// @(#)root/geom:$Name:  $:$Id: TGeoMaterial.cxx,v 1.17 2004/11/04 10:38:21 brun Exp $
// Author: Andrei Gheata   25/10/01

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

// Full description with examples and pictures
/* */ //

#include "TMath.h"
#include "TObjArray.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
#include "TGeoManager.h"
#include "TGeoMaterial.h"

// statics and globals


// Default constructor
   fIndex    = -1;
   fShader   = 0;
   fA        = 0;
   fZ        = 0;
   fDensity  = 0;
   fRadLen   = 0;
   fIntLen   = 0;       
   fCerenkov = 0;
 TGeoMaterial::TGeoMaterial(const char *name)
             :TNamed(name, "")
// constructor
   fIndex    = -1;
   fShader   = 0;
   fA        = 0;
   fZ        = 0;
   fDensity  = 0;
   fRadLen   = 0;
   fIntLen   = 0;
   fCerenkov = 0;
   if (!gGeoManager) {
      gGeoManager = new TGeoManager("Geometry", "default geometry");
 TGeoMaterial::TGeoMaterial(const char *name, Double_t a, Double_t z, 
                Double_t rho, Double_t radlen, Double_t intlen)
             :TNamed(name, "")
// constructor
   fShader   = 0;
   fIndex    = -1;
   fA        = a;
   fZ        = z;
   fDensity  = rho;
   fCerenkov = 0;
   SetRadLen(radlen, intlen);
   if (!gGeoManager) {
      gGeoManager = new TGeoManager("Geometry", "default geometry");
   if (fZ - Int_t(fZ) > 1E-3)
      Warning("ctor", "Material %s defined with fractional Z=%f", GetName(), fZ);
 TGeoMaterial::TGeoMaterial(const char *name, TGeoElement *elem,
                Double_t rho)
             :TNamed(name, "")
// constructor
   fShader   = 0;
   fIndex    = -1;
   fA        = elem->A();
   fZ        = elem->Z();
   fDensity  = rho;
   fCerenkov = 0;
   if (!gGeoManager) {
      gGeoManager = new TGeoManager("Geometry", "default geometry");
   if (fZ - Int_t(fZ) > 1E-3)
      Warning("ctor", "Material %s defined with fractional Z=%f", GetName(), fZ);
// Destructor

 void TGeoMaterial::SetRadLen(Double_t radlen, Double_t intlen)
// Set radiation/absorbtion lengths
   fRadLen = radlen;
   fIntLen = intlen;
   if (fA > 0 && fRadLen <= 0) {
      //taken grom Geant3 routine GSMATE
      const Double_t ALR2AV=1.39621E-03, AL183=5.20948;
      fRadLen = fA/(ALR2AV*fDensity*fZ*(fZ +TGeoMaterial::ScreenFactor(fZ))*

 Double_t TGeoMaterial::Coulomb(Double_t z)
   // static function
   //  Compute Coulomb correction for pair production and Brem 
   //                        FORMULA 2.7.17
   const Double_t ALPHA = 7.29927E-03;

   Double_t AZ    = ALPHA*z;
   Double_t AZ2   = AZ*AZ;
   Double_t AZ4   =   AZ2 * AZ2;
   Double_t FP    = ( 0.0083*AZ4 + 0.20206 + 1./(1.+AZ2) ) * AZ2;
   Double_t FM    = ( 0.0020*AZ4 + 0.0369  ) * AZ4;
   return FP - FM;

 Bool_t TGeoMaterial::IsEq(const TGeoMaterial *other) const
// return true if the other material has the same physical properties
   if (other==this) return kTRUE;
   if (other->IsMixture()) return kFALSE;
   if (TMath::Abs(fA-other->GetA())>1E-3) return kFALSE;
   if (TMath::Abs(fZ-other->GetZ())>1E-3) return kFALSE;
   if (TMath::Abs(fDensity-other->GetDensity())>1E-6) return kFALSE;
   if (GetCerenkovProperties() != other->GetCerenkovProperties()) return kFALSE;
//   if (fRadLen != other->GetRadLen()) return kFALSE;
//   if (fIntLen != other->GetIntLen()) return kFALSE;
   return kTRUE;
 void TGeoMaterial::Print(const Option_t * /*option*/) const
// print characteristics of this material
   printf("Material %s %s   A=%g Z=%g rho=%g radlen=%g index=%i\n", GetName(), GetTitle(),
          fA,fZ,fDensity, fRadLen, fIndex);
 Int_t TGeoMaterial::GetDefaultColor() const
   Int_t id = 1+ gGeoManager->GetListOfMaterials()->IndexOf(this);
   return (2+id%6);

 TGeoElement *TGeoMaterial::GetElement(Int_t) const
   TGeoElementTable *table = TGeoElementTable::Instance();
   return table->GetElement(Int_t(fZ));

 Int_t TGeoMaterial::GetIndex()
// Retreive material index in the list of materials
   if (fIndex>=0) return fIndex;
   TList *matlist = gGeoManager->GetListOfMaterials();
   fIndex = matlist->IndexOf(this);
   return fIndex;
 * TGeoMixture - mixtures of elements 

// Default constructor
   fNelements  = 0;
   fZmixture   = 0;
   fAmixture   = 0;
   fWeights    = 0;
TGeoMixture::TGeoMixture(const char *name, Int_t nel, Double_t rho)
// constructor
   if (nel == 0) {
      fZmixture   = 0;
      fAmixture   = 0;
      fWeights    = 0;
   } else {
      fZmixture = new Double_t[nel];
      fAmixture = new Double_t[nel];
      fWeights  = new Double_t[nel];
   fNelements  = nel;
   for (Int_t j=0;j<fNelements;j++) {
      fZmixture[j] = 0;
      fAmixture[j] = 0;
      fWeights[j]  = 0;
   fDensity = rho; //TO BE CORRECTED
   if (fDensity < 0) fDensity = 0.001;
// Destructor
   if (fZmixture) delete[] fZmixture;
   if (fAmixture) delete[] fAmixture;
   if (fWeights)  delete[] fWeights;
void TGeoMixture:: DefineElement(Int_t i, Double_t a, Double_t z, Double_t weight)
// add an element to the mixture
   if ((i<0) || (i>fNelements)) {
      Error("DefineElement", "wrong index iel=%i in mixture %s, max is %d", i, GetName(), fNelements);
   fZmixture[i] = z;
   fAmixture[i] = a;
   fWeights[i]  = weight;
   if (z - Int_t(z) > 1E-3)
      Warning("DefineElement", "Mixture %s has element defined with fractional Z=%f", GetName(), z);
   //compute equivalent radiation length (taken from Geant3/GSMIXT)
   const Double_t ALR2AV = 1.39621E-03 , AL183 =5.20948;
   Double_t radinv = 0;
   fA = 0;
   fZ = 0;
   for (Int_t j=0;j<fNelements;j++) {
      if (fWeights[j] <= 0) continue;
      fA += fWeights[j]*fAmixture[j];
      fZ += fWeights[j]*fZmixture[j];
      Double_t zc = fZmixture[j];
      Double_t alz = TMath::Log(zc)/3.;
      Double_t xinv = zc*(zc+TGeoMaterial::ScreenFactor(zc))*
      radinv += xinv*fWeights[j];
   radinv *= ALR2AV*fDensity;
   if (radinv > 0) fRadLen = 1/radinv;

void TGeoMixture:: DefineElement(Int_t i, TGeoElement *elem, Double_t weight)
   DefineElement(i, elem->A(), elem->Z(), weight);

void TGeoMixture:: DefineElement(Int_t iel, Int_t z, Int_t natoms)
// Define the mixture element at index iel by number of atoms in the chemical formula.
   Int_t i;
   if ((iel<0) || (iel>fNelements)) {
      Error("DefineElement", "wrong index iel=%i in mixture %s, max is %d", iel, GetName(), fNelements);
   TGeoElementTable *table = TGeoElementTable::Instance();
   TGeoElement *elem = table->GetElement(z);
   if (!elem) Fatal("DefineElement", "In mixture %s, element with Z=%i not found",GetName(),z);
   fZmixture[iel] = elem->Z();
   fAmixture[iel] = elem->A();
   fWeights[iel]  = natoms;
   Double_t amol = 0.;
   for (i=0; i<fNelements; i++) {
      if (fWeights[i]<=0) return;
      amol += fAmixture[i]*fWeights[i];
   for (i=0; i<fNelements; i++) {
      fWeights[i] *= fAmixture[i]/amol;
      DefineElement(i, fAmixture[i], fZmixture[i], fWeights[i]);

TGeoElement *TGeoMixture::GetElement(Int_t i) const
   if (i<0 || i>=fNelements) {
      Error("GetElement", "Mixture %s has only %d elements", GetName(), fNelements);
      return 0;
   TGeoElementTable *table = TGeoElementTable::Instance();
   return table->GetElement(Int_t(fZmixture[i]));

Bool_t TGeoMixture::IsEq(const TGeoMaterial *other) const
// return true if the other material has the same physical properties
   if (other->IsEqual(this)) return kTRUE;
   if (!other->IsMixture()) return kFALSE;
   TGeoMixture *mix = (TGeoMixture*)other;
   if (!mix) return kFALSE;
   if (fNelements != mix->GetNelements()) return kFALSE;
   if (TMath::Abs(fA-other->GetA())>1E-3) return kFALSE;
   if (TMath::Abs(fZ-other->GetZ())>1E-3) return kFALSE;
   if (TMath::Abs(fDensity-other->GetDensity())>1E-6) return kFALSE;
   if (GetCerenkovProperties() != other->GetCerenkovProperties()) return kFALSE;
//   if (fRadLen != other->GetRadLen()) return kFALSE;
//   if (fIntLen != other->GetIntLen()) return kFALSE;
   for (Int_t i=0; i<fNelements; i++) {
      if (TMath::Abs(fZmixture[i]-(mix->GetZmixt())[i])>1E-3) return kFALSE;
      if (TMath::Abs(fAmixture[i]-(mix->GetAmixt())[i])>1E-3) return kFALSE;
      if (TMath::Abs(fWeights[i]-(mix->GetWmixt())[i])>1E-3) return kFALSE;
   return kTRUE;
void TGeoMixture::Print(const Option_t * /*option*/) const
// print characteristics of this material
   printf("Mixture %s %s   Aeff=%g Zeff=%g rho=%g radlen=%g index=%i\n", GetName(), GetTitle(),
          fA,fZ,fDensity, fRadLen, fIndex);
   for (Int_t i=0; i<fNelements; i++) {
      printf("   Element #%i : Z=%6.2f A=%6.2f w=%6.2f\n", i, fZmixture[i],
             fAmixture[i], fWeights[i]);

 Double_t TGeoMaterial::ScreenFactor(Double_t z)
   // static function
   //  Compute screening factor for pair production and Bremstrahlung
   //                        FORMULA 2.7.22
   const Double_t AL183= 5.20948 , AL1440 = 7.27239;
   Double_t ALZ  = TMath::Log(z)/3.;
   Double_t factor = (AL1440 - 2*ALZ) / (AL183 - ALZ - TGeoMaterial::Coulomb(z));
   return factor;

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