/* @(#)root/base:$Name:  $:$Id: GuiTypes.h,v 1.7 2004/05/24 11:24:27 brun Exp $ */

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#ifndef ROOT_GuiTypes
#define ROOT_GuiTypes

//                                                                      //
// GuiTypes                                                             //
//                                                                      //
// Types used by the GUI classes.                                       //
//                                                                      //

#ifndef ROOT_Rtypes
#include "Rtypes.h"

// Basic GUI types
typedef ULong_t            Handle_t;     //Generic resource handle
typedef Handle_t           Display_t;    //Display handle
typedef Handle_t           Visual_t;     //Visual handle
typedef Handle_t           Window_t;     //Window handle
typedef Handle_t           Pixmap_t;     //Pixmap handle
typedef Handle_t           Drawable_t;   //Drawable handle
typedef Handle_t           Region_t;     //Region handle
typedef Handle_t           Colormap_t;   //Colormap handle
typedef Handle_t           Cursor_t;     //Cursor handle
typedef Handle_t           FontH_t;      //Font handle (as opposed to Font_t which is an index)
typedef Handle_t           KeySym_t;     //Key symbol handle
typedef Handle_t           Atom_t;       //WM token
typedef Handle_t           GContext_t;   //Graphics context handle
typedef Handle_t           FontStruct_t; //Pointer to font structure
typedef ULong_t            Pixel_t;      //Pixel value
typedef UInt_t             Mask_t;       //Structure mask type
typedef ULong_t            Time_t;       //Event time

enum EGuiConstants {
   kNotUseful = 0, kWhenMapped = 1, kAlways = 2,
   kIsUnmapped = 0, kIsUnviewable = 1, kIsViewable = 2,
   kInputOutput = 1, kInputOnly = 2,
   kLineSolid = 0, kLineOnOffDash = 1, kLineDoubleDash = 2,
   kCapNotLast = 0, kCapButt = 1, kCapRound = 2, kCapProjecting = 3,
   kJoinMiter = 0, kJoinRound = 1, kJoinBevel = 2,
   kFillSolid = 0, kFillTiled = 1, kFillStippled = 2, kFillOpaqueStippled = 3,
   kEvenOddRule = 0, kWindingRule = 1,
   kClipByChildren = 0, kIncludeInferiors = 1,
   kArcChord = 0, kArcPieSlice = 1

// GUI event types. Later merge with EEventType in Button.h and rename to
// EEventTypes. Also rename in that case kGKeyPress to kKeyPress.
enum EGEventType {
   kGKeyPress, kKeyRelease, kButtonPress, kButtonRelease,
   kMotionNotify, kEnterNotify, kLeaveNotify, kFocusIn, kFocusOut,
   kExpose, kConfigureNotify, kMapNotify, kUnmapNotify, kDestroyNotify,
   kClientMessage, kSelectionClear, kSelectionRequest, kSelectionNotify,
   kColormapNotify, kButtonDoubleClick, kOtherEvent

enum EGraphicsFunction {
   kGXclear = 0,               // 0
   kGXand,                     // src AND dst
   kGXandReverse,              // src AND NOT dst
   kGXcopy,                    // src
   kGXandInverted,             // NOT src AND dst
   kGXnoop,                    // dst
   kGXxor,                     // src XOR dst
   kGXor,                      // src OR dst
   kGXnor,                     // NOT src AND NOT dst
   kGXequiv,                   // NOT src XOR dst
   kGXinvert,                  // NOT dst
   kGXorReverse,               // src OR NOT dst
   kGXcopyInverted,            // NOT src
   kGXorInverted,              // NOT src OR dst
   kGXnand,                    // NOT src OR NOT dst
   kGXset                      // 1

enum { kDefaultScrollBarWidth = 16 };

const Handle_t kNone = 0;
const Handle_t kCopyFromParent = 0;
const Handle_t kParentRelative = 1;

// Attributes that can be used when creating or changing a window
struct SetWindowAttributes_t {
   Pixmap_t   fBackgroundPixmap;     // background or kNone or kParentRelative
   ULong_t    fBackgroundPixel;      // background pixel
   Pixmap_t   fBorderPixmap;         // border of the window
   ULong_t    fBorderPixel;          // border pixel value
   UInt_t     fBorderWidth;          // border width in pixels
   Int_t      fBitGravity;           // one of bit gravity values
   Int_t      fWinGravity;           // one of the window gravity values
   Int_t      fBackingStore;         // kNotUseful, kWhenMapped, kAlways
   ULong_t    fBackingPlanes;        // planes to be preseved if possible
   ULong_t    fBackingPixel;         // value to use in restoring planes
   Bool_t     fSaveUnder;            // should bits under be saved (popups)?
   Long_t     fEventMask;            // set of events that should be saved
   Long_t     fDoNotPropagateMask;   // set of events that should not propagate
   Bool_t     fOverrideRedirect;     // boolean value for override-redirect
   Colormap_t fColormap;             // color map to be associated with window
   Cursor_t   fCursor;               // cursor to be displayed (or kNone)
   Mask_t     fMask;                 // bit mask specifying which fields are valid

// Window attributes that can be inquired
struct WindowAttributes_t {
   Int_t      fX, fY;                 // location of window
   Int_t      fWidth, fHeight;        // width and height of window
   Int_t      fBorderWidth;           // border width of window
   Int_t      fDepth;                 // depth of window
   void      *fVisual;                // the associated visual structure
   Window_t   fRoot;                  // root of screen containing window
   Int_t      fClass;                 // kInputOutput, kInputOnly
   Int_t      fBitGravity;            // one of bit gravity values
   Int_t      fWinGravity;            // one of the window gravity values
   Int_t      fBackingStore;          // kNotUseful, kWhenMapped, kAlways
   ULong_t    fBackingPlanes;         // planes to be preserved if possible
   ULong_t    fBackingPixel;          // value to be used when restoring planes
   Bool_t     fSaveUnder;             // boolean, should bits under be saved?
   Colormap_t fColormap;              // color map to be associated with window
   Bool_t     fMapInstalled;          // boolean, is color map currently installed
   Int_t      fMapState;              // kIsUnmapped, kIsUnviewable, kIsViewable
   Long_t     fAllEventMasks;         // set of events all people have interest in
   Long_t     fYourEventMask;         // my event mask
   Long_t     fDoNotPropagateMask;    // set of events that should not propagate
   Bool_t     fOverrideRedirect;      // boolean value for override-redirect
   void      *fScreen;                // back pointer to correct screen

// Bits telling which SetWindowAttributes_t fields are valid
const Mask_t kWABackPixmap       = BIT(0);
const Mask_t kWABackPixel        = BIT(1);
const Mask_t kWABorderPixmap     = BIT(2);
const Mask_t kWABorderPixel      = BIT(3);
const Mask_t kWABorderWidth      = BIT(4);
const Mask_t kWABitGravity       = BIT(5);
const Mask_t kWAWinGravity       = BIT(6);
const Mask_t kWABackingStore     = BIT(7);
const Mask_t kWABackingPlanes    = BIT(8);
const Mask_t kWABackingPixel     = BIT(9);
const Mask_t kWAOverrideRedirect = BIT(10);
const Mask_t kWASaveUnder        = BIT(11);
const Mask_t kWAEventMask        = BIT(12);
const Mask_t kWADontPropagate    = BIT(13);
const Mask_t kWAColormap         = BIT(14);
const Mask_t kWACursor           = BIT(15);

// Input event masks, used to set SetWindowAttributes_t::fEventMask
// and to be passed to TVirtualX::SelectInput()
const Mask_t kNoEventMask         = 0;
const Mask_t kKeyPressMask        = BIT(0);
const Mask_t kKeyReleaseMask      = BIT(1);
const Mask_t kButtonPressMask     = BIT(2);
const Mask_t kButtonReleaseMask   = BIT(3);
const Mask_t kPointerMotionMask   = BIT(4);
const Mask_t kButtonMotionMask    = BIT(5);
const Mask_t kExposureMask        = BIT(6);
const Mask_t kStructureNotifyMask = BIT(7);
const Mask_t kEnterWindowMask     = BIT(8);
const Mask_t kLeaveWindowMask     = BIT(9);
const Mask_t kFocusChangeMask     = BIT(10);
const Mask_t kOwnerGrabButtonMask = BIT(11);
const Mask_t kColormapChangeMask  = BIT(12);

// Event structure
struct Event_t {
   EGEventType fType;              // of event (see EGEventTypes)
   Window_t    fWindow;            // window reported event is relative to
   Time_t      fTime;              // time event event occured in ms
   Int_t       fX, fY;             // pointer x, y coordinates in event window
   Int_t       fXRoot, fYRoot;     // coordinates relative to root
   UInt_t      fCode;              // key or button code
   UInt_t      fState;             // key or button mask
   UInt_t      fWidth, fHeight;    // width and height of exposed area
   Int_t       fCount;             // if non-zero, at least this many more exposes
   Bool_t      fSendEvent;         // true if event came from SendEvent
   Handle_t    fHandle;            // general resource handle (used for atoms or windows)
   Int_t       fFormat;            // Next fields only used by kClientMessageEvent
   Long_t      fUser[5];           // 5 longs can be used by client message events
                                   // NOTE: only [0], [1] and [2] may be used.
                                   // [1] and [2] may contain >32 bit quantities
                                   // (i.e. pointers on 64 bit machines)

// Key masks, used as modifiers to GrabButton and GrabKey and
// in Event_t::fState in various key-, mouse-, and button-related events
const Mask_t kKeyShiftMask   = BIT(0);
const Mask_t kKeyLockMask    = BIT(1);
const Mask_t kKeyControlMask = BIT(2);
const Mask_t kKeyMod1Mask    = BIT(3);   // typically the Alt key
const Mask_t kButton1Mask    = BIT(8);
const Mask_t kButton2Mask    = BIT(9);
const Mask_t kButton3Mask    = BIT(10);
const Mask_t kButton4Mask    = BIT(11);
const Mask_t kButton5Mask    = BIT(12);
const Mask_t kAnyModifier    = BIT(15);

// Button names. Used as arguments to GrabButton and as Event_t::fCode
// for button events. Maps to the X11 values.
enum EMouseButton { kAnyButton, kButton1, kButton2, kButton3,
                    kButton4, kButton5 };

// Some magic X notify modes used in TGTextEntry widget.
// Values must match the ones in /usr/include/X11/X.h. Check when porting.
enum EXMagic { kNotifyNormal = 0, kNotifyGrab = 1, kNotifyUngrab = 2,
               kNotifyPointer = 5, kColormapUninstalled = 0,
               kColormapInstalled = 1 };

// Graphics context structure
struct GCValues_t {
   EGraphicsFunction fFunction;  // logical operation
   ULong_t  fPlaneMask;          // plane mask
   ULong_t  fForeground;         // foreground pixel
   ULong_t  fBackground;         // background pixel
   Int_t    fLineWidth;          // line width
   Int_t    fLineStyle;          // kLineSolid, kLineOnOffDash, kLineDoubleDash
   Int_t    fCapStyle;           // kCapNotLast, kCapButt,
                                 // kCapRound, kCapProjecting
   Int_t    fJoinStyle;          // kJoinMiter, kJoinRound, kJoinBevel
   Int_t    fFillStyle;          // kFillSolid, kFillTiled,
                                 // kFillStippled, kFillOpaeueStippled
   Int_t    fFillRule;           // kEvenOddRule, kWindingRule
   Int_t    fArcMode;            // kArcChord, kArcPieSlice
   Pixmap_t fTile;               // tile pixmap for tiling operations
   Pixmap_t fStipple;            // stipple 1 plane pixmap for stipping
   Int_t    fTsXOrigin;          // offset for tile or stipple operations
   Int_t    fTsYOrigin;
   FontH_t  fFont;               // default text font for text operations
   Int_t    fSubwindowMode;      // kClipByChildren, kIncludeInferiors
   Bool_t   fGraphicsExposures;  // boolean, should exposures be generated
   Int_t    fClipXOrigin;        // origin for clipping
   Int_t    fClipYOrigin;
   Pixmap_t fClipMask;           // bitmap clipping; other calls for rects
   Int_t    fDashOffset;         // patterned/dashed line information
   Char_t   fDashes[8];          // dash pattern list (dash length per byte)
   Int_t    fDashLen;            // number of dashes in fDashes
   Mask_t   fMask;               // bit mask specifying which fields are valid

   GCValues_t() { // default constructor
      fFunction = kGXcopy;
      fPlaneMask = 0;
      fForeground = 0;
      fBackground = 1;
      fLineWidth = 0;
      fLineStyle = kLineSolid;
      fCapStyle = kCapButt;
      fJoinStyle = kJoinMiter;
      fFillStyle = kFillSolid; 
      fFillRule = kEvenOddRule;
      fArcMode = kArcPieSlice;
      fTile = 0;
      fStipple = 0;
      fTsXOrigin = 0;
      fTsYOrigin = 0;
      fFont = 0;
      fSubwindowMode = kClipByChildren;
      fGraphicsExposures = kTRUE;
      fClipXOrigin = 0;
      fClipYOrigin = 0;
      fClipMask = 0;
      fDashOffset = 0;
      fDashes[0] = 5; // dashed
      fDashes[1] = 5;
      for (int i=2; i<8; i++) fDashes[i] = 0;
      fDashLen = 2;
      fMask = 0;

// Bits telling which GCValues_t fields are valid
const Mask_t kGCFunction          = BIT(0);
const Mask_t kGCPlaneMask         = BIT(1);
const Mask_t kGCForeground        = BIT(2);
const Mask_t kGCBackground        = BIT(3);
const Mask_t kGCLineWidth         = BIT(4);
const Mask_t kGCLineStyle         = BIT(5);
const Mask_t kGCCapStyle          = BIT(6);
const Mask_t kGCJoinStyle         = BIT(7);
const Mask_t kGCFillStyle         = BIT(8);
const Mask_t kGCFillRule          = BIT(9);
const Mask_t kGCTile              = BIT(10);
const Mask_t kGCStipple           = BIT(11);
const Mask_t kGCTileStipXOrigin   = BIT(12);
const Mask_t kGCTileStipYOrigin   = BIT(13);
const Mask_t kGCFont              = BIT(14);
const Mask_t kGCSubwindowMode     = BIT(15);
const Mask_t kGCGraphicsExposures = BIT(16);
const Mask_t kGCClipXOrigin       = BIT(17);
const Mask_t kGCClipYOrigin       = BIT(18);
const Mask_t kGCClipMask          = BIT(19);
const Mask_t kGCDashOffset        = BIT(20);
const Mask_t kGCDashList          = BIT(21);
const Mask_t kGCArcMode           = BIT(22);

struct ColorStruct_t {
   ULong_t   fPixel;    // color pixel value (index in color table)
   UShort_t  fRed;      // red component (0..65535)
   UShort_t  fGreen;    // green component (0..65535)
   UShort_t  fBlue;     // blue component (0..65535)
   UShort_t  fMask;     // mask telling which color components are valid

// Bits telling which ColorStruct_t fields are valid
const Mask_t kDoRed   = BIT(0);
const Mask_t kDoGreen = BIT(1);
const Mask_t kDoBlue  = BIT(2);

struct PictureAttributes_t {
   Colormap_t   fColormap;   // colormap to use
   Int_t        fDepth;      // depth of window
   UInt_t       fWidth;      // width of picture
   UInt_t       fHeight;     // height of picture
   UInt_t       fXHotspot;   // picture x hotspot coordinate
   UInt_t       fYHotspot;   // picture y hotspot coordinate
   ULong_t     *fPixels;     // list of used color pixels (if set use delete[])
   UInt_t       fNpixels;    // number of used color pixels
   UInt_t       fCloseness;  // allowable RGB deviation
   Mask_t       fMask;       // mask specifying which attributes are defined

// PictureAttributes_t masks bits
const Mask_t kPAColormap     = BIT(0);
const Mask_t kPADepth        = BIT(1);
const Mask_t kPASize         = BIT(2);   // width and height
const Mask_t kPAHotspot      = BIT(3);   // x and y hotspot
const Mask_t kPAReturnPixels = BIT(4);
const Mask_t kPACloseness    = BIT(5);

// Initial window mapping state
enum EInitialState {
   kNormalState = BIT(0),
   kIconicState = BIT(1)

// Used for drawing line segments (maps to the X11 XSegments structure)
struct Segment_t {
   Short_t fX1, fY1, fX2, fY2;

// Point structure (maps to the X11 XPoint structure)
struct Point_t {
   Short_t fX, fY;

// Rectangle structure (maps to the X11 XRectangle structure)
struct Rectangle_t {
   Short_t  fX, fY;
   UShort_t fWidth, fHeight;

// Atoms used for text cut and paste between windows
const Atom_t kPrimarySelection = 1;  // magic values, must match the ones
const Atom_t kCutBuffer        = 9;  // in /usr/include/X11/Xatom.h
const Int_t  kMaxPixel         = 32000;


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