;

   // When Zone has been called, fZone is TRUE
   fZone = kTRUE;

   if( fIYzone > fNYzone) {
      if( fMode != 3) {
         PrintStr("@%%Page: number ");
      } else {
         PrintFast(9," showpage");

   // No grestore the first time
   if( fMode != 3) {
      if( fIXzone != 1 || fIYzone != 1) SaveRestore(-1);
      PrintFast(5," Zone");
      if( fIXzone > fNXzone) { fIXzone=1; fIYzone++; }

   // Picture Initialisation
   if (fgLineJoin) {
      PrintFast(12," setlinejoin");
   PrintFast(6," 0 0 t");
   fRed     = -1;
   fGreen   = -1;
   fBlue    = -1;
   fPrinted = kFALSE;
   fLineColor  = -1;
   fLineStyle  = -1;
   fLineWidth  = -1;
   fFillColor  = -1;
   fFillStyle  = -1;
   fMarkerSizeCur = -1;

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